New Age Of Summoners

Nightmare Fiend

Nightmare Fiend

Soon, Ajax finished a separate deal with the Earth human emperor.     

Unlike the other four human emperors, the Earth human emperor doesn't need to pay the additional 15 million trader tokens.     

'It is very hard to find someone who is honest and genuine.'     

After completing the deal, they added each other to their friends' list before exiting the special trader's chamber.     

He didn't just add the earth human emperor to his lists, he even added the remaining four human emperors along with the Blood Vampire King because they have to be in touch until they finish their deal.     

'Adding the 30 million trader tokens from the Blood Vampire King with the 60 million trader tokens from the four human emperors and the 12 million trader tokens I had from before, it would be more than 100 million trader tokens.'     

After coming out of the special trader's chamber, Ajax checked his trader's account which had more than 100 million trader tokens.     

Even though he had yet to deliver any smaller world cores to the Blood Vampire King and the four human emperors, Ajax made them pay the advance.     

The four human emperors cursed Ajax for his condition; however, they still signed the deal and paid the 15 million trader tokens each.     

As for the Blood Vampire King, 30 million trader tokens were nothing in his eyes as he directly transferred even before Ajax asked him.     

'102 million trader tokens.'     

Seeing such a huge amount, Ajax could not help but become excited.     

When Ajax first visited the trader's realm, he received a gift by mistake from a cultivator with an ID named Universal Summoner.      

From that gift, Ajax received one million trader tokens he was already over the moon at that time and now he had earned 100 times that money within half a day.     

Therefore, Ajax was unable to control his excitement.     

'There are still two more special cultivators I have to meet. After that, I will enter the mid-level trader's realm and look for the plant essence and battleship artifacts.'     

The remaining two special cultivators were none other than Jade Dragonling and the Nightmare Fiend.     

Even though there was another special cultivator who participated in the auction, Ajax could meet him through a special item. That special cultivator was none other than the Astral Demon Emperor.     

Soon, Ajax met a dragonkin whose body was covered in jade scales. He was none other than the Jade Draongling.     

Behind him, his servant also followed while looking in a special direction.     

"Hello, Jade Dragonling."     

"Harbinger of Destruction."     

They greeted each other and Ajax was about to suggest taking the special trader's chamber to finish the deal quickly without wasting any time.     



However, they heard footsteps coming from the other end of the hallway, making them turn their heads in that direction.     

"Looks like you are here, Harbinger of Destruction."     

Soon, a three-meter black-coloured beast walked towards them and greeted Ajax first and then it noticed the Jade Dragonling, "You are also here little jade."     

The beast called the Jade Dragonling with an affectionate voice, giving a surprise to Ajax.     

'How is he?'     

Ajax frowned, wondering who this might be this black-coloured beast; however, soon, he saw an ogre walking behind the beast and realized who he was.     

'It must be the Nightmare Fiend.'     

Since the Might Fiend had sent his Ogre servant earlier to him with a gift, Ajax realized the identity of the black-coloured beast.     

It looked like a lion; however, unlike the mane of the lion that was supposed to be around the head, this black-coloured beast's entire body was covered in long hair.     

The Nightmare Fiend's head was huge and looked scary with sharp teeth protruding out of its mouth.     

"Uncle Nightmare"     

As Ajax was observing the appearance of the scary-looking Nightmare Fiend, he heard the Jade Dragonling rush towards the Nightmare Fiend and greeted it with an excited look on his face.     

'Uncle? A Dragonkin and a Nightmare Fiend were being affectionate to one another? Aren't they supposed to be the arch enemies?'     

Nightmare Fiend, it belongs to a special class in the demon race and it was considered a top race among all the classes in the demon race.     

As for the Jade Dragons, they belong to the top class in the dragon race.     

The dragons and demons were the archenemies and especially these two races, they belong to the top class in their respective race. So, from ancient times they fought one another and killed each other without any hesitation.     

"Nightmare Fiend."     

Putting aside his thoughts, Ajax politely greeted the black-coloured beast.     

The Nightmare Fiend nodded its head at Ajax.     

