Lady to Queen



Although Patrizia did not hold any friendly feelings towards the Duke of Efreni in particular, she had honestly expected him to be wise and calm, as a Duke that served the Empire. For Patrizia, her expectations were beginning to falter.     

Was it simply a problem in her thinking? Patrizia quickly thought about the current political situation in the Marvinus Empire. The present Emperor was the only son of the previous Emperor, and there was no immediate heir that followed. If Lucio continued like this and closed his eyes forever, a member of the distant families in lineage would take over the throne.     

That fact was that Lucio was the last remaining heir from the direct line of Marvinus along with being the previous Emperor's son, granted him incredible legitimacy, and this legitimacy meant the authority of an Emperor in a monarchy.     

Lucio had exercised this tremendous Imperial power over the nobility, carried on with political affairs without realizing the concept of political opponents, and the fact that this was going to change with Patrizia becoming Regent was a bit strange.     

That was why the Duke of Efreni was static in his servitude to the Emperor, and since she was his Empress and the Regent, opposing her was a little outrageous.     

Then what in the world could it be, and as Patrizia wondered this, she realized she was making too quick of a conclusion and decided to quit this way of thinking.     

Patrizia thought that she had gotten too sensitive, and as a result, had made premature assumptions.     

Just because of one opposition, it may have been too early to question the Duke's political intentions. Patrizia immediately moved on to the next matter.     

"Then, the discussion on that matter should be reported separately by the Ministry of Finance. What is the next topic?"     

"The issue to be discussed next is a part of those that Your Majesty has not read in a report yet. It would be best to discuss it at the next advisory council meeting."     

"Very well, then is there no urgent matter to discuss right away?"     

"No, Your Majesty. There is one of the most important things that is left. The one that has been put off, I mean."     

At the end of the Marquis of Bringston's words, Patrizia nodded twice, as if to encourage him to say it. Soon the angry voice of the marquis could be heard.     

"To dare try to assassinate the Empress of an Empire and put the Emperor in such a state, we must find out who the culprit behind this, Your Majesty. It is not right to still keep such a scoundrel alive."     

At the Marquis of Bringston's words, Patrizia made a small smile on her lips and calmly replied to him.     

"Yes, that too. I was also about to bring that part up to discuss."     

Patrizia began to talk in a collected manner, "Currently, Knight Rafaella is currently searching around yesterday's hunting grounds with the Knights of the Guard. But more than that... I think Lady Phelps is the culprit behind this."     

Strictly speaking, it wasn't a thought, but a conviction, but no one would believe it with just a strong belief. In addition, Rosemond and Patrizia were in a rival relationship in the eyes of others. So someone might think that Patrizia was trying to frame Rosemond. Nevertheless, Patrizia steadfastly pushed on with her intentions.     

"Your Majesty, I am also looking into this matter seriously. This is someone that tried to assassinate the Emperor and a member of the Imperial Family. The culprit should be flushed out and be punished to the utmost."     

"I agree, Duke of Witherford. As it is difficult to ignore the confession of the assassin, I also plan to start questioning and investigating into her. What do the other nobles think about this?"     

"I think it is the right judgment, Your Majesty. It is necessary to go through a thorough investigation, as it is more serious than any other matter."     

"Those who dared to ridicule the Imperial Family of Marvinus must not be forgiven."     

Patrizia nodded her agreement at the overall consensus, and for some reason turned and asked the Duke of Efreni his opinion about the matter.     

"What is your thought on this, Duke?"     

"Your Majesty..."     

Duke of Efreni opened his mouth with a tense look.     

"However… What would you do if she was not guilty?"     


While Patrizia was flustered by his unexpected words, the Duke of Efreni continued.     

"As there is a lack of clear evidence that indicates Lady Phelps is the one behind the scenes, that might…"     


Duke of Efreni seemed taken aback by the momentary interruption, but soon he calmly talked on.     

"Yes, Your Majesty."     

"Are you the culprit behind this all?"     


"I asked if you were the culprit behind this all."     

As Patrizia asked, her facial expression did not have a single trace of warmth. The Duke of Efreni stammered his words.     

"That, Your Majesty… What is that..."     

"If you were not the one behind it, the name that came from the mouth of the assassin should be the most accurate. Ah, do you think that I would risk my life, and throw on this show, just to get rid of a mere mistress? Even putting the Emperor in that state?"     

She seemed to be heated, as her voice slightly shook and her pupils were dilated, with a voice that was louder in volume than usual. She had never raised her voice in a situation like this before, but she had to at least, for the present one. How he dared.     

"Ah, then are you saying that I am the real culprit behind this?"     

"Your Majesty, that is an excessive assumption…"     

"No, Duke. So then, what should I think about this situation? I had heard from the assassins that Lady Phelps was the real culprit with these two ears. Who else should I point to in this situation? Duke, tell me. If there is someone else, then I am more than willing to investigate that person too."     


"Do not tell me that you said that without offering other possibilities? Like just before?"     

"Your Majesty… I am just worried that someone who is innocent could get victimized..."     

Patrizia was forced to burst into laughter as she looked at the Duke of Efreni slowly killing his voice as he spoke.     

"If you put it that way, Duke, the vessel will not be closed unless someone confesses. What will you do if someone is framed? Do you not think so?"     

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