Battle Royale of the Sinners

Is It Over?

Is It Over?

Chapter 216 – Is It Over?     

At the battlefield of Jinyang territory, Lu Zhi, his family, Zhou Cang, and the rest of the team exited the portal made by Li Feihong. All of them appeared behind the large troops of heavy cavalries.     

"This ..."     

Zhou Cang and Lu Zhi were astonished.     

"Long story short, I'm also a sorcerer like Tong. Well, you can also say I'm also an immortal like he has proclaimed himself," Li Feihong tried to explain his ability.     

"Ah, I see," Lu Zhi's eyes gleamed while Zhou Cang slowly nodded. Everything made sense if both of them were immoral colleagues.     

Li Feihong closed the portal as everyone was rescued. He gazed at his monitors to check to others.     

Gao Shun had already taken over the leading role from Lu Bu, and he was in the middle of the battle with the remnants of Zhang Yang's soldiers. Meanwhile, Zhang Liao took a battalion to the top of the hills to flank this leaderless army, trying to get them to surrender.     

Lu Bu, on the other hand, climbed the mountain to check the geography. He gazed at the northern areas where there were dust and commotion.     

"I sensed a stronger warrior over there," Muttered Lu Bu before he licked his lips.     

"A worthy opponent. I hope he is not our ally this time."     

"But I still need to teach Tong a lesson for ordering me around! I'm not his subordinate!"     


Friday was tidying the battlefield by absorbing the corpses by her borrowed wing. The battle of this section was over.     

With the supporting arrows from Hua Shi and Friday's absurd speed, they annihilated the isolated Imperial troops with ease.     

Zhang Xiu and Zhang Ji did not jump into the fray as the archers and repeating crossbows were more than enough to kill the majority of the trapped troops.     

Out of the 50,000 soldiers who were isolated, only 10,000 survived and surrendered. The rest were turned into porcupines and eaten by Friday's tentacle.     

Friday and Hua Shi looked at their status with a bright smile. It was a bumper harvest for them.     



Name: Hua Shi     

Age: 17     

Lifespan: 126,935 Years     




Name: Dong Bai     

Age: 5     

Lifespan: 291,819 Years     


Hua Shi gained lifespans with her [Sword Mastery] lifespan draining after a kill, while Friday absorbed the life essence from the corpses. Friday's current lifespan had not stopped increasing as she only finished 8,000 bodies out of all 40,000, which made Hua Shi stared at her in envy.     

Hua Shi suggested, "Donate some of yours into the clan. We can give those lifespans to our clan members like Feihong or Tong's father. Come to think of it, Feihong doesn't have enough lifespans for this year upkeep. We should give him at least 4,000 years or so."     

"Aye aye, let me finish all of these juicy bodies first." Friday sang a corpse under her left foot turned into dust.     

The eyebrows of Hua Shi twitched.     

'I think I understand how the others looked at me when I was a cannibal now.'     

While the two girls were happily clearing the dead bodies, the soldiers of Julu looked at them in fear as they kept their distance from the two housewives.     

"T-T-The body has just turned into ashes?"     

"Was it sorcery?"     

"It's a hex!"     

"Didn't you see how they fight? They're grim reapers!"     

The soldiers began speculating and whispering. A new rumor about the Friday was born.     

"The mistress is [Goddess of Death], and her bodyguard is [Death Apostle]!"     




An alert sound came from the system menu while Tong was settling a temporary tent for Huang Zhong to stay.     

He gazed at the clock. It was already 3 PM. By now, the battle on the other side should have been concluded.     

Dong Bai: Liu Ping is dead.     

Hua Shi: RIP by butt-sex and BBQ.     

Tong clenched his fists as that troublemaker had finally died for good. At the same time, he had a chill running down his spine as he noticed the comment of Sunday.     

"What do you mean butt-sex? I can guess that BBQ means they have burnt him, but butt-sex?" Tong was baffled.     

Zhang Tong: Great job!     

Zhang Tong: BTW, I've captured Huang Zhong.     

Zhang Tong: But I have to release him back in a few days. I can't recruit him yet.     

Hua Shi: My scouter said your luck is over 9000+     

Hua Shi: How the heck did you capture him!?     

Hua Shi: Isn't Huang Zhong's skill almost the same as Lu Bu in archery?     

Dong Bai: Obviously, he cheated.     

Dong Bai: And plot armor.     

Dong Bai: Lame luck.     

Hua Shi: Right.     

Hua Shi: LAAAAME.     

Tears dripped from Tong's eyes. Did it hurt to give him a bit of credit? These girls were bullies. As he was discouraged, his pole raised its flag and pointed at his face.     

If Tong's little brother could speak, it would have said something like, "Let's break those two once we get home! We shall get our revenge!"     

Tong nodded, "That's right! Let give him a mind-break tag! Since my [Sloth] has come back, we shall trample them on our bed with my unlimited regen!"     

The long pole in his pants waved its shaft, "Don't forget. We can also add a time-stop tag! We should increase this skill level and give them an experience of a surprise time-stop dual-cultivation.     

"Nice idea! It's a good plan!"     

"Right? I'm a genius at this after all!"     




In the tent, Tong was laughing and talking to himself. The squad of ten guards broke a sweat as they heard everything that their young lord had said.     

"Is he alright?"     

"He'll be fine. He's done that a lot."     

"You knew?"     

"It's a habit of a talented commander. Our lord's personality is a little bit weird. Get used to it."     

