Battle Royale of the Sinners

Battle of Liyang - Part 9

Battle of Liyang - Part 9

Chapter 179 – Battle of Liyang - Part 9     

Although it took Tong one second to kill and leap to another target, Huangfu Song and his men managed to react after Tong killed the 10th archer.     

Soldiers with shields in front surrounded him to limit his movement. Spearmen on the second line held their Javelins and were ready to toss them to Tong.     

"Brat! Surrender! You're surrounded!"     

Tong looked around and noticed that he was surrounded so fast. He laughed.     

"Wow! I'm impressed. You have amazing disciplined soldiers, and they even moved without order! Should I say, as expected from the elites of the elites?"     

"If you knew it, you can surrender! Unlike those scoundrel friends of yours, I promise I will give you another chance in life!"     

Tong nodded in admiration. This person's psychological persuasion was also good. He checked his system map to see who the commander was. The name "Huangfu Song" appeared on the location of the speaker.     


Tong laughed out loud by reflex after realizing that one of the grand commanders of the three armies was here.     

"Has he gone insane?"     

"He's lost it."     

"Well, that's obvious. Any cornered rat will show its true inner side."     

The shield bearers gossiped after they saw Tong's reaction. On the other hand, Huangfu Song did not think that way.     

'His eyes and his expression aren't clouded with fear! That's not a despaired laugh!'     

Huangfu Song had a bad premonition. From his ability to read people, Tong did not reveal a hint of an insane person or a despaired prisoner.     

He trusted his instinct. This young man had to die right now.     

"Men! Kill him now!"     

"HAHAHA! It's too late! You can't escape! [Time Stop]!"     

Though Tong wanted to scream "ZA WARUDO" as the skill activation, he was afraid that one of the [???] sins would act up again. Every time he acted like a chunnibyou, this [Sin] always got stronger.     



The world became colorless as everything in this dimension was paused.     

"I wish I have a road roller in my inventory …"     

Tong leaped over the shield formation that surrounded him and landed in front of Huangfu Song.     

As usual, Tong took out a sharp blade and sliced his neck in one slash.     


He gazed at the boiling grease in his inventory menu. He wanted to burn everybody here again as he did in the other day. However, he felt terrible for the people in Puyang Region since they had nothing to do with this battle.     

If Tong used the grease fire again, the innocents in this area would suffer as the wind still blowing southwest.     

"But I have other ways to kill all of you!"     

Instead of using grease fire, Tong ejected hundreds of cubic stones into mid-air from his inventory. These cubic stones moved by the discharged force and came to a stop. These over-a-ton stones hung over their heads, waiting for the time stop effect to run out.     

"I guess I should call it the mini-road-da-roller-da!"     


"Whoops! Time to bail."     

Tong started running away from this location to hide in the shadow of the trees nearby. He had not planned to retreat to his camp until he farmed all lifespans from these men.     


Tong snapped his fingers. 'Zero!'     




"Where did he go?"     

Tong frowned from listening to the voice of the panic soldiers. A-hard-object-hit-the-meat sound, crushing impact sound, or bone cracking noise did not come. Aside from the soldiers' voice, it was silence.     

'What happened!? I thought I used those boulders to crush them. Why!?'     


"General is dead!"     

The soldiers already noticed that Huangfu Song's neck was sliced open. He already fell on the ground and stopped breathing.     

Even though Tong stocked another 20,000 lifespans for the final reward of his soulmate quest, he was not happy with this development. Something was wrong during the last few seconds when he escaped back into the woods to hide.     

'Dammit! If those stones killed the soldiers, my [Time Stop] skill would have been leveled up!'     

'What exactly is going on?'     

Tong took a peek to see the situation outside as his radar map was filled with red dots.     

What he saw astonished and shocked him. The cubic stones were floating upward instead of falling. In mid-air, a white-haired old man in a Daoist robe was standing on one of the cubed rocks.     


Tong looked at his radar map by instinct, yet the system map did not show him on it.     


"You must be thinking [How is this possible], right?" A haughty female voice sounded behind Tong.     

Tong sensed terrifying killing intent aura from the voice behind him. He leaped to the side by reflex.     

"I'll repeat your words, little demon. It's too late. You can't escape!"     

A white hand pieced through his iron armor and dug into his chest, breaking his ribs. The hand grabbed tight onto his beating heart and squeezed it.     

Blood leaked out from Tong's five orifices as multiple of his blood vessels ruptured from the sudden burst of blood pressure.     

"You can die, wicked demon!"     

The owner of the voice, the women in angelic robe, pulled out Tong's heart from his body.     

