Lady to Queen

CHAPTER 73 (1) - It was Originally my Position

CHAPTER 73 (1) - It was Originally my Position

"…" Petronilla was frightened by the words of the street vendor. She had a flustered expression on as she looked at the old woman in a black robe. The old woman had grown her white hair out to her chest, and for some unknown reason looked quite bizarre in her black robe. Petronilla stuttered as she asked, "That… What does that mean?..."     


"Is not anyone afraid of a future that has not come? Street vendor, you seem to be implying that this is not the case."     

"You are right, my Lady. But you know..." The old woman laughed, revealing that only a few of her teeth were left. "Not everyone would let a good opportunity pass by without even trying to grab a hold of it, my Lady. Even if one was afraid of the future that is yet to come."     

"…" When Petronilla went pale, while looking like a person whose mind had been pierced and her thoughts read, Rothesay looked her over to make sure she was okay, but Petronilla just nodded once to show that she was alright.     

The old woman's words did not end there. "Are you afraid, my Lady? Afraid that the situation will repeat itself, I mean."     

"How do you know that?"     

"It's just a shallow gimmick to trick the eye." The old woman confused Petronilla with words she could not comprehend, and continued on with a bright smile. "It seems my Lady has taken a liking to that crystal ball. Take it."     

"The price..."     

In response to Rothesay, the old woman firmly turned him down. "The price is not necessary." Then she smiled and added on, "This bachelor is the price."     

"… Pardon?" At those words, even Rothesay couldn't help but feel taken aback. The old woman's words continued.     

"Now, my Lady. Carpe diem. Enjoy the present."     


"Everything has been going wrong since the beginning anyways, has it not?"     

"Who in the world are you..." Petronilla muttered like someone who had been deprived of their soul by a ghost.     

Rothesay urged Petronilla to leave after he realized that something strange was going on. "My Lady, it would be better to go now.     

"Ah… Wait a moment please." Petronilla asked with a trembling voice, "Who are you? A god? If not that then…"     

"God… That word is too much for a humble servant of god." The old woman held out the crystal ball that resembled the night sky to Petronilla, her smile strange. Petronilla accepted it without realizing she had, and the old woman advised her in a gentle voice, "Now, my Lady. If you have any worries, look into that crystal ball."     


"You never know, the answer may come out from it."     

Petronilla continued to stand there, a confused expression on her face, before being taken out of the store by Rothesay, who had decided that there was something dangerous happening. The old woman continued to chuckle and laughed after the disappearance of the two people, and soon began to wipe away the other dusty crystals with a calm face.     


Rosemond stared at the white roses from the Empress' Palace, a shocked look on her face. She looked at Mirya with the expression of asking what kind of scheme this was about.     

Mirya did not look too pleased at the situation, either. If so, it means that the Empress is acting alone... As she thought that, it was even more ridiculous. She guessed that she had gone crazy after finding out she was infertile.     

"The Empress sent it?"     

"Yes, Marchioness."     

"Huh." Rosemond shook her head back and forth, and in a voice lacking sincerity, said, "Pass on to her that I said thank you. And ask her if she is not feeling well in any way."     

"…" Mirya quit before answering that she had already asked that question herself. She left the Vain Palace straight away, dissatisfied.     


Even Glara did not have a bright face. She was at a complete loss, trying to figure out what this situation was about. Rosemond asked her, "What could this be about? Feint attack, something like that?"     

"… From that Empress who is so proud?"     

"And there is nothing she could really come up with." She cocked her head while muttering to herself, "That is the way it is, Glara. The Empress is infertile. She has a barren body that cannot bear children. Her background is not as great and powerful as the deposed Empress Alyssa, so if I can just produce an heir to be the Crown Prince, it will be difficult for her to preserve her position..."     

Hmm… Rosemond contemplated on this for a while, and reasoned with herself before coming up with a possible answer. "Is it indeed flattery, then?"     

"Nothing else can explain this otherwise, Marchioness."     

"Ha." Rosemond exhaled a breath. "She pretended to be so noble and yet, the Empress is no better that anyone else."     

"That is correct, since she is just a barren woman. What else could she do?"     

"But you never know, so be sure that you do not let down your guard. Are you keeping up with the surveillance around the Empress' Palace?"     

"Yes, Marchioness. There is no need to worry."     

Only then did Rosemond make an expression of relief, and smiled, "Yes, this is how it was supposed to be."     


"It was originally supposed to be my position, since the beginning."     

She thought that now everything was going back to its proper place. The Empress' position belonged to her, and the Dowager Empress' position was even more hers. She would surely become the most precious woman in the Empire. No matter what anyone said, it would surely happen!     


"I think that old street vendor was a bit weird. Do you not think so?" Rothesay asked with a skeptical face.     

Petronilla replied to him with an unaffected expression, "It is alright, Sir."     

"Mmm…"Rothesay thought about something with an unfamiliar expression, and soon said in a voice full of regret, "As expected..."     


"There must be a lot more that I do not know about my Lady as of yet."     


"My Lady." Rothesay smiled warmly as he locked eyes with her. Petronilla did not avoid his eyes for the first time. He asked her, "Can I learn more about my Lady, by staying by my Lady's side?"     


PLIP, PLOP...     

It was then that raindrops began to fall from what was once a sunny sky. Before he could hear her answer, Rothesay placed his jacket over Petronila's head as he hurriedly said to her, "You should avoid this."     

"… "     

"Let us go over there to that store, my Lady."     

"Petronilla." Petronilla quietly spoke up.     

Still holding the jacket over her head, Rothesay had a puzzled expression on his face.     

"My Lady, we can have this conversation later…"     

"Call me Petronilla, Rothesay."     

"… Petronilla."     


Translated by Haeli     

Edited by RED     

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