Battle Royale of the Sinners

Jiang Man, The Rat

Jiang Man, The Rat

Chapter 249 – Jiang Man, The Rat     

Zou Jing's instinct shouted that he had to run as his trauma relapsed. Zou Jing jumped off his horse and hid behind his bodyguards, who were looking at their boss in confusion.     

A second later, light arrows flew at the soldiers on the frontline. All arrows curved and flew against the physics laws, piecing the heads of the men.     

"Kill that man!"     

"It's a lone archer! Kill him!"     

Though the noble armies charged and rushed at the lone rider, more arrows stopped them on their tracks.     

All fast runners who managed to get closer to the rider were shot down.     

Furthermore, the horse archer kicked the side of his horse and turned it around, escaping from the charging footmen. After getting a good distance, he turned around and fired more light arrows.     

Several hundreds of light arrows withered down their armies, which made the noblemen realized who they were up against.     

Desperate cries and death throes shocked the onlookers.     

"Is that the Goddess of Death?"     

"But that's a man! It's Zhang Tong!"     

"Zhang Tong is here!"     

Some nobles panicked, but several commanders were excited. All commander with fighting experience galloped their horses to chase Tong.     


After firing several hundred arrows, the bowstring snapped. Tong tossed the bow away and was about to take his spared bow, but he stopped.     

The oncoming chasers came with horses. Tong did not have enough time to lock-on or shoot an arrow.     

Tong exhaled and took out his gun, which had been stored inside the weaponry package on horseback. He regulated his breath and fire, one shot at a time.     


A bullet penetrated the skull of a charging horseman. Ten others were still coming after Tong.     

*BANG* *BANG*     

*BANG* *BANG*     

All horsemen were shot down from their horses, shocking the volunteer forces and Zou Jing. Liu Bei and his brothers stared at the gun in shock as well.     

With all the chasers gone, Tong put away his gun, switching his weapon to a bow again. He continued firing homing arrows at any locked target without bothering trying to search for Zou Jing.     

The anxious volunteer forces still rushed at Tong because of the command of their bosses. They wanted to run away, but they were afraid of the repercussion from the noble clans, so they had no choice but to charge.     

Tong picked off the enemy footmen with leisure, slowly withdrawing while shooting at the pursuers.     

Five minutes later, the bow was broken as the bowstring snapped yet again.     

'No more homing arrow. How many bullets I have left again?'     

Tong retreated back to his army while he was counting the 9mm bullets he had. He almost emptied a clip just now, but he still had four full magazines left, which had a total of 60 bullets.     

He reloaded the clip and stored the remaining magazines in his cloth, preparing for the long battle.     


Meanwhile, the chasing army was still relentless. Despite that they lost several thousand men from the light arrows, they again came after Tong.     

"We still have the superior number. After them!"     

"Kill. Kill. Kill!"     

The nobles gave the commands, forcing every force to go after Tong.     

Because the footmen and the horsemen were a mixed force which did not belong to everyone's association, all officials and nobles did not care about their lives. As long as Tong and his Yellow Turban force were eliminated regardless of casualties, every surviving noble could claim the credit.     

None of them had a sense of comrade among the troops, only the political interest.     

Liu Bei and his men did not chase after Tong. Instead, they follow behind Zou Jing's groups. They were boycotted by the nobles as they were afraid that this no-name army would steal their achievements.     

"What's with those light arrows?" Liu Bei was astonished.     

"Is that sorcery?" Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were shocked, too.     

Jiang Man watched the battle in solemn. He knew that it was a skill that Tong displayed.     

'He has a gun, but the bullets should be limited. As long as he wastes all of that with the soldiers, we'll still be fine. But ... It's odd. All skills should have been nerfed to oblivion. Zhang Tong should have been able to use that skill once a day.'     

'Lilim, do you hear me? I want to know if it's legit or not to be able to use a skill multiple times a day!'     

Jiang Man tried to report the [Bug] to Lilim.     

And he received a reply!     

[Indeed. All skills should have been limited to once a day and have an upkeep over 2,000 lifespans a year. Let me investigate this.]     


[You're right. Zhang Tong has used a loophole to cheat the system. I'll do something about him.]     

'Hey, I reported a bug. Can I get a reward?'     

[Okay. What do you want?]     

'Return my skills, of course! Can you cancel my quest and give me a skill?'     

[No. I won't give you a skill unless you complete your mission. But, I can do this instead.]     




[You can think of it as an evolutionary process. You have been infected by an angel's blood so you can evolve into an immortal. I'll accelerate the angel blood growth in your circulation system, then you won't have to wait 20 years for it to awaken. I'll leave a note in your status menu about all the details. It's up to you if you can cultivate it.]     

[This is the only reward I can give you.]     

Jiang Man sniggered in his mind as he enjoyed being a rat for the system.     