Confused, shocked, panicked, Tong stared at the face of the woman. Behind her back, eight white tentacle wings danced in the air. Tong gathered the last bit of his will and strength to chant a word in his brain.     



There was no time to feel pity for the lost lifespans from this regeneration skill. Tong used this opportunity that the woman thought he was already died by her hand to kick the ground and dashed at full speed toward the east.     

He faced the 10 G-Force again because of the sudden burst of speed. However, this time, he did not black out. His adrenaline ran into all of his blood vessels, and his brain overclocked in full power, making him be able to temporarily control every part of his body with a single thought.     

Within two seconds the angelic woman let her guard down, Tong dashed 300 meters away from her.     

"Huh? Is he still alive after all that? Oh, right. He has that [Yang Seed] skill."     

This woman was none other than Liu Yang, the goddess-in-training and the successor of Athena that infiltrated this dimension. At the same time, the old man who was in the air and was observing them was Zuo Ci.     

"Goddess, that's enough. I've told you to give him a warning, not to kill him."     

"Ha! He won't die from just that. If I don't kill him again, he won't remember!"     

Liu Yang chased after Tong without waiting for Zuo Ci's permission. She caught up with Tong within one breath. She reappeared by the right side of Tong as if she teleported.     

"As I said, you can't escape!"     

A flying kick was coming toward Tong's head.     

Thanked the overclock mode, he saw a kick coming at him. Even with his heightened sense, Tong still felt that the kick was still too fast.     

Tong raised his right elbow and used his left arm as a support. At the same time, he pointed his index finger at the attacking woman.     

'Eject, boiling grease!'     

All the hot oil from Tong's [Inventory] was ejected in the shape of jet liquid stream as if it was shot out from a firefighter's hose.     

Liu Yang's kick landed on Tong's arms, breaking them, sending impact to his head, and sent Tong flying into the river. At the same moment, the jet boiling oil slammed onto Liu Yang's entire body, creating white smoke and burnt her white skins and clothes.     

Liu Yang screamed in pain as her skin reddened from the burn. However, it was temporary as her burnt skins were healing to counter the spreading wounds.     

Although the hot oil could not kill her, burning wounds were still a painful experience for her nonetheless. She glared at the direction where she sent Tong flying in resentment.     

"HOW DARE YOU! [Goddess of War], Weapon creation!"     


[Goddess of War] Cannot be leveled up.     

- The host can create all weapons, armors, or combat-related crafts from the dark age to the 21st-century.     

Skill Cost: None     

Skill Restriction:     

- Liu Yang can only use this skill.     

- This skill cannot be transferred, copied, or stolen.     

- Mortals can not use all items created by this skill.     

- This skill will be erased after its usage.     



What she created was an armed ICBM which was set to detonate in 3 seconds. She flew on top of the river where Tong landed and was about to toss the missile into the river.     


Zuo Ci also spread his ten black tentacle wings and exerted all of his power to stop the missile from falling into the river. It stopped in midair and shuttled upward to the sky faster than light speed.     

The missile was launched into space within a second. It exploded in the void without creating a sound.     

Liu Yang looked back at Zuo Ci with a frustrated expression. She had just sacrificed her best skill to kill this heretic demon, but this geezer stopped her.     

"You've wasted my skill! I demand compensation!"     

Zuo Ci squinted his eyes. This woman still did not know her place. Besides, his status had tremendously changed into something else that she should not be able to belate him anymore.     

"Be quiet!"     

With a snap of fingers, a lightning cage trapped Liu Yang inside and the electric current zapped into her body.     

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" The high-pitched scream resounded the night, alerting both Tong's soldiers and Imperial soldiers.     

Zuo Ci snapped his fingers again. The cage and the goddess were teleported elsewhere, leaving Zuo Ci alone in mid-air.     

On the river, Tong was floating face-up. Blood was running out from his nose and ears. The last kick of Liu Yang gave him a concussion. If Zuo Ci left him alone, he would cause permanent severe brain injuries.     

Tong also tried his best to stay awake despite his severe injuries. The clock in the system menu showed 11.35 PM. He had to wait for another 25 minutes before he could use his regeneration skill again.     

Zuo Ci dropped himself and stepped on the river. One of his tentacle wings touched Tong's forehead. He chanted.     

"[Soul of Charity], Heal!"     

The wing turned into a spirit of a young girl. She poured light into Tong's head, and all his injuries were healed in an instant.     

The spirit reverted into a tentacle wing and returned to the back of Zuo Ci again.     

Tong stared at Zuo Ci in astonishment. He had heard from the system goddess that he should be cautious about these beings.     

"Nice to meet you, young man. I'm Zuo Ci, the administrator of this planet."     

"You have committed great sins that I have to come here personally to warn you!"     

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