Lady to Queen



Patrizia expressed her thanks shortly and gave the orders to the Duke of Witherford in a low voice.     

"Duke, report on the incident."     

"Yes, Your Majesty. A while ago, there was an unfortunate situation where the Emperor and the Empress went missing during the hunting competition. Both of Their Majesties returned to the Palace not long after the competition had ended, but the Emperor had been hit with a poisoned arrow from the assassins, and his life was on the line, while the Empress had also been ambushed.     

Her Majesty became the Regent on His Majesty's behalf as he was unconscious, and placed me in charge of the investigation, and as I received Her Majesty's command I questioned the most likely suspect, the Lady Phelps, along with those that served in the Vain Palace."     

"Today is the day that the investigation comes to a close, Duke. Have you revealed who the true culprit is?"     

"I have, Your Majesty."     

"Who is it?"     

The Duke of Witherford did not respond to Patrizia's question. Instead, he said something else.     

"Bring the witness in."     

The door opened as soon as his words finished, and someone came inside. The maid wore a red dress that was the symbol of the Vain Palace, and while she looked exhausted from the long interrogation, she didn't look as if she was hurt to the point of fainting.     

She looked slightly withdrawn as if she felt intimidated by all the people of high status gathered in the room, and as soon as she locked eyes with the Duke of Witherford, her body began to shake uncontrollably. He ordered her.     

"Come closer."     

She did as she was told while her body continued to tremble. Patrizia watched objectively as she decided to look on to see what happened. Soon, the Duke of Witherford's mouth opened up again.     

"Both of Your Majesties, along with my fellow nobles. The real culprit that tried to assassinate both of Their Majesties is Lady Phelps."     

It was already an expected outcome, but as that became a reality, there was slight murmuring in the space. At that, Lucio raised his hand to quiet them down and asked the Duke of Witherford a question.     

"Duke, are you sure this is the truth?"     

"Indeed, Your Majesty. The Vain Palace maid's testimony has been procured."     

As he said this, he glanced at the maid with eyes encouraging her to speak. And then the young maid's mouth barely opened.     

"The Duke's words are true, Your Majesty."     

"Is there not even one shred of falsehood? Perjury will be paid for by death."     

"It is true, Your Majesty. I saw it myself. Lady Phelps has always hated Her Majesty the Empress and had hostile feelings toward her. When the Empress happened to decide on entering the hunting competition, she thought this was a good opportunity, and hired assassins to scheme this conspiracy."     

"Your Majesty, how could you believe her words? You cannot kill the Emperor's concubine with only one testimony from a maid."     

"Yes, Your Majesty. This case cannot be closed with just one witness."     

The Duke of Efeni's closest allies raised up a fuss, and the Duke of Witherford made movements with his eyes again. This time, the one who interrupted was the one in charge of the search party, Rafaella.     

"This is the piece of evidence."     

What Rafaella raised was a seemingly broken in half accessory, that was covered with dirt. Rafaella continued to speak on without her voice shaking.     

"This is something that was found at the scene of the search. I chose not to report it as to not cause a commotion, but through that maid's questioning, the fact that this belongs to Lady Phelps has been revealed."     

"This was an accessory that the Lady wore often, and suddenly one day she did not have it on anymore, Your Majesty. If you cannot believe my words, please search through the Vain Palace. Surely the other half will be discovered."     

"If that is so, then the results have been decided."     

Patrizia murmured without any expression on her face, and Lucio did not say a word while not revealing what he was thinking. She stared at Lucio with serious eyes, and then looked around at the nobles that were in a state of panic at the testimonies from both the Vain Palace's maid and Rafaella.     

"What do you all think about this situation? Will you still require further evidence?"     

Everything was a lie. That maid's testimony, a quickly made dirty hairpiece. Honestly speaking, however, was there a need for any more evidence than this? No, could a more exact piece of evidence be made up? Patrizia was sure of her victory. None of the nobles spoke, and Patrizia was sure that the moment she had long been waiting for had finally arrived.     

"It seems the conclusion has been made. Your Majesty, as the Imperial wife, I request the beheading of Baroness Phelps who dared to try to murder the Imperial Family..."     

"It is a lie, Your Majesty!"     

It was then that someone cut off her words with a sharp voice. At that moment, Patrizia felt an enormous amount of rage and turned her body to confirm who had interrupted her. Someone had opened the door and walked over to where they all gathered, and it was a familiar face. Patrizia's face froze in shock when she saw who the opponent was, and let out a laugh.     

"Duke of Efreni. I wondered why you had not shown up, and finally, you have."     

"Your Majesty the Emperor. Those testimonies and that witness are all fake."     

He continued on with a voice that was steady, and Patrizia looked at the woman that was standing behind him. She was also wearing a red dress. Lucio asked him.     

"What do you mean, Duke of Efreni? That the revealed witness and testimonies are all fake."     

"Your Majesty, the real culprit is someone else. It is not the Baroness Phelps. Please lay down your wise judgment."     

"I am also quite curious, Duke Efreni. With what proof do you say such words?"     

Patrizia glared at him as she asked, and the Duke of Efreni briefly glanced at her and spoke as if he was going to give her what she wanted.     

"This broad is the proof."     

As the Duke of Efreni spoke these words, the woman in the red dress standing behind him went down on her knees.     

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