"That's not a little bit. He's bonkers."     


An hour later, Li Feihong also sent an updated news.     

Li Feihong: Reporting from Jinyang, I've rescued Zhou Cang and his party.     

Li Feihong: Lu Zhi and his family are safe!     

Li Feihong: I've transferred them with Zhang Liao and co ATM.     

Li Feihong: Lu Bu and Gao Shun are clearing the Imperial force now.     

Li Feihong: Everything should be over by the evening.     

Tong's mood got better after he saw Li Feihong's report. Everyone made it, and all plans succeeded.     

Li Feihong: BTW, Lu Bu said he wants to duel with you again after this war.     

Li Feihong: He said unless he beats you to a pulp, he can't sleep soundly.     

Tong collapsed onto the ground in an Orz position as he cried a river.     

Normally, warlords should have been rejoiced and celebrated after they had achieved a hard victory from a series of difficult battles, yet Tong continued to sulk till night.     

"Why everybody wants to bully me *sob*."     



At the altitude of 2,000 feet above the ground, Zuo Ci was observing the battle below while he stood still in the air as if there were a floor under his feet.     

In front of him, a small transparent ball floated and moved around in confusion.     

Zuo Ci extended his ten wings which they reached and wrapped around a small transparent ball. This ball could not be seen with naked eyes, but to him, it was as noticeable as a lighted torch in the darkness.     

The ball was the soul of Liu Ping, who could not return to his realm after death.     

Zuo Ci stared at Liu Ping's soul with a frown. They soul circulation system in this dimension had not even constructed yet, but this soul required a place to settle.     

Normally, he could have sent this soul into a body of an empty shell embryo right away to reincarnate it, or he could give the soul his blood to turn it into an angel in the next 20 years. However, Liu Ping's soul was an exception.     

Zuo Ci had read Liu Ping's past and learned about his feuds with Tong long ago.     

When the two reincarnated into this world, a massive thread of karma appeared and bound the two together, which alerted Zuo Ci and Lilith.     

There were other karma threads among the others as well, but they were thin. Those thin lines were neglectable as it could be severed with a few good deeds as a redemption.     

Unfortunately, both Lilith and Zuo Ci could not ignore Tong and Ping's fate as the two could influence many natives in this world.     

They came to a conclusion after a discussion. One of the two had to die by the other's hand! Had they let them be, the two could have created battles and wars on a larger scale.     

Thus, Lilith deliberately created a scenario where both Liu Ping and Tong had to fight each other early on so one of the souls would be sent back to the original dimension. Once one of them gone, the karma thread should disappear as well, and the stability of this fragment dimension could enjoy more of its tranquil.     

Alas, the creator suddenly took Lilith away and severed the connection of both dimensions, causing Liu Ping soul to get stuck in this world.     

This posed a serious problem to Zuo Ci. He was not powerful enough to create a realm for the souls!     

After Liu Ping died, Zuo Ci immediately came to this place.     

As the sage of this world, he should be neutral toward the affairs of the world. However, in the depth of his heart, he wanted to destroy this sinner spirit. It was a soul that did not deserve to enter the circle of reincarnation.     

"Since one of you is unnecessary in this world, I should destroy you!"     

Zuo Ci exerted a bit of his wings' strength, planning to crush this soul into pieces. Contrary to his inner thought, his wings did not harm Liu Ping.     

Biting his lower lips, he clenched his fists and attempted to destroy Liu Ping's soul again, yet the wings did not do anything to it. Rather, Zuo Ci had not exerted any power into his wings at all.     

"I can't!"     

Zuo Ci was afraid of the karma backlash. Despite the fact that he was one of the tops of the food chain in this dimension, he still wanted to obtain another pair of wings.     

He wanted to possess twelve wings like the first generation archangels or Morning Star.     

Zuo Ci was aware. If he saved this dimension and the natives by destroying this soul, he would have been stuck at 10 wings bottleneck for the rest of eternity because of the karma interference.     

The ambition of getting twelve wings was the only thing that gave Zuo Ci the drive and the motivation to continue his duty in this forsaken realm. Else, Zuo Ci would have gone insane by the boredom and the solitary life.     

'Damn it all! I can't!' Zuo Ci screamed in his mind.     

'I want to kill this piece of garbage so bad, but I don't want to sacrifice my future!'     


In the end, Zuo Ci's greed prevailed over his justice.     

He gazed at the soul again, and the humongous thread of karma could be seen by Zuo Ci's eyes. It extended toward Li Feihong, Tong, Hua Shi, and Friday.     

Earlier when Zuo Ci gave Medusa a sermon, he miscalculated. He thought that the karma thread size would decrease its volume if Tong's subordinates were to kill Liu Ping. But in reality, it increased instead. Furthermore, it even bound Hua Shi and Friday, who were responsible for killing him.     

"Do I really have to let these two fighting each other?" Zuo Ci muttered and sighed.     

The wings of Zuo Ci released the soul of Liu Ping, which floated around aimlessly as it had lost its conscience and will.     

Liu Ping at this stage was like an infant without his previous memory. As his soul had not perfectly synchronized with his body, the ejected soul came out from the dead body without a memory. However, it still contained his instinct and his trait inside.     

"I hope that you can redeem yourself, Ping. I'll let you go on your own."     

The soul continued to float toward the northeast as if there was a magnet that drew his soul toward the direction. Zuo Ci also noticed this, but he allowed it to go as he thought that it was the work of his fate and karma.     

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