Lady to Queen



"This is a map of the hunting ground, Your Majesty. Can you see the part marked there?"     

Rafaella pointed to a red circle that was drawn on the map. Patrizia asked a question.     

"What is that?"     

"It is another passageway into the hunting grounds, Your Majesty. We managed to find it after an extensive search, and definitely not something a regular person would be able to find. To the point that, naturally, no one would know about it."     

"Then... the assassins came through this?" Patrizia instantly felt dizzy. How on earth had Rosemond known about it? No, did the assassins knew about it? However, even from a topographical point of view, this place was not easy to find. So either Rosemond or the assassins had to have known about it beforehand…     

The only problem was that none of them would talk about this matter, and Patrizia didn't even know where the assassins had gone.     

Mountains beyond mountains. Patrizia pinched her forehead with an expression revealing her headache. The situation seemed to be going awry.     

"Then it would be easy to destroy the evidence. Rosemond is quite impressive."     

"But Your Majesty, is it not strange? This is a place that was nearly impossible for us to find.     

How could Lady Phelps have known its existence?"     

"I believe that is strange as well. As you said, someone else should have used the passage before."     

"I wondered that as well, and interrogated those responsible for guarding the forest, but none of them have seen anyone. That is why it is even more mysterious"     


Patrizia made an expression deep in contemplation. How had Rosemond known about it? With what method? It was impossible unless she had clairvoyance. Patrizia struggled with various thoughts, but nothing seemed plausible, so she sighed internally and turned back towards Rafaella.     

"Anyways, well done Sir Rafaella. It is apparent in my eyes that you have worked hard these past few days. You should go and get some rest today. The other knights can take over, as they have been doing a good job as well."     

"Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty."     

Rafaella must have been really tired because usually, she would insist she was alright and guard Patrizia by her side, but she had left the room right away.     

Patrizia also made a tired face and closed her eyes while thinking again. How in the world did that woman scheme such a plot such as this?     

The search results were revealed to everyone at the next advisory council meeting. The nobles couldn't hide their bewildered faces when they heard the results. It was natural. Because the results of Rafaella's efforts provided confidence that things would not end easily. However, Patrizia spoke out at the advisory council meeting, as if nothing had happened.     

"In addition to a search, there are other ways to conduct an investigation. In fact, I didn't expect much results from the forest search. Duke Witherford, is there an update on Lady Phelps?"     

"Aside from this search, there are many other ways to investigate. In fact, finding evidence in the forest was something I did not expect. Duke Witherford, what has happened with the investigation of Lady Phelps?"     

"We have been conducting investigations, including the Baron and others around her, but so far, the results have been minimal, Your Majesty. However, I am sure that I will be able to deliver good results soon."     

Duke Witherford looked a little exhausted as he said these words.     

After seeing this, Patrizia silently drew a small circle on the table with her finger and then opened her mouth.     

"Even if it takes a long time, the truth will have to be revealed. Does everyone not think so?"     

"Your Majesty."     

Then someone called out to her. She looked up and saw the Duke of Efreni. A man who was continuing to oppose her work these days. Patrizia nodded and gave a signal as if to speak. He spoke.     

"It feels like you are pushing too much for a specific person to be the culprit."     


With those words, the inside of the conference room was utterly silent. Patrizia laughed as if it was funny. That was true. She was driving a specific person into being the suspect. Of course, this was possible because she was convinced that she was the culprit.     

But Patrizia knew that she would have done the same even if she hadn't heard from the assassins regarding who was the real culprit. Her intuition was telling her that Rosemond was the culprit, and most of all, no one else would have such hateful feelings toward her.     

However, now more than ever, her thoughts about chasing that woman out was strong.     

She has been constantly trying to destroy her since she entered the palace. Perhaps the string of her reasoning had already been cut off little by little since the meeting with the wives of the group of envoys and had been completely cut off with this event.     

Anyway, this was a useless assumption.     

It was meaningless and useless to assume about what would not happen and what had not happened.     

Patrizia smiled casually as if nothing was wrong, and asked in turn, "Why do you think that way, Duke?     

"Others can be questioned as well. To be only doing that to the people in Vain Palace...     

"I was looking forward to your past experience as an investigator, but today, those expectations have been terribly broken down."     

Patrizia had cut off his words in a dry voice, then stared straight into the eyes of the Duke of Efreni as she spoke again.     

"Is it not true that the interrogation of people who were motivated to commit crimes should be conducted before anyone else? Someone who dared to assassinate this Empire's Sun and Moon, and the motivation to do, who could that be? A jealous Lady Vashi who had been unable to become the Queen? If not that, did I create this plot myself, is that it?"     

"No, Your Majesty. I just..."     

"Duke, I remember what I said at first, but I hate criticism without alternatives. So what do you want me to do now? Tell me an alternative."     


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