The Last X



[A/N: Sorry everyone, the word count was getting out of hand, so I've redistributed. There's a new part at the end of 3.5!]     

Before Emperor Taihe could reach Consort Jing's suite, however, he found a group of unconscious bodies on the hallway's marble floor. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that a palace guard had attacked several eunuchs. While this was odd in itself, the critical detail was that these eunuchs weren't Consort Jing's. Rather, their identification badges were stamped with the symbol of the crown prince.     

The officials paused, exchanging meaningful glances.     

Apparently, the rumors of a conflict between the prince and the consort were true, although it was baffling what either side intended or how this scene had come about. Unlike the purely curious discussions of the crowd, in the shadows, the crown prince's faction was frantically sending a messenger to inform him of their failure.     

But Lu Guanting barely paused at the sight before striding onward. So, Zhang Hua had prevented this part of the crown prince's scheme. How would he prove his purity? As Lu Guanting had predicted, there was no movement when he experimentally pushed the doors, making him lower his eyes to hide the satisfied glint that flashed across them.     

Zhang Hua, Zhang Hua, really lived up to expectations ah.     

The crowd didn't disperse as they should have at the sign of trouble, too caught up in the mystery. Instead, they watched avidly as the emperor stepped back and nodded, so that two of his personal eunuchs came forward and forcefully shoved the doors open.     

Inside, several loud crashes sounded, shocking the onlookers.     

The noise had come from the pile of overturned furniture which had been blocking entry to the consort's suite, while items were scattered haphazardly from the center table to the door that led to the gardens. Despite the wind flowing in through the terrace door, which had been left ajar, the sweet smell of alcohol still permeated the room, wafting from a shattered, blood-covered wine flask on the carved table.     

It looked like the consort had been drinking, then suddenly ran out in a panic.     

Combined with the guard's flushed face and the shameful stains on his uniform, it was easy to put together what must have happened. An intoxicated servant attempting to break into the beautiful consort's rooms, the frightened consort determinedly barricading his doors and running away...the sole point that remained vague was whom the crown prince's servants had been helping.     

The emperor's face darkened, but he kept silent, advancing straight to the gardens. Luckily, it was easy to trace the consort's route, because just when the trail seemed lost, they happened to come across leads like a dropped hairpin, some broken tree branches, or bloody handprints on a stone.     

The group restlessly pursued these clues until they arrived at the edge of a forest, reaching a small lake. At last, they found Consort Jing swaying in the middle of the water.     

His hair hung wetly down his back while his thin gown, which had turned half-transparent from the water, carelessly hung off his shoulders. With his closed eyes and feverish cheeks, the consort's thoughts were unclear. But whether the consort meant to simply refresh himself or commit suicide out of shame, the picture of a solitary beauty soaking wistfully stirred up the hearts of everyone present.     

Narrowing in on that figure, Lu Guanting's pupils shrank.     

What did Zhang Hua mean by staging such a scene? By now, the emperor was certain that nothing had happened to the consort and that the traces of his rushed escape were merely a ruse. Then what did he hope to do, displaying such a seductive appearance?     

Regardless of Zhang Hua's intent, Emperor Taihe turned around, glancing lightly over the crowd behind him. He'd allowed them to spectate so far in order to serve as witnesses and gossipmongers if Zhang Hua failed, but this, they were not worthy of appreciating. Noticing his displeasure, the emperor's eunuchs swiftly herded the others away.     

When those unrelated people left, only the two remained, separated by an expanse of water.     

They were both silent for so long that the rustling of small animals and the chirping of birds could be heard.     

Still, Chen Yu didn't acknowledge the emperor, busy trying to cool his body down. Who would have guessed that this aphrodisiac would genuinely work, and so potently at that? In other lives, such medicine had rarely showed any effect at all.     

But when Lu Guanting sliced through the water to stand in front of him, Chen Yu could no longer ignore him. His lashes fluttered open to bare his black, misty eyes, a bead of water splashing onto his red cheek and sliding down to his sharp chin then along his soft throat.     

At this distance, Lu Guanting couldn't miss the scent of jujube wine coming from those pouting lips, and he realized why Zhang Hua was so dazed. It seemed the crown prince had invested quite a bit into buying a quality aphrodisiac, Zhang Hua was so sensitive now that even the gentle swaying of the water around him made him shiver and moan.     

A smirk unconsciously formed on Lu Guanting's thin lips as he stepped closer and closer. The consort had been teasing him for many, many days.     

Standing a finger's length away from that tense body, Lu Guanting didn't touch him, only leaned over and whispered, "Beloved consort, come tell this emperor what's wrong."     

