Lady to Queen



Petronilla had already returned from the kitchen. Petronilla asked them with a smile on her mouth.     

"Is there something fun going on? 'That day' you say..."     


Mirya had a flustered expression on her face. Petronilla was the only one out of the three of them who didn't know about that event. In such a case, to be stuck in a moment like this. Mirya rolled the wheels in her head and finally decided to tell her. Anyways, she was not just anyone, but Her Majesty's sister. There was no reason to hide it from her.     

"It's not a big deal. There was actually a small disturbance a few days ago."     

"What disturbance?"     

Petronilla asked with an amused facial expression. If it was something she didn't know about, it had probably happened after she had ended work. She returned home no matter what, once it was around dinnertime. She asked while taking a guess.     

"Did something happen in the middle of the night?"     

"Her Majesty is very sensitive to hearing, and she always wakes up easily with the small sounds, and this happened even a few days ago. But while she was looking for the cause of the noise and she encountered His Majesty."     

"… in the Empress Palace?"     


"That is quite… a strange matter."     

Petronilla muttered with a voice that expressed how strange it was. Then Rafaella, who had been still until now, joined in.     

"My words exactly. Why was His Majesty there at that time... actually, this is content that the maids of the Central Palace begged us to keep quiet about. There might be a problem with His Majesty's authority. I am not sure why they were saying that though..."     

"… well, there must be a reason. Something we should not be wondering about."     

"Is that surely it?"     

"By the way, was Lizzy with His Majesty that night, Ella?"     

"Yes. His Majesty commanded that Her Majesty be taken to her own quarters when it was nearly dawn."     


Petronilla made a brief expression showing that she was thinking, and Rafaella, who was curious about this asked her.     

"Why, Nil? Do you know something?"     

"No way. Only… I just think it is weird. But as it appears, nobody seems to know."     

"Her Majesty also did not seem to know it. It is better not to mention this topic."     

"Okay. There is no point in scratching to make it swell up."     

After smoothly finishing the conversation, Petronilla smiled and lifted the tart dish in her hand, as if nothing was wrong.     

"The chef made a new one, and the taste is awesome. Everyone, have a taste."     

"After Her Majesty eats, then we will eat the rest, Lady Petronilla."     

"Of course."     

Petronilla laughed, revealing her teeth. Her distinctive, innocent smile was refreshing like a tart. She casually walked up to her sister's room and opened the door. Patrizia, who identified who she was, welcomed her.     


"You are working hard, Sister Majesty."     

"There is nothing to be working hard about."     

Petronilla approached Patrizia, whose face was red as if she was embarrassed. She asked a question after laying down a plate of tarts on the table.     

"Are you busy? If you're not busy, eat, and then work. The chef baked something new, and it tastes out of this world."     


Patrizia rose from her seat with a smile. The work was not all that urgent, so there was plenty of time to enjoy the tart. She walked slowly and sat at the table with Petronilla. After tasting one of the tarts, she soon smiled happily. It was sweet.     

"Ah, delicious. The chef's skills are truly great."     

"I think so too."     

After saying that, Petronilla, who had been looking for an opportunity during that time, soon brought up the topic from earlier.     



"I heard you met with His Majesty a few nights ago?"     

"Ah… how does Nilla..."     

"That's not important, Lizzy."     

Petronila attempted to smile and moved her lips.     

"Was there something… that happened?"     

"Was there… something?"     

Patrizia was nervous at the moment. What? Did Nilla know something to talk like that? Patrizia did not lose her cool and calmly asked.     

"Was there something… what are you talking about?"     

"Just anything at all. What I don't know."     

"… Nothing happened."     

The sisters had no secrets between them. However, that principle was only broken today. Patrizia told a lie. This was not an act of distrust in her twin sister. She was just cautious about speaking on that.     

If it was related to her, then her sister would take off on her feet to help her. She was a sister that cared even if it was regarding the smallest things. That was why she didn't want to say anything to Nilla. She didn't want her to worry, and most importantly, she didn't remember exactly what happened that night. All she remembered exactly was the frenzy that he had caused that night. Of course, Petronilla had asked with that kind of thing in mind, but Patrizia had no idea that was the case.     

"Really. I just fell asleep right away before I could tell about something that had happened."     

"… right. I just... thought something was going on. What a relief."     

"Nil, really. You worry about me too much. Do I really seem like a child brought out to the shore of water?"     

When it was actually Nil that sometimes seemed like a child. When Patrizia laughed and muttered to herself, Petronila also just laughed. Yeah… saying nothing happened, that was enough. Petronilla changed the topic, erasing away her silly worries.     

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