New Age Of Summoners

Learning the true value of the plant essence

Learning the true value of the plant essence


Ajax was surprised to see the familiar face in the Trader's realm; however, he didn't dare to call his name out.     

It was because everyone hides their real identity in the trader's realm.     

That's right!     

The cultivator who chased away the stores' servants away was none other than Zaglanath, the half human and half demon cultivator.     

Even though Ajax didn't know why Zaglanath didn't change his appearance, Ajax still didn't dare to call him by his real name.     

'I think I should have changed my appearance even more.'     

Ajax was not surprised that Zaglanath recognised him because he also didn't make many changes to his face and those who were familiar with him saw him, they could easily recognize him.     

"What is your id name, young master?"     

Zaglanath respectfully asked Ajax for his id name so that he could add him to his friends' list.     

Since Zaglanath considers himself a servant of the Fallen genius Aron Apineswift and Ajax was a disciple of Aron's sworn brother, Zaglanth was always respectful to Ajax.     

Moreover, in his view, Ajax earned his respect with his extraordinary battle prowess and by becoming the youngest emperor of the Purple stone world.     

"It's the Harbinger of Destruction. What about you?"     

Ajax replied and asked for Zaglanath's id.     


Soon, the words formed from mist appeared in front of him, informing him about Zaglanath's request.     


Looking at those words formed from mist hovering in front of him, Ajax was surprised not because he saw them.     

Instead, he was surprised to see that not only did Zaglanath not change his appearance in the trader's realm but he also didn't bother to change his name either.     

"You got it, right?"     

The half demon replied with a slight smile and asked.     


Ajax nodded his head and asked, "Why didn't you change your appearance and name?"     

As far as Ajax knew, everyone he had encountered in the Trader's realm had some kind of code name like Nightelf, Jade Dragonling, Nightmare Fiend, Bloodline Emperor and so on.     

Even though some of them might be using their real-life titles like his master Mostror using an id name 'Bloodline Emperor', it was not an easy thing to figure out whether it was the same cultivator or someone different.     

"I want my name to be known in every corner of this universe. So, of course, I used my name."     

Zaglanath didn't hide and answered Ajax's question, "However, it will increase the dangers and I am confident in surviving any danger I encounter. I can either fight back or escape in any situation. So, I used my real name."     


Ajax was surprised to hear Zaglanath's reason; however, he didn't doubt his words because Ajax had already seen what Zagalanath was capable of.     

'He was able to defy the heavens by making the weakest race into powerful cultivators. So, he must have his own trump cards.'     

In this universe, there were all types of experts and among them, Ajax felt Zaglanath was one of a kind.     

'Being the servant of the fallen genius Aron Alpineswift, Zagalanath had already become this capable. I wonder how powerful the fallen genius Aron was.'     

Ajax could not help but think about the battle prowess of the Fallen genius Aron.     

'Also, since my master is the sworn brother of the fallen genius and he is still living fine after 100 years since the fall of the fallen genius, he must be around the same level as that fallen genius, right?'     

At the same time, Ajax could not help but think about his master, the Bloodline Emperor Mostror.     

"I didn't expect the young master to know about the trader's realm already."     

After adding each other as friends in the trader's realm, Zaglanath spoke, "Not only did you enter the trader's realm but you already became a mid-level trader. As expected of a young master."     

Zaglanath was surprised only for a moment; however, he knew what Ajax was capable of. So, he was not surprised much about it.     

"I was just lucky to stumble on the trader's mirror."     

Ajax replied with a slight smile and asked, "By the way, is the master's id 'Bloodline Emperor'?"     

"Yes. Have you met him already?"     

Zaglanath nodded his head and asked.     

"So, it was him.'     

Ajax was not surprised at all that his master used the realm life title as his id name in the trader's realm and replied to Zaglanath, "I participated in the low-level trader's realm's auction today. Some spent an insane amount to buy the final item of the auction and it is none other than master."     

"Oh. Are you talking about the Mythical grade Hammer?"     

