New Age Of Summoners

Rotten Seed

Rotten Seed

"The tribe leaders of the Shixato wilds sure know how to come early."     

The mountain lion king, Brutus, joked as soon as he saw Snow and others enter the tree chamber.     

"We went to pick a gift for the master."     

Snow scoffed at Brutus and released her Emperor realm cultivation pressure which instantly shut the mountain lion king and other tribe leaders.     

In the world of spirit beasts or re-cultivated spirit beasts, one needs to have the strength to speak or do whatever one wants.     

Before Snow breakthrough into the Emperor realm, Brutus was the strongest re-cultivated spirit beast in the Five elemental world. So, he always made fun of others and the others let him do it because he had the strength.     

However, after her breakthrough to the Emperor realm, Snow officially became the strongest re-cultivated spirit beast in the Five elemental world.     

Therefore, after Snow released her cultivation pressure, Brutus remained silent and acted like he didn't notice Snow.     

"Congratulations, Tribe leader Snow."     


Soon, everyone congratulated Snow for becoming an Emperor realm spirit beast at such a young age.     

Even the lesser world tree congratulated Snow because she could tell that Snow would definitely break the emperor realm barrier and enter the next realm as long as she put enough effort into her cultivation.     

"Why do I sense something familiar in your hands?"     

However, after congratulating Snow, the lesser world tree sensed a familiar aura in the box that Snow was holding. Hence, the lesser world tree asked Snow about it.     

"It's the gift we prepared for the Master."     

While saying that, Snow opened the box and gave it to Ajax.     


Ajax became curious and guessed, 'Is this the reason why they entered the Ancient ruins?'     

He felt warm in his heart when he sensed that his contracted spirit beasts entered the depths of the 'Ancient ruins' to bring a gift for him.     

It was not hard for Ajax to guess it because when he informed them about the engagement party, they were still in their own tribes.     

However, after a few hours, he learned that they entered the 'Ancient ruins' where Snow nearly lost her life to enter the secret realm left behind by their ancestor.     

"Thank you."     

Ajax wanted to berate them for risking their lives to get some gift for him; however, looking at the excitement in their eyes and since they were surrounded by many, Ajax didn't scold them.     

Instead, he thanked them from the bottom of his heart.     


     Item name: Lesser world tree seed (rotten).     

    Grade: No grade.     

     Information: The previous emperor of the Five elemental world had two lesser world tree seeds when he entered the five elemental world. One is good and easily nurtured and the other one was bad and didn't germinate. After a few centuries, that bad seed eventually ended up in the hands of the three bird emperors. However, because of their experience in the greater world, they learned how to nurture the bad seed and kept it for the sake of their descendants.     

As soon as Ajax touched the blackish green-coloured seed, he received complete information about the lesser world tree's seed.     

'Huh? A rotten seed?'     

When he saw the name of the thing he was holding in his hand, Ajax was excited; however, when he saw the word 'Rotten', he was an ugly expression.     

'Even the previous Emperor didn't bother to nurture it. Is it really worth trying to nurture it?'     

Nevertheless, after reading the full information about the seed, Ajax understood that the three bird emperors found a way to nurture it.     

So, he thought about whether he should nurture it or not.     

"Son-in-law, let me see that seed."     

As Ajax was thinking about the pros and cons of putting some effort into nurturing the lesser world tree's seed, the lesser world tree asked him to show the seed.     


Since it was already rotten, Ajax was not worried that the lesser world tree would use that seed for itself. Even if it used the seed for itself, Ajax didn't mind because as the emperor of the five elemental world, the lesser world tree would be one of his many subjects.     

"Oh. It is rotten completely."     

Soon, a thin tree branch came out of the ground as the lesser world tree observed the seed and informed Ajax about its status.     

"I know."     

Ajax nodded with a bitter smile on his face.     

"Master the ancestors said that we can still nurture that seed. That's why we gave it to the master."     

Fearing that Ajax might misunderstand their intentions, Snow and others hurriedly said the exact words of the ancestors.     

"Huh? You met your ancestors?"     

Ajax and others were surprised by their words and asked at the same time.     

"Not real ones; instead, we met their projections."     

Raweth and others briefly explained their conversation with the ancestors.     

"I think I know what they meant when they said the seed can be nurtured."     

After hearing their words, the lesser world tree spoke, making Ajax pleasantly surprised.     

"Do you know how I can nurture it?"     

Since the lesser world tree is a legend grade tree, of course, Ajax was excited about it and asked about the lesser world tree.     

"It can be nurtured with the help of plant essence."     

Without keeping anyone in surprise, the lesser world tree directly informed what it understood from Snow's words.     

"Plant essence?"     

Ajax frowned and silently thought in his head, 'I am already dying to find the plant essence to nurture the Soul nourishment tree and now even this rotten seed needs the plant essence?'     

"I have some plant essence with me, I will use it to make this seed recover and germinate."     

As soon as the lesser world tree finished its words, another sharp thin branch came out of the ground and pierced through the rotten seed before injecting the plant essence into it.     


Ajax was shocked when he learned the lesser world tree had the plant essence with it and hurriedly tried to stop its actions of injecting the plant essence into the rotten seed.     

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