That deep voice and the hot breath that washed over his ear made Chen Yu shudder uncontrollably, his legs softening so that he fell into Lu Guanting's waiting embrace.     

Damn it, this tall, masculine body was his type on any regular day. Having been weakened by the drug, he absolutely couldn't resist anymore.     

So Chen Yu leaned bonelessly against the broad chest with his head bowed, trying to neaten his robes with trembling fingers, and inadvertently exposed the vulnerable nape of his neck while bringing the pervert's attention to the bloodstains he'd gotten from breaking the wine flask. Almost reflexively, Lu Guanting seized the tender, white hands. When Chen Yu stared at their intertwined hands for a moment then raised a red-rimmed, half-lidded gaze, that was the finishing blow.     

With that glance, Lu Guanting was in no mood to continue getting Zhang Hua back for his previous refusals. He lifted the heated body up into his arms and stalked over to lay him down on a nearby stone ledge that was large enough to accommodate Zhang Hua's head to his hips.     

Without even stripping their clothes off properly, he stepped between Zhang Hua's slender legs that hung over the edge of the rock and leaned over to taste those juicy lips, his large hands palming the slippery heat below. When the stimulation was too much, so that Chen Yu involuntarily thrust his hips up and squeezed his thighs around Lu Guanting's waist, the pervert released a hoarse laugh but didn't delay, thrusting into him impatiently.     

Their ambiguous moans and pants echoed in the open space, continuing on until late evening.     

At a distance, the eunuchs who were standing guard lowered their heads, unable to laugh or cry. Although it was excellent that the emperor had finally caught the consort, couldn't he have succeeded in a less conspicuous place? These lowly servants truly had no way to face those noble bodies after this...     

By the time Lu Guanting finished, Chen Yu had long lost consciousness, so that he had no idea that the emperor had carefully wiped him off and rearranged his clothes before carrying him to Consort Jing's suite.     


The next morning, despite the fact that he woke up with a sore body, Chen Yu was quite pleased, full of anticipation for the upcoming drama.     

He was absentmindedly sitting in front of the mirror, however, when he caught a glimpse of his reflection and stilled. He bore imprints of yesterday's strenuous activities all over, but his neck was especially covered with bite marks and red bruises. The familiar sight made his heart tremble for a time, until at last he shook his head and stood up.     

Whether or not his speculation was right, nothing changed. From the beginning, his plans for Lu Guanting would only have kicked in if the emperor brought them upon himself.     

Thus, he refused to dwell on the notion, focusing instead on cleaning himself and meticulously dressing in a pure white robe to wait for the inevitable confrontation.     

Indeed, right when he had finished his morning meal, he was summoned to the emperor's audience hall, where the crown prince was already standing in the middle of the floor. Chen Yu's eyebrows lifted imperceptibly at this. To have the crown prince stand and not be seated below the emperor, the arrangement was rather symbolic. But Consort Jing greeted first the emperor then the crown prince without showing a hint of his inference.     

Discerning that Consort Jing had no intention of speaking further, Emperor Taihe opened, "Bring in the criminal."     

From a side door, two eunuchs promptly pulled a bound man into the hall. While he was unfamiliar to Chen Yu, from the disheveled guard's uniform and the timing of his entrance, he could surmise that this was the person the crown prince had tried to give to him. Actually, Chen Yu had little interest in this man, who was merely an unfortunate scapegoat.     

But seeing him did remind Chen Yu that there was a eunuch who'd been waiting for him since yesterday...At the thought, his lips curled faintly.     

Lu Guanting, who had been wondering how Zhang Hua would react to this man, was somewhat irritated by this inscrutable response. What did that smile mean? Was he admiring that guard's figure?     

Before he could decipher anything from Zhang Hua's expression, however, Chen Yu apathetically turned away from the guard with no indication of commenting. Thus, the emperor was forced to take the initiative to explain, "Beloved consort, this servant is the criminal who attempted to intrude into your suite yesterday. Fortunately, your swift actions prevented anything from happening, but for the fright you have suffered, this emperor will allow any punishment."     

On the surface, this statement was meant first, to definitively inform everyone that the consort was unsullied, and second, to demonstrate the extent to which the emperor would spoil his beloved. In reality, this was simply a way for Emperor Taihe to push all the responsibility to Consort Jing, to observe how he would resolve this case.     

Chen Yu showed a neutral smile, then spoke in a clear, gentle tone. "This consort greatly thanks the emperor for his grace, but this consort has stayed in the inner courtyard all his life and does not understand such major matters. This consort will naturally follow what the emperor commands."     

