Be happy with sports

Game 2 NBA Finals 1

Game 2 NBA Finals 1

Kobe Bryant was even more upset; he didn't perform well on offense and couldn't do his best defensively, allowing Allan Houston to score many points against him.     

Coach Rambis criticized all the players who needed criticism, but he couldn't be too harsh because he wanted the players to have high morale for Game 2 of the NBA Finals the next day.     

So Coach Rambis used a different strategy and gave many compliments to Jake, Shaquille O'Neal, and Dennis Rodman. This way, he could motivate Kobe and Rick to play better and earn praise as well.     

Coach Rambis analyzed Game 1 of the NBA Finals and showed Rick Fox and Kobe Bryant some ways they could defend better against Latrell Sprewell and Allan Houston in Game 2.     

He also advised Rick Fox to stay calmer when taking mid-range shots in the upcoming games and told Kobe Bryant how he could move to provide more passing options for Jake to score more points.     

All the players understood what they could do to improve both offensively and defensively and were confident they could win more easily in the next game. Coach Rambis didn't criticize the players too much because he knew that if he were one of the best coaches, he could help the Los Angeles Lakers players improve even in Game 1 by giving these instructions.     

Jake was also analyzing the game to see how he could play even better in Game 2. He saw several plays where he could have made a better decision and some situations where he could try for more steals.     

If the New York Knicks didn't come up with new and better plays in the next game, they would surely lose because the Los Angeles Lakers would definitely correct many of the mistakes they made in the last game.     

After training with the Los Angeles Lakers team, Jake returned home to relax with the people close to him. When he got back home, his friends had gone out again, and Eva had left to talk to Anna.     

Jake was happy to see that his mother and friends understood and supported him in spending some alone time with Kate. He soon found Kate alone in one of the rooms on the upper floors, looking at the computer.     

Since Jake was a millionaire well-versed in future technology, he always had the best computers in his house. The computers he had were custom-made for him with more advanced technologies than what was available on the market.     

Even so, this was still too slow for what Jake was used to, so he only used the computer to check his emails and the news. Nevertheless, Jake always found it interesting to see how people reacted to the modernity of current technology.     

Kate hadn't even noticed that Jake was near her. Even though she had come to Los Angeles to watch Jake's NBA Finals games and be close to him, Kate was still concerned about her work.     

In recent months, Kate had spent everyday training to sing songs, rehearsing, and organizing her shows. Her team during the shows was like a second family to her.     

So, even though Kate loved Jake very much, she had talked extensively with Lily and others on her team to see if she could have this break to watch Jake's games in the NBA Finals and take a break from the shows.     

Since everyone on Kate's team also loved her, they managed to organize this break for her to watch Jake's games in the NBA Finals. They arranged it to be a good break for everyone on the team to see their families, whom they hadn't seen for months.     

As a result, Kate got her break. But even when she was with Jake in Los Angeles, whenever he wasn't with her, Kate was thinking about her career and how to improve her shows. If it weren't for Lily stopping her, Kate would have been rehearsing her songs every day at Jake's house in his excellent music studio.     

Now, Kate was looking at gossip news that showed pictures of her with Eva and Jake's friends watching Game 1 of the NBA Finals. Even though most of the media was only interested in the game, gossip websites wanted to know more about the lives of the celebrities.     

Jake found it amusing when he saw that Kate was happy to see the photos taken of her with Eva and concerned about the repercussions it could have. After all, Jake and she had not yet officially confirmed their relationship.     

"Don't worry too much about what the gossip sites say, Kate. In the future, you'll have to get used to people making false criticisms about you all the time on the internet," Jake said.     

"I hope that never happens. I already find it difficult to read some criticisms about my personal life and my work. If that becomes normal, it will be even harder to continue as a singer," Kate replied.     

"Humans are beings that easily adapt to things. You'll get used to it in a few years and might even ignore the criticisms. Soon, when we announce that we are dating, these criticisms will naturally disappear," Jake assured her.     

"I know that, but it's hard to see how people can say that I don't care about my career and my fans when I spend several months just thinking about music to do the best I can," Kate expressed.     

"I know it's difficult, but in a few years, you'll get used to ignoring criticisms that have no truth like this. Many people speak without any knowledge and without knowing what you've been through to create your music," Jake said.     

Kate calmed down after hearing what Jake was confidently saying. Of course, if she knew what Jake knew about the future, she would be even more panicked, as Jake was talking about how people made thousands of criticisms on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and various social networks without any truth.     

Jake spent some time with Kate until Jake's friends arrived around dinnertime. Eva also returned, and this was a time when everyone gathered and chatted. Jake was happier to see this and more relaxed for the game the next day.     

Soon, June 18th arrived. Jake spent the morning with the people he cared about and felt more relaxed when he went to the Great Western Forum for Game 2. Even though he arrived much earlier, Jake could already see excited Los Angeles Lakers fans eagerly awaiting the game.     

Jake headed to the locker room to put on his uniform and saw that some players had already arrived. Kobe Bryant was also focusing on the game, and Jake was pleased to see Kobe more spirited, hoping he could be one of the standout players for the team in this game.     

Jake soon began to focus on the game, and the other players arrived shortly after. They all seemed well-rested and relaxed for this game. Coach Rambis had addressed some of the Los Angeles Lakers' shortcomings, and they were confident they could win this game more easily.     

The Los Angeles Lakers were stronger than the New York Knicks, so playing at home, concentrated, and prepared for the opponent, they had a much better chance of winning this game as well.     

Soon, the Los Angeles Lakers players hit the court at the Great Western Forum to warm up and await the start of the game. Lakers fans got excited when they saw Jake, Kobe, Shaq, and the Lakers players.     

After a while, the New York Knicks players also took the court to warm up. Jake could see that the Knicks players seemed more tired and tense than the Los Angeles Lakers players.     

Jake spotted where Eva, Kate, and his friends were watching the game at the Great Western Forum. He was more excited and calm for this game, knowing that the Los Angeles Lakers had a better chance of winning more easily.     

"Two nights ago, both teams started on equal footing, the Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Knicks, ready to begin the NBA Finals games."     

"But soon, Jake Smith and Shaquille O'Neal, along with the Lakers, showed why they can be unstoppable. They were dominant in inside plays and accurate in three-pointers. The New York Knicks experienced this up close."     

"Now the New York Knicks have to answer a question that seems to have no answer: how to beat the best team in the current NBA."     

The commentators cheered up the people watching the broadcast on television. Almost all of America was watching the game, thinking that the Los Angeles Lakers had already won the NBA title this season but hoping for a turnaround.     

"Today, the Great Western Forum is packed with Los Angeles Lakers fans who have come to see perhaps the last game of the Lakers this season and the last game of the Lakers at the Great Western Forum."     

"The Los Angeles Lakers can win the NBA title without another game in Los Angeles if they win the next 3 games, and that's what Los Angeles Lakers fans hope will happen."     

"With Jake continuing to have this great performance, Shaquille O'Neal finding it easier in the attack and contributing to defense, the Los Angeles Lakers have a great chance to win. If Kobe Bryant and Rick Fox also perform well, the New York Knicks won't be able to stop this team."     

"The New York Knicks played a great game and had a chance to win the game in the last quarter. Latrell Sprewell, Allan Houston, and Marcus Camby were excellent, and if they can play even better in this game, the Knicks have a chance to win."     

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