Lady to Queen




Patrizia stared at the Duke of Efreni with chilled eyes, and at that moment she reached an epiphany.     

Ah, this man, definitely hated her.     

"Duke, I really do not know. As Regent, I am the one who is responsible for leading this city, and for the sake of the Emperor, to find out who the culprit is. That is why such a remark just like before is beyond difficult for me. So, Duke, you are telling me to cover yesterday's events just to save a possible victim? Even if the two masters of the Empire were about to be killed?"     

"… I apologize, Your Majesty. My thoughts were short."     

"Yes, Duke. Of course, you should talk like that. The remarks just now were words that could be considered as treason. You must definitely know that."     


"The Duke of Witherford will take full control of this matter and investigate. Can you do that for me?"     

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will search for the true culprit with all my heart."     

Patrizia still seemed to be angry as her face showed it slightly, but nevertheless, it was surprising that her voice did not exceed a certain threshold. Patrizia breathed as deeply as she could, calmed herself down, and ended the meeting.     

"Because this position was suddenly decided yesterday, I do not know much about the state affairs. Let us end here today, and meet again tomorrow."     

The first thing Patrizia did when she returned to her chambers was to investigate the Duke of Efreni.     

"Mirya, could you please look into Duke Efreni's background?"     

"Did something happen today at the advisory council meeting, Your Majesty?"     

"Something did happen."     

Petronilla spoke for Patrizia instead. Her face did not look too pleased, as if this situation was greatly distasteful for her.     

"The Duke of Efreni picked a fight over every little thing. As if… he had set out to do so."     


At Petronilla's words, Patrizia made an expression as if she was thinking about something, and stirred her head. Mirya saw this as strange and asked a question.     

"What is wrong, Your Majesty?"     

"It is nothing. I seem to have gotten ahead of myself. My mind seems to be off after the events I went through yesterday."     

"Your Majesty… Just what in the world…"     

She realized she had not told both of them the specific details of yesterday's events. Rafaella and she talked about it to a certain extent, but even if they could figure out the general situation from hearing about it from others, they would be unable to know.     

Patrizia told them everything about what had happened yesterday without leaving a single thing out. Of course, everything that happened once in survival mode after the river, she kept a secret.     

There wasn't a special reason for that, rather she just thought it was useless information.     

"My goodness… Lady Phelps eventually went to that extent…"     

"It is difficult though since there is no evidence. It is hard to punish with just suspicion and without any evidence."     

"Right. That is why I am distressed. If there isn't any sufficient evidence, it should at least be labeled as fixed."     

"Are you thinking of ending things completely this time?"     

"If it is possible… definitely."     

There was no reason to drag this on any longer. There was no mercy and no forgiveness. In the past, that may have been necessary, but at least now that would just reveal her foolishness, nothing more and nothing less. Patrizia wanted to end all these problems as quickly as possible. What she wanted was Rosemond's death. She was too mediocre of a person to have pure thoughts behind that desire. She wanted to pay it back if harmed, and if she almost died, she wanted to retaliate equally.     

God had said revenge will be on him, and not to make a hell in this world, well. If she didn't take revenge immediately, not just this world but her mind would become hell. Even if this meant that she would go to the underworld, she would have no regrets. Patrizia made a sad smile and covered her face with her palm.     

The interrogation of Rosemond proceeded immediately. Patrizia was busy dealing with overflowing state affairs, but even during her busy days, she took the time to get involved in her investigation. Rosemond was locked in a dungeon but did not give up her signature arrogant smile, along with the look that seemed to look down on the person. Patrizia disliked this, and it was repulsive, but she decided to endure it. She was going to disappear soon anyway.     

She was, of course, unkind to the investigation. She exercised the right to remain silent on all the questions, and even if she answered, the answer was 'I don't know.' At this rate, there would be no progress. Of course, she hadn't expected it to be easy, but she didn't know there would be this little progress.     

For the first time, Patrizia even thought that she wanted to abuse her power. But of course, it wasn't allowed, so she soon folded that thought. It was also foolish to hold onto things that would not work anyways.     

Patrizia stared intently at the Duke of Witherford interrogating Rosemond, and at one point, directly entered the interrogation room. When the Duke of Witherford discovered her, he asked her with a startled look.     

"Your Majesty, what is the matter?"     

"There seems to be no progress in the investigation. It has already been the fourth day, but she just will not open her mouth."     

Yes, it was already the fourth day. Lucio was still asleep, and Rosemond's mouth still did not know how to open.     

She was actually a very patient person, but in this situation, her deep patience was not effective. Patrizia spoke to Duke Witherford in a slightly lower voice.     

"Duke, I want to interrogate Lady Phelps myself, would that be alright?"     

"Of course, Your Majesty. Please do as you desire."     

The Duke of Witherford stepped out, and Patrizia looked at the journal he left behind, with no inspiration on her face. Blank. Still blank. Patrizia was over it, and made an exasperated face.     

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