Mr. Yuan's Dilemma: Can't Help Falling in Love with You

You Haven't Eaten for a Long Time. Take It Easy.

You Haven't Eaten for a Long Time. Take It Easy.

"Mr Shao, may I remind you that this is the hospital." "Even if you want to eat meat, you should find a suitable place. The patients particularly those in the cardiology ward would not be able to accept such stimulation."     

Yuan Xuan's words caused Shao Yibai's lips to twitch, and he smiled. "Daisy, hang in there."     

Su Qingcheng's face reddened. "Hang your head!"     

As she replied, she wanted to flip over to get up. However, Shao Yibai's action was quicker than hers. The man leaped down from the bed and stood firmly, pulling Su Qingcheng into his arms in one smooth move.     

"Are you this anxious?" "Hmm?"     

Shao Yibai held the woman tightly in his arms and exerted force.     

Su Qingcheng was well aware that she was not a compatible opponent of Shao Yibai. In front of so many people, she was angered and annoyed, but she dared not retaliate.     

"Yuan Xuan, I'll leave the rest of the matters to you. I'm going to eat meat!"     

Shao Yibai cast Yuan Xuan a "this is my day" glance.     

Yuan Xuan shrugged and could not help but smiled, his gentle tone plainly said, "You haven't eaten for a long time. Take it easy."     

Mu Chenyan saw Su Qingcheng signaling for help with her eyes, and she was somewhat anxious. She could only expose Shao Yibai's tricks, but she could not stop him from taking her away.     

"Shao Yibai, you..."     

The moment Mu Chenyan opened her mouth, Yuan Xuan pulled his woman back and warned.     

"Little Chenyan, if you have so much energy to care about other people's business, then you should go home and exercise with me."     

When Mu Chenyan heard this man's shameless words, she snorted and plainly said, "Do you think I'm a fool?" "Do you think that I'm not aware that Shao Yibai has a place in Qingcheng's heart?" "I only want to remind him..."     

While speaking, Mu Chenyan took out a box of "little sheaths" and tossed it to Su Qingcheng. "I just bought it in the afternoon. I'll lend it to you first."     

Yuan Xuan was speechless.     

Su Qingcheng was also at a loss for words.     

Shao Yibai smiled gleefully and caught the box of little sheaths on behalf of Su Qingcheng. He then remarked, "Little Chenyan is so considerate and is definitely much more competent than that fellow Yuan Xuan."     

Looking at the packaging, he smiled gleefully, "Speaking of which, my size is probably bigger than Yuan Xuan's."     

Yuan Xuan's eyes were like a vast expanse. "Joker!" "That little thing of yours?" "Has it even gone through puberty?"     

Shao Yibai gave a snort. "Whether it's big or small, Daisy knows!"     

Su Qingcheng replied, "Shao Yibai, would it cost you your life to not speak?"     

Mu Chenyan also felt helpless regarding the exceedingly childish behavior displayed by the two men.     

She cast Su Qingcheng an "I can only help you this much" look as Shao Yibai dragged her away.     

Su Qingcheng staggered along. She resisted with her small hands, but she could not overcome Shao Yibai.     

Seeing them leave, Mu Chenyan turned around and said to Yuan Xuan, "You better explain to me what's all that about."     

"Shao Yibai went to look for Su Qingcheng and parked his car at the car wash center. The car wash boy said that he had never driven a Ferrari, so he secretly took the car out for a spin and got into an accident. That was what happened."     

Yuan Xuan's tone was indifferent and bland. He had lent that car to Shao Yibai, but now it was wrecked by the car wash boy who had secretly driven it. He had even paid for that boy's medical fees.     

Logically speaking, the one who was down on his luck should be Yuan Xuan.     

Mu Chenyan let out a sigh, "You guys are really childish." "You actually used this matter to scare Qingcheng."     

"I'm not surprised by whatever Shao Yibai does." "He had an abnormal activity when Aunty was pregnant with him. I heard that he was rushing to come out, so he was delivered when he was only seven months plus."     

