Lady to Queen



Meanwhile, Rafaella was shooting her bow like a fish that had met water. She made a satisfied expression only after replacing the quiver two more times, and the other knights who had followed her were looking at that with an exasperated expression.     

They had heard that her skills were getting better these days, but they didn't know it was to this point. She looked pleased with a satisfied face at the amount of the prey piled up behind her.     

Ah, this would be enough for the winning prize, right? Rafaella, who counted the number of prey with an excited look, soon remembered something, and her face became a little serious.     

"I wonder if Her Majesty is doing well."     

She had told her she would follow, but Patrizia had rejected her request. Although it wasn't that she didn't know Patrizia's desire to enjoy her own time freely... she just felt a little uneasy. Rafaella asked another knight that was behind her.     

"Sir Rasil, do you know where Her Majesty is?"     

"I wouldn't know."     

Honestly, it was a pretty stupid question. How could Sir Rasil know the answer to that? It's not like there was a tracker on Patrizia. Rafaella rebuked herself.     

It was too easy.     

She shouldn't have just listened and sent Her Majesty off alone. Moreover, at this time!     

Rafaella turned her reins around with a look of frustration. The horse she was on top of began to roughly gallop. She hoped everything was just useless worries. She hoped everything was her own delusion.     

Brewing the herb into herbal medicine was actually the best way to consume it, but currently, in a cave, she was without anything right now. Patrizia returned to the cave and wondered how to feed him this herb. There was no right way. The best way would be for Lucio to chew it up all on his own, but she couldn't expect an unconscious person to do even the smallest exercise. But that didn't mean there were any tools to brew the herbs either.     

So how in the world would she feed him this? Patrizia was at a loss. In order to make it even more effective, she had to feed him this herb as quickly as possible. While trying to figure out a way, Patrizia burst into laughter without realizing, as an absurd thought momentarily came to mind. No, she could try all other methods besides that. How can she, with this man…     

Patrizia shook her head as if that could never happen. That was just never going to happen. Patrizia stared at Lucio, who was still unconscious and laid out, with a disgusted expression.     

He still had his eyes closed as if he were dead, and he really seemed to be dead, if it wasn't for the slightest breath that could be heard.     

Patrizia bit her lips while alternately looking at Lucio and the sculler that was in her hands. She muttered to herself momentarily.     

"What are you doing, Patrizia?"     

She must have gone crazy. She was not in a situation to be weighing in on her feelings right now. She must have gone crazy. After suffering through all that trouble, she was trying to kick away the most obvious and beneficial method for both of them, because of her feelings that she didn't want to. She had gone crazy.     

Patrizia soon put the sculler in her mouth with a decided look, showing she had no choice. The method she chose was to chew the sculler into pulp herself, squeeze out the juice, and pour it into his mouth. It really wasn't what she wanted to do, but for now, this was the most reliable and efficient thing to do.     

Moreover, if she squeezed it into a pulp in her mouth, a small amount of juice could be absorbed in her own body, and both could see a therapeutic effect. For now, this was definitely the best.     

Patrizia constantly hypnotized herself as she continued to chew on the sculler again and again. Being careful to not let any juice leak out, Patrizia did her best to chew up as much juice as possible.     

Eventually, a good amount was in her mouth, and Patrizia carefully placed her face close to Lucio's face. She slowly used her hand to open Lucio's mouth. His mouth opened easily because he was unconscious. Carefully overlapping her lips with his, the juice in her mouth passed on into his mouth.     

Only then did the reassured Patrizia sigh out with relief. The important thing was that this all passed through his throat, so Patrizia did not take her lips off his until he had completely swallowed everything in his mouth.     

Finally, when the sculler's bitter scent became one between his and her lips, Patrizia finally lifted her lips away from him. Patrizia, licked off everything on her lips, without leaving a drop of sculler juice, and sighed as she shook her head. Now she had done everything she could. The rest was left to heaven.     


Patrizia looked at Lucio, who was still without consciousness, with a blank expression.     

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