Lady to Queen



It wasn't a strange word that had come out. It was also not an absurd subject. But at least to these four, it was. The Emperor.     

Rafaella made a perplexed expression as she realized she had made a mistake. What's more, she, more than anyone else in the Empress Palace, knew that the Emperor's presence was not so welcome. Rafaella quickly apologized, "I am sorry. I have made a mistake."     

Who would have guessed that putting her husband as a subject matter would be treated as a mistake? Patrizia was bitter at the ridiculous reality, but after a moment, she soon resumed the conversation with a look as if she was completely unaffected.     

"What do you mean, a mistake? It's okay, Sir Rafaella. But beyond that, I'm not sure if Lady Phelps will participate."     

On the contrary, by drawing the more taboo topic of Rosemond, Patrizia overcame the situation. Of course, that didn't mean the mood had turned pink.     

"She will not. She barely knows how to ride a horse."     

Patrizia nodded her head lightly in response to Mirya's answer, as she had stayed the longest out of them in the palace. Patrizia thought she might have a talent in this area too, but it didn't look like that was the case.     

"It would not be bad to participate, Your Majesty. You may be able to increase Your Majesty's status with this opportunity."     


With Mirya's words, Patrizia looked a bit like she was considering it. Truthfully, it was the same thing whether she participated in this or not. Just because the Empress of a country had no hunting ability, that was nothing to be mocked about or looked down on.     

But if she did participate, it would surely deliver a new meaning to everyone in a different way. In addition, it was possible to provide an opportunity to increase her authority that had been weakened by Rosemond. Patrizia wondered what to choose between adventure and safety and eventually decided to ask Petronilla's opinion.     




Petronilla, who seemed to be zoning out a bit, turned to her head. Patrizia asked her sister in a relaxed voice, "What about you Nilla, what are your thoughts?"     


She also seemed to be in deep thought about this and made a distressed expression. Patrizia, eagerly waiting for Petronilla to speak, hurriedly spoke.     

"It is still better that I do not participate… Right?"     


She voted for it. At the unexpected conclusion, Patrizia asked her why, with a slightly puzzled look.     

"Does Nil have the same reason as Ella?"     

"Yup. It is true that your position has been narrowed to some extent by Lady Phelps. I think it's a good opportunity. Historically, few Empresses were deeply affiliated with martial arts."     

"I'm not that deep into martial arts."     

Patrizia blushed shyly, denying Petronilla's words. After a bunch of empty coughs, she muttered quietly.     

"I'd be glad if I enter and don't return embarrassed. It's been a long time since I rode a horse."     

It had been less than a year since she had returned to this body, but when she had lived as the Empress' sister for the last three years, she didn't ride a horse once.     

When she thought about it now, she wondered why. What was she so busy with.     

"Then it's decided that I will enter. If I can't catch a single one, Sir Rafaella will give me one right?"     

"Oh my, Your Majesty. You know you're going to catch one though."     

Rafaella laughed and struck Patrizia's back painlessly.     

"Of course, I would have to do it for the sake of His Majesty. But there probably won't be a need for it."     

Patrizia thought she would have to practice a little to avoid being embarrassed at the hunting competition. The purpose was to establish authority as the Empress, but she couldn't go and then come back empty-handed.     

"Why don't you practice horseback riding in advance?"     

It was Rafaella's answer to Patrizia's concerns. When Patrizia heard those words, she looked back with a puzzled look.     

"Horseback riding practice you say?"     

"There is a forest ideal for horseback riding behind the Imperial Palace. You probably won't know about it. It's not a well-known place."     


She didn't know there was such a place. Even though she has lived for three years as the Empress's younger sister. Did her sister know? Patrizia, who had a brief dazed look on her face, soon returned to Rafaella's voice speaking to her, "Would you like to go? You will like it."     

"I… Is it okay that I go?"     

In response, Rafaella seemed shocked. A place where the hostess of the Imperial Palace could not go. Rafaella comforted her as if to say her worries were for nothing.     

"If Your Majesty has a place you can't go, nobody else can also enter except His Majesty, right? That's never the case, so don't worry uselessly."     

"Hm… Then I guess it wouldn't be bad to go once. "     

"Would you like to go now?"     

Rafaella asked with a glow in her eyes if she wanted to take the bull by the horn. She seemed to want to go more than herself. Patrizia laughed chuckling and asked her, "I think you want to go, Sir Rafaella."     

"Oh my, I got caught."     

After Rafaella giggled and laughed, she rose from her seat. Patrizia also slowly moved her body up from the sofa.     

Yes, well. Anyways, there was not much to do today. The weather outside was good, and it was perfect for horseback riding. Mirya, noticeably quick, brought her horseback riding clothes, and Petronilla helped her into them.     

"The weather is clear with no clouds. Yes?"     

"Yes, Your Majesty. You most likely don't have to worry about the rain."     

Mirya smiled brightly and put the shoes on Patrizia's feet. Finally, when everything was ready, Patrizia looked at herself with a full-length mirror with an awkward expression. How long had it been since she wore clothes such as this?     

"It matches you well."     

Petronilla said this with a satisfied expression behind her. At the words of her sister, Patrizia suddenly became embarrassed.     

"It feels awkward because it's been a long time."     

It had been 3 years or rather even 4 years. Patrizia murmured to herself, reviving her distant memories. Then Petronilla laughed and told her.     

"Even then it's only been less than a year, so what about it? Now, let us go."     

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