Speaking about giving birth, Yuan Xuan recalled that Mu Chenyan had actually stuffed that kind of plaything in her purse, and his gaze turned chilly. "It's your turn to give an explanation."     

"On what?" Mu Chenyan was puzzled, and her face that was fair like jade had an inexplicable innocence.     

Yuan Xuan's gaze had never averted from this woman, and he put on an "I'll see how you're going to bluff through it" expression.     

Mu Chenyan suddenly recalled that box of "little sheaths" and chuckled bitterly. She could not be telling Yuan Xuan that she had been secretly consuming Marvelon and that it was best to not have a child within the first six months she was off the pills.     

"Nothing. It's just that I have been feeling quite exhausted recently, so I don't want to have a child under this kind of circumstances."     

What Mu Chenyan had just said was also the truth. Once she was busy, she would not have the time to have proper meals. This kind of physical condition was not the state to have a child.     

She did not know whether she was being seized by a whim and suddenly thought of having a child of Yuan Xuan's and hers.     

"Then stop going to work."     

Yuan Xuan was a little annoyed, his cold gaze swept across Mu Chenyan.     

"Don't mess around!" "I didn't say that I don't want. It's just that the timing isn't right."     

The woman had a fit and was slightly peeved.     

Mu Chenyan flung her arms and was prepared to leave. Yuan Xuan followed from behind with some resentment. Only Tian Qi was left behind, and he could not make heads or tails of the situation.     


"Shao Yibai, where are you taking me?"     

Su Qingcheng was forcefully pushed into the car by Shao Yibai. All her resistance was noted by Shao Yibai as she was like a mudfish burrowing in the mud.     

"Shao Yibai, don't mess around, alright?"     

Su Qingcheng pulled the door handle in the passenger seat and confirmed that it could not be opened. On the other side, Shao Yibai had begun to fasten his seatbelt.     

The man looked at Su Qingcheng and said in a low voice, "Fasten your seatbelt too. I drive fast at night."     

Su Qingcheng was mad, and she pulled hard at the seatbelt.     

The car dashed like the wind all the way to the west.     

Su Qingcheng knew that Shao Yibai was staying at one of the Yuan Family's mansion, but this was not the road to the mansion.     

"Where are we heading to?"     

"Stop asking." "You'd know once we arrived."     

Shao Yibai focused his attention on driving. His gaze was deep and alluring. Coupled with his tall nose and sexy lips, he was perfect to the extent that even women would feel inferior.     

Even though he was this bewitching, this man who had mingled in Capital City's millions of flowers and had the title of the first male socialite had a ridiculous stubbornness.     

She was merely an orphan he had saved back then.     

Qiong Hai Holiday Villa welcomed this honorable guest in the middle of the night, and everybody hustled and bustled around.     

The second week Shao Yibai was in Luo Hai, he had discovered this nice place. There was a hot spring spa, the surrounding was elegant and and there were not many visitors. It was fitting to bring a woman here for a holiday.     

He had considered bringing her here way earlier, but Su Qingcheng had been lukewarm to him and distancing herself from him.     

Hence, the matter dragged on and on. If it was not for that accident today, he might not have even been able to catch hold of this woman at all.     

He would not even get to overhear the secrets in her heart that were spilled out in times of desperation.     

Recalling the moment when she was crying and lamenting that he was the only one whom she had loved in her lifetime, Shao Yibai's mood was extremely pleasant.     

"Mr Shao, is it the usual room?"     

The waiter here seemed to be very familiar with Shao Yibai. The moment Shao Yibai entered, the waiter had already prepared his preferred room.     

Su Qingcheng glanced around, and the people around also sized her up.     

Shao Yibai had visited this place a couple of times, but it was the first time he had brought a woman along. Her features were beautiful except for the overly bland expression. Compared to the women elsewhere who were full of heavy make-up, this one before their eyes were the likes of a greenhorn.     

The man dragged Su Qingcheng along the long corridor and completely ignored her protest.     

"Shao Yibai, can you be rational?" Su Qingcheng was a little angered.     

"No!" Shao Yibai said in a righteous manner, and his body pressed onto hers, pushing her against the wall...     

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