Many of the officials present were very satisfied at this passive reply. If such a beautiful and favored consort were to try to influence political matters, that could well bring on a calamity.     

But would the emperor let him go so easily? Sensing that Consort Jing wouldn't strike without more incitement, he warmly praised, "This emperor knows that his beloved consort is virtuous and merciful. But if it were not for the crown prince's servants who stopped this guard, you, this emperor's dearly beloved, could have been harmed irreparably. Come, this emperor will support whatever his beloved consort wishes to do."     

Chen Yu hummed in thought. Such a broad promise, apparently the emperor had become wary of the crown prince and was issuing a warning through Consort Jing.     

Well, he'd accompany him for this play.     

At the emperor's words, the consort gratefully knelt to the boy standing bitterly beside him. "The crown prince's servants are truly nimble, to so auspiciously protect this consort's virtue. This consort thanks the honorable crown prince for his good wishes."     

The crown prince blanched. Although he was young, he was not stupid.     

Consort Jing's remark had dug a treacherous pit for him. 'Truly nimble' implied that the prince had been the one orchestrating this incident or, worse still, that the crown prince's network inside the palace was more pervasive than the emperor's. The latter would sow indelible seeds of suspicion between him and his imperial father.     

At the same time, the consort, who must know that his scheme had failed, was mocking the incompetent mastermind for his 'good wishes' that could only remain wishes, never to be realized.     

The crown prince grasped that he had to counteract these poisonous words, but before he could unseal his mouth, his imperial father harshly interrupted. "Beloved consort, it is of course the duty of the crown prince to safeguard his imperial father's heart." To the waiting servants, he unhappily demanded, "Come, help the consort up" then turned back to Zhang Hua, scolding affectionately, "Beloved, do not kneel again, especially when you are so weary. What would this emperor do if your tender skin became injured?"     

The onlookers drooped. Even their thick faces couldn't stand such blatant intimations, alright?     

Finally, it was the accused guard who saved them from this blinding sight. The man heavily kowtowed, crying out, "Imperial consort, please, this lowly servant begs for an investigation! This lowly servant swears that he has never held any improper thoughts about the imperial consort. Please give justice to this lowly servant!"     

In his heart, Chen Yu somewhat pitied the man, but he also felt that such a defenseless guard would only meet more misfortunes if he stayed in the palace. So he showed a slightly concerned expression and whispered instructions to a nearby eunuch. Then, his question was repeated loudly. "This guard, who is the accused?"     

The sobbing man froze, raising a bewildered face. He hadn't dared to hope that the consort would really listen to him, not to mention be willing to help him. Frantically thinking over the events that had happened, however, his fists clenched. The eunuchs who'd assaulted him yesterday had been wearing the crown prince's badges. No matter how foolish he was, he at least comprehended that with or without proof, he couldn't blurt out the name of this suspect. Despite his resolution, the more astute officials caught the guard's angry glance at the crown prince and could fathom what had happened, giving rise to a sense of disdain for an heir who couldn't even dispose of a mere consort.     

As the man hesitated, struggling over what to do, Chen Yu again spoke to the eunuch. "If this guard does not know who is responsible, why does this guard believe he is a victim of a crime?"     

The man's eyes brightened. This question, he could answer! Excitedly, he produced his flask that held some water from yesterday. "Replying to the imperial consort, this lowly servant found that he could not control himself yesterday after drinking this water. This lowly servant begs that a physician inspect it for drugs."     

Hearing this, Chen Yu humbly bowed to the emperor, requesting, "Your Imperial Majesty, this consort submits to the emperor's judgment."     

Remembering the way Zhang Hua had disregarded his command and fell asleep yesterday, Lu Guanting was rather amused at his obedient façade, but he indulgently nodded and called for an imperial physician.     

When the old doctor confirmed that the guard had indeed been drugged with an aphrodisiac, the emperor fondly focused on Consort Jing again.     

To the unspoken query, Chen Yu calmly bowed and answered, "Your Imperial Majesty, this consort pleads for leniency. While this guard was in fact not careful enough, falling prey to such a ploy, this consort believes that he will perform well outside of the palace."     

Lu Guanting smiled, satisfied. Zhang Hua had done very well, hinting at the crown prince's ruthlessness and demonstrating his benevolence all at once. In a good mood, he unconcernedly ordered that the guard be transferred to a distant outpost.     

Of course, both Chen Yu and Lu Guanting knew that the crown prince would likely attempt to silence him. Despite that, neither of them considered shielding him. The man knew someone was after him and who it was. If he still failed to defend himself, that was his business.     

Thus, the incident ended with the issue of who had drugged the guard left obscure, but many officials distanced themselves from the crown prince.     

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