Lady to Queen



Rosemond was smart and gambled to change her life. She had wrapped up her wounds and sold them to Lucio, in exchange for empathy from the Emperor. Not stopping there, she dug into Lucio's wounds, pretended to comfort him, and made him depend on her. As if no one else could understand his secret and shocking wounds. As if she was the only one who could understand and accept him.     

His trauma was the Achilles' heel that made him most vulnerable. Rosemond's scheme was successful. Lucio was forced to fall in love with her. There were many women taking their clothes off in front of him, and women seducing him, but no woman like Rosemond.     

In addition, the fact that she had a big wound, similar to himself, also served as a safeguard to prevent Lucio from throwing away Rosemond. Rosemond was convinced that Lucio could never abandon her when she was so full of wounds. And Rosemond's thoughts were generally correct.     

After hearing all of Lucio's story, Patrizia felt her head throb from the shock. Was this the identity of an inexplicable bond? A scary, shocking childhood scar that even a noble spirit like herself could not dare to have. He had thought that anyone that had grown up normally would never be able to understand him.     

In fact, his words were not completely wrong. She could not fully understand him. She had never been in a situation like that. But was that not true for Rosemond as well? A person could not fully understand a person if they had not gone through the same experience.     

However, Rosemond was a little unique. As if she was different. Like she was the only one that could fully understand him. That didn't mean Lucio was bad for having fallen for that. He would have needed it. Someone who could fully understand him. Someone who could tell him it's not his fault. In that way, that someone could help relieve the burden, even by a little bit.     

"I felt bad for her. In the same way, as she pitied me."     


"So I identified her with myself. That is the reason why I could not leave her."     

"… "     

She understood. It was annoying, and honestly, she didn't want to understand it, but she couldn't stop herself from understanding. If she had been either Rosemond or Lucio, wouldn't she have done the same? She couldn't be confident that she wouldn't.     

"That woman… do you love her?"     

"… "     

It was a question that he would have answered 'yes' if it had been in the past. But strangely, he couldn't open his mouth so easily. He had loved her. He had definitely loved her. But now? Did he still love her now?     

Occasionally, even before he married Patrizia, he had doubts. Did she really love me? Did he really love her? Was it simple compassion, or actual love, between the two of them? If it was compassion, could it be seen as love?     

At one time, he had been convinced that compassion was also love, but as he got to know her inner self, his beliefs began to crack. And now, Lucio thought 'I am not sure'. There was no doubt that he considered her pitiful. He pitied her even now. But did he really love her? Did she really love him as well? Were the feelings that remained between the two of them really true?     

"I say."     

So he replied vaguely.     

"I am not sure myself."     

"… "     

It was a love that began with compassion. Compassion, or feelings of sympathy did not last long. That is, it was only temporary. It was also normal for him to be confused, and the likelihood of Rosemond really having loved him was less. At least, Patrizia thought it was.     

So she had to be careful with herself too. Love that began with compassion could never last long. If she couldn't distinguish compassion from love, she would also be miserable.     

The next day, Rosemond opened her eyes in an uncomfortable state. As soon as she opened her eyes, she glanced around her surroundings. Ah, she was inside the room that made her sick. She got up, thinking that she should leave here as soon as possible.     

"Are you up, Lady Rosemond?"     


Now, Glara knew her shameful secret, but she hadn't said anything about it. Rosemond thought it was a relief, but her mood turned bad thinking about it. Of course, she didn't express it at all and spoke to Glara.     

"If you just bring over the signed waiver from the Darrow couple, we will leave here right away. Make the preparations."     

"But Lady Rosemond, will you not take a bath?"     

"I will do it elsewhere. It's not like there's a lack of money, and there's no reason to stay here any longer?"     

Rosemond's voice sounded so irritated as she said this, and that Glara didn't say anything. She quietly replied that she understood, then left the room, and Rosemond soon left through the door and found the Baron and Baroness. They faced her with the same expressions as yesterday.     

"Did you sleep well, my daughter?"     

Nausea formed. How long did she have to listen to that bullsh*t? Rosemond asked, while fully revealing her discomfort.     

"Did you sign the waiver of parental authority?"     

"Oh dear, baby. You are in such a hurry."     

Baroness Darrow said this with a bright grin.     

"I talked with your father all night yesterday. How to be of help with your future…"     

"Put away those words that aren't even in your heart."     

Rosemond smiled coldly and cut her words.     

"The waiver of parental authority, give it over."     

"Ah, seem so urgent."     

Baroness Darrow revealed slight displeasure and talked to Rosemond.     

"Fine, if you want it that much. We will sign it."     

"Right this instant..."     

"However, there are conditions."     

Baron Darrow smiled, and interrupted the conversation between the two of them.     

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