Lady to Queen



Patrizia thought a positive aspect of becoming the Empress was the fact that she could freely go to the Imperial Library. Her husband was not interested in her, and the Duchess of Efreni was still helping her with the affairs of the Imperial Household, and so while she didn't have plenty of time to spare, she wasn't chased by it either.     

Patrizia used the excuse of the bright and sunny weather to leave the Empress Palace and went outside.     

The library inside was still quiet, and the librarian seemed to have gone to the restroom as she was nowhere to be seen. Patrizia thought about how she would have worked as a librarian if she hadn't become Empress, and slowly moved to the bookcases.     

As was always the case, Patrizia walked over to the bookcase where the history books were gathered, and at that moment remembered what had happened a few months ago.     

About three months ago, she had met Rosemond here. When she thought about it, her mood suddenly soured.     

'Darn it.'     

Patrizia, who cursed a bit inside, shook her head to erase her thoughts. Just because she didn't show it didn't mean that this situation wasn't offensive and displeasing.     

She made a slightly disgusted expression and went on her tiptoes to lift a hardcover that didn't seem too thick from the bookcase.     

She leaned her head against the bookshelf and proceeded to read the book with a dazed look until she found the next page badly torn.     

Thinking she should tell the librarian, Patrizia removed her body from the bookcase and moved towards the entrance. Someone was at the entrance, and she thought perhaps the librarian had returned. She opened her mouth with a soft voice, and soon found out who that someone was, and naturally, her face hardened and it was Rosemond.     

Patrizia quickly organized her facial expression. There was no reason why she would look at her and frown in such a manner. She shouldn't act in such a foolish manner.     

" ... Not someone I have seen before."     

Rosemond found her and approached her, smiling brightly.     

"Oh my, you must have forgotten my face."     


Patrizia acted nonchalantly as she played along.     

"You're that servant from before. I see. We meet again."     


Rosemond's face crinkled ever so finely but soon reverted back to its original state.     

One of the best things she was disgustingly good at was managing her facial expressions.     

Patrizia laughed as if she didn't even see the change, although she had.     

"Ms. Queeness must have become the Empress."     

"Yes, I had good fortune."     

Fortune, my butt. She couldn't have been more unfortunate. But it wouldn't do for her to say it as it was. Even more so, in front of her husband's mistress.     

"But who in the world are you?"     

"Are you talking about me?"     

"Yes, you. I thought you could be the Emperor's mother."     

Patrizia smiled cheekily and Rose hardened her face. The only thing she considered as a disadvantage was the fact that she was older than the Emperor.     

As her older age was used against her, Rosemond's mouth muscles convulsed ever so finely. But in Patrizia's position, it was none of her concern.     

"The only one who can look so boldly, with a tight face, at the Empress of the whole country is His Majesty, The Emperor. If not him, then his mother. Since you can't be the Emperor, I could only think of you as the Empress Dowager… but as you know there isn't an Empress Dowager at this time."     

Patrizia suddenly stared at Rosemond with dry eyes after speaking so slowly. Even then, Rosemond was quick to stare tightly. Patrizia, who saw this aspect, felt a great deal of anger. No doubt, even when her sister was the Empress, Rosemond would have acted with such haughtiness. She almost bit her lips without knowing, but she stopped herself. That action could also portray her to be weaker.     

"Then, who are you?"     


"Please tell me where you belong. Seeing what you're wearing, you must not be a maid… are you a servant from the Central Palace?".     

There was no way she could tell her where she belonged to. It was because Patrizia had not made a final decision regarding her position. In this situation, Rosemond was not stupid enough to say that she was shamelessly a mistress with her own mouth. Patrizia wondered how Rosemond would respond.     

"I will officially greet Your Majesty shortly. Until then..."     

"Soon is 'soon', I asked right now. Is there any reason you can't answer right now?"     


Rosemond's look was bizarre. It was not a smiling expression, or expressionless, it was a look that was somewhere in the middle of the two. Patrizia felt offended by this look and proceeded a little harder.     

"Before, I didn't have to wonder as I wasn't the Imperial Wife before, but now things are different. If you don't identify yourself now, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. So come on, hurry and tell me."     

Patrizia looked straight at Rosemond and asked, "You, who are you?"     

"...I give my greetings. I am Lady Mary La Darrow, from the Baron of Darrow.     

"Why is the daughter of Baron Darrow wandering around the palace like this? Lady Rosemond, I know that Baron Darrow is at his estate right now, am I mistaken?"     

"Your Majesty's words are correct."     

"Then that doesn't explain anything. The reason why you would be here disappears do you not think so?"     

"That is..."     

She couldn't speak and kept hesitating instead, and Patrizia looked at this with her eyes dead. While she was wondering how to deal with this situation, someone's voice suddenly included itself.     

"There is no reason it cannot be an explanation."     

A familiar voice. And right now, a voice she definitely didn't want to hear. Patrizia's eyes grew larger. The Emperor was coming in from the entrance. When she saw him, Rosemond's face lit up as if her expression had never been dark previously. Patrizia's body naturally froze in place.     

"...Your Majesty."     

"I lacked explanation back then. So that is why this...unfortunate incident has been made."     

"Unfortunate incident you say."     

Patrizia repeated the words with a look of disbelief. Unfortunate incident, unfortunate incident he said. Was such a strange situation that she and that woman had met? Was it such a regrettable event?     

Patrizia broke the promise to herself and bit her lips in utter misery. If she hadn't done that, she didn't know what kind of madness she would throw in that spot.     

Patrizia, who had thought that far, laughed emptily at that moment. She consoled herself saying that she had no feelings, and was quiet as she lived on, but that one Rosemond went about stirring everything, and her calm feelings were easily shaken.     

The fact that Nilla had changed was not unusual at all.     

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