"Why don't we take a single special trader's chamber and discuss our future trades? This way, we can finish it sooner."     

After thinking for a moment, Ajax suggested it was better for them to take a special trader's chamber together to finish the deal between them in the shortest possible time.     

Since the Nightmare Fiend and the Jade Dragongling seemed close, Ajax felt there was no need to waste his time taking two separate special trader's chambers.     

With the help of the special trader's chambers, the traders don't have to worry about the other party reneging the deal because the owner of the trader's realm personally takes care of those scammers.     

So, whether it was a powerful cultivator or a less powerful cultivator, everyone would enter the special trader's chamber while signing their deals.     

"No problem. Let's go."     

Both the Nightmare Fiend and the Jade Dragonling said at the same time, making Ajax nod his head.     


In the trader's special chamber,     

Ajax, the Nightmare Fiend and the Jade Dragonling were sitting on the chairs arranged in the chamber and discussing their deal.     

"I will provide a smaller world core every month for both of you as long as you pay the right price."     

Ajax thought about it for a moment and directly said his offer just like how he did with the Blood Vampire King.     

If his deal with the Nightmare Fiend and the Jade Dragonling gets confirmed, Ajax needs to supply a total of four smaller world cores which was within Ajax's allocated limit for selling them.     

One for the Blood Vampire King, one for any one of the human emperors, one for Nightmare Fiend and the Jade Dragonling each. Overall, it would be four smaller world cores and Ajax has set a limit that he should not sell more than 10 smaller world cores.     

If Ajax and his summons put their full effort, he would get over 60 smaller world cores in a month. So, even if he traded 10 smaller world cores, it would still leave him with more than 50 smaller world cores which he could merge into five normal world cores.     

"What do you offer in exchange for my smaller world cores?"     

Ajax once again asked them and continued, "Remember, I will supply the smaller world cores for every month over a long period. So, it is better to offer a good price; otherwise, I have to find other traders."     

Ajax's words contained a little bit of arrogance which he intentionally added to his words in order to make them believe that he was a young master of a powerful family.     

"One smaller world core for a month and over a long period of time?"     

Both Nightmare Fiend and Jade Dragonling were shocked by Ajax's words.     

They were already expecting as long as they got one smaller world core from him, it would be worth it.     

However, they didn't expect that the other party was willing to supply them with smaller world cores over a long time, making them quite shocked.     

"I will offer an opportunity to enter the Jade Pool in my world along with 15 million trader tokens every time you give me a smaller world core."     

Even though the Jade Dragonling was young compared to the Nightmare Fiend, he was the first one to recover from the shock and directly said his offer.     


There was no hesitation in Ajax as he directly agreed to the Jade Dragonling's offer.     

He was not only getting the market value of the smaller world core in trader tokens but he was also getting a one-day entry into the Jade Pool.     

'According to the information I have on Jade Pool, a cultivator's cultivation would directly rise to low-level emperor realm cultivator and all his cultivator's laws and souls would be upgraded to the emperor realm souls. I wonder what kind of benefits I will be having if I soak in the jade pool for one day.'     

Ajax could not wait to enter the Jade Pool; however, he maintained his cool and looked at the Nightmare Fiend.     

Actually, the thing is, if the world-conquering supplied the smaller world cores regularly, no one would have bothered to pay such a huge price for a smaller world core.     

However, since Ajax was promising them the consistency that the World Conquering Sect never showed, they were willing to pay more.     

'I wonder what they would do if they found out that I am taking all their customers?'     

Since they were signing the contract for the long term, Ajax was not worried that the World Conquering Sect might take his customers away.     

"What are you going to exchange for my smaller world core?"     

Soon, he asked the Nightmare Fiend as he wanted to go shopping after finishing the deal.     

"I have a high-level legend grade item with me. If the young master likes it you can take it and give me the smaller world core."     

While saying that, Nightmare Fiend took out a shining black-coloured fruit and gave it to Ajax.     

'Th..this is…'     

Ajax was shocked by the information he saw about the fruit in his hands.     

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