Lady to Queen



A few maids who recognized Patrizia greeted her. She simply nodded and asked the maids.     

"Is someone inside?"     

"His Majesty and the Chief Imperial Physician are inside, Your Majesty."     

Patrizia gave a small nod and then ordered.     

"Announce it."     

"Your Majesty, Her Majesty the Regent, has entered."     

"Let her in."     

"Please go in."     

Soon the door was opened, and Patrizia took in a short breath without her knowledge. What was making her this nervous? For this. Patrizia stepped inside with a calm face. Soon she spotted the Chief Imperial Physician with her eyes and then… She could see him. Patrizia walked inside with an expressionless face. When the Chief Imperial Physician saw her, she was greeted promptly with a display of manners.     

"Greetings to Your Majesty. Glory to the Marvinus Empire."     

"No need for the greetings. How is His Majesty?"     

"I have just finished the checkup. If he rests on the bed for about a week, he will have no problem returning to his routine thereafter."     

"You went through a lot of trouble. You may leave now."     

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will take my leave now."     

When the Chief Imperial Physician retreated from the room where Lucio was staying, only the two of them were left. Patrizia turned her gaze and stared at Lucio sitting on the bed with his back leaning.     

Perhaps it was because he had woken up, but he looked less emaciated than when he was lying down.     

She bit her lips strongly in the moment at the surge of emotions that rose up. It was her usual behavior to endure any emotions. She soon settled down and sat next to him.     


Ah, what should she say? Patrizia couldn't figure it out. What should she begin to say towards his empty eyes?     

The imperial affairs were operating smoothly. Should she tell him not to worry about that part too much? If not that, she hadn't caught the criminal who has committed this heinous crime yet, so should she report it to him? If not that…     

"Your face has gone bad."     


At that moment, Patrizia felt all of her self-control cease, while all the thoughts she had been thinking about flew out of her mind. She lost her temper without her knowledge and returned the favor.     

"Right now that… is that supposed to make sense."     

"The story that you are the Regent has already been briefed to me by the maids. It should not be easy work, and suffer..."     


Patrizia cut his words with a hard voice. It was hard to bear this feeling that something was going wrong. Was she originally an emotional person like this? To the point that she couldn't overcome such emotions and dared to stop the words of the Emperor who had just woken up.     

But she couldn't help it. At that moment, even the changed Patrizia couldn't seem to bear it. Something that barely supported her head seemed to snap and break.     

It was a kind of chaotic feeling that people often felt when their expectations were wrong.     

Of course, she didn't know that this would happen, but it was happening. Definitely… She didn't think she would start a conversation with these words…     

"Please stop it."     

"…Your complexion doesn't look good. And… You seem to have changed a lot."     

With those words, Patrizia laughed sadly. Changed a lot? Yes, she had changed a lot. Because, she, who had been so foolish, had finally realized. The fact that the Empress's position, who was not loved by the Emperor, was very narrow and insignificant.     

So she had to change herself. If not, where else was the guarantee that she would not suffer like this again? Patrizia replied in a dry voice.     

"I have learned. How much the Empress's authority can fall without having received the Emperor's favor."     


When Lucio couldn't say anything to her words, Patrizia quickly added.     

"… I am not saying this for you to worry about this. I haven't changed so much to bother the patient who has just woken up."     

"… Sure."     

"Your body… Is it alright?"     

These were the first words she had barely brought out. At the end of her words, Lucio drew an empty smile. Patrizia was confused by the subtle expression, and Lucio continued to speak.     

"I am alright, which is why I am sitting here. The physician also said that."     

"… You were reckless."     

It was time for disapproval after the worry was over. Lucio looked at Patrizia, who was scolding him.     

"The Emperor of a nation sending off his body so easily. Did you not think about what would happen after that?"     

The angry tone was impressive. Had this woman ever shown him this kind of emotion? No, not even "this kind of emotion," had she ever revealed emotions in the first place? It was always expressionless, calm, and seemingly nothing on her face, but for the first time ... It seemed to be the first.     

"How foolish were you?"     

Why was she getting angry? To be honest, he didn't understand her. No matter what happened, she was alive thanks to him. Then should she not be happy? Instead of being angry. Lucio asked her with an expression that showed incomprehensibility.     

"Why are you angry?"     

At the end of his words, Patrizia became flustered at the moment. But soon she became angry again.     

"Are those words supposed to be real? Then you must have thought that I should be complimenting you."     

"Even if it was not a praise, I did not think you would be angry. With common sense, it would not do to be angry with the benefactor."     

"I am not speaking as the Empress, but with the authority as the Regent. So then, can you understand?"     

"So you are resentful for taking on the Regent role, and that is why you are mad at me now?"     

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