Lady to Queen



Mirya erased all the words she had shared with Lucio earlier in the day, and then came back to the original situation.     

"Right, you have to send off your envoys' wives this morning. They are apparently leaving for their Empire after breakfast. It would be good for you to be prepared."     

"I will, Mirya. Thank you."     

"Your body isn't perhaps feeling very sick? Shall we call the court physician?"     

"It's fine. For now… I don't think so."     

Patrizia brushed up her long turquoise hair with a bit of a conflicted look and then told Mirya.     

"First of all, it would be better to have breakfast first."     

Meanwhile, Rosemond was awakened from sleeping alone with the shocking news from the morning, and she became furious after hearing about it.     

"His Majesty went to the Empress Palace last night?"     

It was unbelievable. It was Lucio who had looked for her even on the first day of the wedding night. How could he ... When Rosemond struggled with the betrayal, Glara talked to her as if to calm her down.     

"I don't know the details, but it was said that both His Majesty and Her Majesty arrived at the Empress Palace last night drenched from the heavy rain. It was raining too much and he had stayed on overnight ..."     

"So, that! It means that the two of them met together during such a conspicuous time at night. No?"     

When Rosemond pointed out the most important facts, Glara hesitated for a moment and gave a positive answer.     

"… I think it's right."     


Rosemond released a wild breath. How could he do this to her? She thought he went to the Empress Palace to pick a fight about the scars on her cheek, but instead, he had gone to spend the night with the Empress?     

Rosemond grasped the white bed linen to calm down her body that was trembling with anger. She jumped up as if she couldn't stand it any longer. As she looked at Rosemond taking hold of her shawl, Glara asked, with an expression that doubted, "My, my Lady, surely… You're not going to the Empress Palace, are you?"     

"Why not? You're right."     


She tried to stop Rosemond with her dried-up face. This could not be. Disregarding anything else, this was definitely not the way to go. Now was the time for Rosemond to restrain herself, not involve herself.     

There was already yesterday's work that had firmly placed her on the bad side of the Empress, and gained a weakness, if she acted out like this it would only backfire badly on her.     

Glara wondered how she should somehow stop Rosemond.     

"Lady, it has been less than a day since what happened yesterday, and it is too reckless to go to the Empress again. Strictly speaking, last night was not the fault of Her Majesty either, so just this incident..."     

However, Rosemond left the room putting on the shawl, lightly trampling all over Glara's words.     

Alas, her master had great strength even in the morning.     

Glara helplessly followed Rosemond with a nervous look. She just hoped that nothing bad would happen.     

Patrizia was shocked to the utmost. The news she had heard as soon as she finished her makeup, to see off the envoys' wives after breakfast, was the news of Rosemond's visit. At the same time, she thought that this was a woman with great guts, and thought that things seemed to be weirdly twisted since yesterday.     

It wasn't anything good anyway. She had met with two of the most unlikable people in this Imperial Palace too many times.     

Looking at Rosemond who seemed to boast a spirit that lasted since yesterday, Patrizia made a tired expression as she looked at her that could not be even said to be friendly. As she did so, Rosemond gave her a keen look and picked a fight.     

"You look tired, Your Majesty."     

"I was not that tired at first, but I am more tired now that you have come. How can you possibly have come to visit me? I think we both know that we have an uncomfortable relationship. Besides, it's time to be careful after the events from yesterday."     

"Be careful, Your Majesty? I don't know what I could possibly have done wrong for you to be saying that?"     

Rosemond laughed and asked Patrizia this. No matter if she did not publicize these matters, it was not so easy to deny such a shameless thing and act so brazenly. Patrizia admired Rosemond's iron skin and mocked her again.     

"You sure seem to live an easy life. If you do something wrong, you blindfold yourself to it and that's the end."     

"Isn't it possible because everything is thanks to His Majesty's favor? It would never be possible if I had sat in the Empress' seat without any favor."     

Patrizia wanted to deny it, but did not really feel the need to do so, and quickly asked her for the reason of the visit. It was good for her mental health to send her away quickly.     

"Why are you here?"     

"I have something to ask."     

"Ask, this question."     

"Were you with His Majesty yesterday?"     

"Now, what was this about?"     

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