Lady to Queen



Exactly one day later, Petronilla returned to the Duchy. As always, the courteous butler welcomed her, and Petronilla began to speak while drinking the tea that had been prepared in advance.     

"Ask Madam January to bring a proposal for the amount of money she plans to spend and the items, butler. Let the two of us look at it and decide."     

"Yes, Lady. It is a wise answer as expected."     

"Oh, by the way…"     

Petronilla spoke carefully.     

"Yes, tell me, Lady."     

"Is Madam January not inside the home?"     

"She is out currently."     

"Ah, is that so."     

Petronilla mumbled with a voice that expressed how unfortunate it was. Soon after, she spoke to the butler again.     

"I must have had too much tea."     

"Ah, the bathroom is on the second floor, Lady. Would you like me to escort you?"     

"No, Butler. I am grateful for the words alone."     

After saying that she would go alone, Petronilla went up to the second floor. Petronilla pretended to go to the bathroom the butler spoke about, and then turned away and secretly moved into January's room, which she had confirmed last time. After she sneaked into the ownerless room, she began to search through all the nooks and crannies in the room.     

'I have to find...'     

She didn't know if it would be useful if she just found it. In addition, it could be different from what she knew about. Anyways, the variable was applied from the beginning. Petronilla quickly moved her hands and started looking for something. When she finally opened the fifth drawer, Petronilla discovered something. She almost yelled out unknowingly, then quickly closed her mouth and put the item in her chest.     


At that moment, the door was opened. Petronilla's heart shriveled up.     

"What are you doing in here?"     

It was January. She glowered at Petronilla with an unusually cold look, and Petronilla spoke with a calm expression.     

"Ah, I got lost trying to go to the bathroom… I opened any room to ask a maid, but the room was so pretty that I was admiring it. Is it Madam's room?"     

"… Yes."     

Since she said it was a mistake, it was difficult for her to ask Petronilla who was a guest, why she was in a room without a master. January did not hide her grim face, and Petronilla broke into a friendly smile and praised the interior.     

"You are very good at decorating. I admire it. My room is not as pretty as this."     

"Well… There is nothing you cannot do with money."     

January, who replied without sincerity, spoke further with a smile.     

"Would you please leave, Lady? I don't like people being in my room."     

"Oh my, I am sorry, Madam. I made a mistake and disturbed you."     

"No. It's fine."     

"Then I will take my leave."     

Petronilla said this and quickly left the room. It felt like January was staring at her with suspicious eyes to the end, but Petronilla walked on casually as if nothing was wrong. Nervousness excited suspicion.     

Patrizia took a deep breath. The tiara on her head felt heavier than usual. As if she noticed that Patrizia was nervous, Rafaella came to her side and deliberately tried to help her relax.     

"What is wrong, Your Majesty? Do you feel bad somewhere?"     

"Ha… That is not it, but I am a little nervous."     

When Patrizia replied with a weak smile, Rafaella, who had dressed in a silver dress in a rare moment, burst into laughter.     

"Your Majesty. Did you not see the mirror properly? How pretty Lizzy is right now."     


Patrizia's face blushed at those words. Anyways, She was just a bad girl in name only, and in cases such as this, there was no one more naive and pure than this. Rafaella smiled and spoke in an admitting manner.     

"Really pretty, Lizzy. Like an angel from heaven."     

"That is a bit of an exaggeration."     

"Really though?"     

As the two of them playfully laughed at each other, Petronilla suddenly appeared. The black and green velvet dress blended with her flaming red hair and it was beautiful. Patrizia smiled and greeted her.     

"Welcome, Nilla. You look so pretty today."     

"Your Majesty also looks beautiful."     

As Petronilla spoke in a formal way, which was unusual, Patrizia couldn't stand it and laughed. It was beyond awkward. Patrizia asked her, "Mother and Father?"     

"They will be a little late. I came first."     


Patrizia gave a small smile.     

"By the way, my twin little sister, you really are so beautiful today?"     

"Such empty words."     

"No, you are really pretty."     

Petronilla said this as she touched the golden dress Patrizia wore.     

"The dress is pretty, and the hair is up in a pretty way. And the tiara shines."     

"Why are you like this today?"     

"Pretty, my little sister. Older sister is about to be jealous."     

Petronilla giggled with a mischievous expression and spoke in a voice that revealed her feelings of regret.     

"If you were unmarried, you would have broken the hearts of many lads."     


Patrizia received these words with an awkward expression and spoke to excuse herself.     

"It is not so bad now. There is nothing to bother me."     

"Yeah, good for you. Where is His Majesty?"     

"Not interested."     

As Patrizia spoke in a flat voice, Petronilla smiled strangely.     

"Yes, well. There are a lot of people with you, right? You have me, and Ella too."     

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