Lady to Queen



"… Excuse me?"     

Petronilla replied with a shocked look, but Rothesay said it again without any shame.     

"I asked if you would dance with me, Lady."     

"I have..."     

Petronilla hesitated, avoiding having to answer. Rothesay was still patiently waiting for her to respond.     

"I have… I have no desire to do so."     

She had refused him, but Rothesay was persistent.     

"Can you not give me just one chance?"     

"No, why are you doing this to me?"     


Rothesay spoke with a slight blush that creeped upon his face.     

"I think I have fallen in love, with you my Lady."     


With those words, Petronilla's face hardened.     

The trials and tribulations for Patrizia, unfortunately, did not end.     

"Oh, is it the Empress?"     

Patrizia frowned at the trademarked, unique voice, and soon stared at Rosemond with a casual face.     

"Lady Efreni."     

"I greet the Moon of the Empire. Glory to the Marvinus Empire."     

"You seem to like your new family. Your face has bloomed more than before."     

"… Thank you."     

Rosemond nodded with a forced smile, and Patrizia laughed. There was nothing different about her being the daughter of a Duke. Of course, Rosemond's prestige may have climbed higher than that of being the daughter of a Baron, but even so, Patrizia was the only Empress of the Marvinus Empire. Even if Rosemond became more than the daughter of a Duke, such as a Duchess, this was an unchanging truth.     

"However, I must say, Your Majesty."     

"Tell me."     

"I heard something strange when I went out last time."     

What else did she plan to say to disturb her mind this time? Patrizia wanted to at least hear it and barely opened her eyes.     

"It's a monstrous rumor."     

"Well, apparently Your Majesties have not shared a bed as of yet."     


Patrizia smiled at Rosemond's words. Her ruse was revealed. To some extent, it was expected, but she did not do anything. Because with this kind of issue, there was nothing she could do.     

"You are right. It is a monstrous rumor."     

Patrizia lied calmly.     

"But even if it was not, you would have no way of knowing it. On the first night, there were only myself and His Majesty alone in the room. So that is a truth you cannot dare to bring up and discuss."     

"If so, I wonder why there is still no news of a child."     

"The Lady has served His Majesty a year earlier than me. That is what everyone knows."     

Patrizia smiled fervently and stared at Rosemond.     

"So, is there a fetus in your stomach now? Is His Majesty's seed inside you I mean."     


At least this wasn't something Rosemond could bring up. But Rosemond was confident.     

"Isn't there the best solution for all this, Your Majesty?"     


"The Empress' duty is the production of an Imperial Crown Prince. Both of us have served His Majesty, but there is no news of a pregnancy yet. Is this not something that can be determined with a fertility test?"     

"Fallen… for me?"     


"For me?"     



Petronilla asked this in a taken aback voice.     

"I think you have forgotten, Sir. It has been only two times since we met, including today. Also, the first meeting was but for a moment."     

"The length of time is not important to love. What matters is destiny, as well as the heart."     

He was a man who was quite fond of fate. Petronilla spoke while laughing through her nostrils.     

"It is regrettable, but I do not believe in stuff such as that..."     

"I fell in love at first sight, my Lady."     

When Rothesay suddenly swooped in like that, Petronilla was forced to feel more flustered than before. She asked with disbelieving eyes.     

"No, so just how in the world…?"     

"You must not believe in love at first sight."     

"I think it is a little absurd."     

"I am a witness. Because my parents got married like that."     


If so, then this man had to resemble Count Bradington. Thinking like that, Petronilla responded.     

"I am sorry, but I do not like that very much. Meeting for a long time, while checking on the feelings for each other…"     

"Ah, oh dear."     

Rothesay murmured with a flustered face.     

"I am sorry, my Lady."     

Petronilla thought her words had finally gotten through to him, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case.     

"It was my fault that I did not consider that you would think in such a manner. I apologize."     

"No, you do not have to apologize…"     

"If so, my Lady."     

Rothesay looked up at Petronilla with a sweet smile on his mouth.     

"Could you meet with me for a 'long time'?"     


… What? What did he say?     

"No, suddenly to be…"     

"I would like to have a formal courtship with you, my Lady."     


So, this all happened less than an hour after the two people had met. Petronilla noticed this fact and almost collapsed, but barely endured and talked to him.     

"Sorry, Sir. I do not like you."     

"I hope my Lady will grant me the chance to get to know me."     

"No, I do not know why you keep bothering me like this. I definitely told you I dislike it."     

She spoke a little hard, and Rothesay stopped. Petronilla flinched at his reaction, but the words that followed were not at all what she expected.     

"… Because I love you."     


"I fell in love at first sight when I saw my Lady."     


"And I do not try this hard for someone if I do not have them in mind."     

Rothesay smiled at Petronilla with his distinctive sweet smile.     

"So my Lady, please…"     


"Would you dance with me to just one song?"     


"It is a request, my Lady."     

"… Haaa."     

Petronilla eventually had no choice but to accept.     

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