Zaglanath was not surprised to hear the number of trader tokens that his master had spent to buy a Mythical grade item.     

Even though a Mythical grade item was powerful and rare, a cultivator could buy five normal mythical grade items with the 500 million trader tokens. Nevertheless, Ajax knew why his master was willing to spend so much on that specific Mythical grade Hammer.     

It was because the weapon belonged to his late sworn brother and the Bloodline Emperor Mostror didn't want to fall into the hands of others.     


Ajax nodded.     

"Yes. He didn't want it to fall into the others' hands. So, he said he would buy it at any cost."     

Zaglanth replied with a slight smile and asked, "Anyway, are you looking for something to buy?"     

"Yes. I was searching for the plant essence; however, I learned the plant essence is only available in the high-level trader's realm."     

Ajax briefly explained the plant essence and continued saying, "So, I wanted to look for the battleships."     


Zaglanath raised his brows for a moment and replied, "These two items can't be available in the mid-level trader's realm. Even in the high-level trader's realm, these items could only be sold through the auction unless you directly form a deal with the seller."     

"What? Even rare in the high-level trader's realm?"     

Ajax was shocked when he heard Zaglanath's words and he finally understood they were even rarer than he expected.     

'I think I made a good decision to buy the plant essence with the normal world core.'     

Even though Ajax didn't regret his decision to trade a normal world core for the 100 units of the plant essence, somewhere in his heart he felt he should have waited till he entered the mid-level or high-level trader's realm where he thought would be unlimited plant essence.     

However, after hearing Zagalanath's words, Ajax felt he had done the right thing.     

"Also, someone sold 1000 drops of the plant essence through the auction today at an insane amount. Even your master would think twice before purchasing it."     

Zaglanath indirectly made sure that Ajax understand the realm price of the plant essence so that, he could think twice before requesting his master to buy it for him in the next auction.     

One of the teachings of his late master said to his disciple Ren was don't rely on your master for everything. Try as hard as you can and prove to your master that you have done your best.     

At that time, even if the disciple didn't request the master for help, the master would help you     

Since Zaglanath was just a servant, he could only listen while the master taught his disciple Ren from afar.     

Currently, Zaglanath was not giving any teachings or lessons to Ajax; instead, he was letting Ajax know the real value of the plant essence and as for what Ajax would do after that, Zaglanath didn't bother about it.     

'Everyone has to make their own decisions in life.'     

Zaglanath muttered to himself as he looked at Ajax to see what he would choose to do.     

"What? Someone auctioned a plant essence?"     

Ajax was not surprised at the fact that 1000 units of the plant essence were sold at an insane price because he finally understood the rarity of the plant essence.     

However, what shocked him was that it was sold today.     

"So, what is the price?"     

Ajax calmed himself down and asked for the price.     

"It was a 10 billion trader tokens along with one special mythical grade weapon."     

Zaglanath said the exact price of the 1000 units of the plant essence, making Ajax's jaw drop.     

'Ajax, just calm down…even though the price is high, it is not unattainable.'     

Even though Ajax had already prepared for the price to be insane, it still made him shocked.     

So, he tried his best to calm himself down as he motivated himself.     

That's right!     

Even though that amount was so high, it was not unattainable for someone like Ajax.     

'It looks like I just need to focus on myself and become an Emperor realm cultivator first and then I can easily retrieve the world cores of the normal world.'     

Soon, Ajax started planning his future.     

As long as he became an Emperor realm cultivator, he could go and conquer the low-level normal worlds easily. By retrieving 10 normal world cores, he could merge them into a greater world core.     

Since he would already be an Emperor realm cultivator at that time, he could auction it off in the trader's realm at an insane price and accumulate such wealth in no time.     

"When will the next auction be?"     

After motivating himself, Ajax asked Zaglanath about the next auction.     

"It will be hosted in a month."     

Zaglanath explained, "In the three levels of the trader's realm, there will be an auction every month. So, you just need enough funds and you can buy the treasure you want."     

"Since you are here, why don't we enter the auction house in this level which is about to start."     

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