Tong sudden felt a sick headache, which he almost fell down from his horse.     


The message was the answer to why he suddenly had this sickness despite that he had illness immunity passive.     

"Lilim!" Tong groaned while he was gritting his teeth.     

[I'm only fixing the imbalance skills that you have.]     

[Go ahead and cry like you used to. You can't blame me for doing my job.]     

[Ciao! HAHAHAHA!]     

"THAT BITCH!" Tong bellowed. As he screamed, his face reddened, and his eyes were bloodshot. His hatred toward this administrator had reached a new height.     



Misfortune struck Tong one after another. He had to calm his emotion even though he had yet to vent his anger.     

'I swear, Lilim. One day … I swear …'     

The facial expression and his unintentional leaking killing intent terrified Tong's subordinates.     

"Young master …"     

"My lord …"     

The red pupils, which appeared frequently, glowed again. Tong glared at the rushing soldiers that had not given up chasing after him.     

Tong had not lost his sanity because of his anger. He merely wanted to vent his frustration.     

"A glaive … give me one," Tong extended his right hand without looking at the soldiers.     

"H-Here, sir."     

Terrified by Tong, a soldier passed his glaive to his lord, who grabbed it and galloped his horse forward.     


The Yellow Turban soldiers were panicked as Tong rushed at the enemies without giving his order.     

"What do we do?"     



"I don't know. Screw it, follow the lord! Charge!"     


The ambitious mixed force of five thousand men still ran after Tong. The moment they saw that Tong was rushing at them alone, they laughed as if they were on drugs.     

"HA HA! Zhang Tong is an idiot!"     

"The bandit leader is a fool. Kill!"     

"His head is mine!"     

Because of their greed and desire for rewards, they did not work together or form a spear wall formation to counter Tong's solo charge.     

Before Tong reached them, he aimed his pistol forward, using his left hand.     



The front soldiers, who were aiming their spear at Tong's horse, received a bullet into their head, one each.     

The threat to the charging horse collapsed on to the ground, Tong's glaive swung down at the nearest soldiers.     

As Tong was using one hand to control his polearm, he could only swing it once every second. Although it was slow in Tong's point of view, his swing contained the strength of a 2-winged demon. All soldiers were sent flying even if they were hit by the shaft.     

Seeing that one gun and one glaive was not efficient, Tong put his gun away and held the glaive with two hands. At this time, his horse rammed into a soldier, which slowed its charging momentum.     


The speed of his polearm swing doubled, and all soldiers, who were in Tong's reach, were cut into pieces.     

"He's slowed, get him!"     

Since Tong dove right into the unorganized mobs, he wedged into the center of the five thousand men and was surrounded in a few seconds.     




If Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, or Li Feihong were here, they would have thought that Lu Bu was playing in the enemy's formation. The image of Tong wreaking havoc alone in the enemy's line resembled Lu Bu at the Battle of Jinyang.     

But compared to the monster among men, Tong had not reached that mastery yet.     

Each swing sent one or two bodies into the air. Blood rain showered everyone in the range of 5 meters, comparing to Lu Bu's five men a swing.     

As he fought, he was also learning. The movement of his glaive had less useless moves as he continued killing. He stopped relying on the horse ramming and used his glaive to cut a path for his horse so it would not get stuck in the formation.     

Tong's polearm movement slowly refined. From the random swing turned into a swing with meaning and purposes. The arc of the glaive did not curve widely, but it became sharp and accurate. Sometimes, Tong grabbed the edge of the glaive bottom tip and waved it around himself, repelling the sneaking soldiers who tried to attack him from behind.     

The training with Medusa in Hell only implanted the basic movements into his instinct, but fighting life-and-death battles with the real enemies squeezed out Tong's true potential. Tong's perception and reaction speed had reached 80% of his full overclock mode even though he had yet to exert his brain power yet.     

Two minutes passed, soaking in the enemies' blood, Tong broke through the pack of five thousand men mob. He could see the main army, which had a higher number than this group of mix force.     

Tong pulled the horse reign and turned around, diving back into the formation of soldiers once more.     

At this moment, the almost 4,000 Yellow Turbans had made contact with the mobs, they charged right into the unorganized files of formation, which pushed back the noble force.     

The yellow cloth troopers did not fight blindly either. The front soldiers slammed their shields at the front enemies and held formation. The second line of spearmen supported the shield bearers, while the rest of the backlines took out their crossbows and fired supporting barrages. The few hundred horsemen detached themselves from the main group to the side. They circled to the left of the mob and charged right into the packed formation.     

As Tong dove back into the enemy lines, he could notice his men's performance a hundred meters away.     

'I forgot to give them a command. Is there anyone ordering them to use this tactic?'     

Tong finally realized what he had forgotten since his anger blinded his reason a few minutes ago.     

A loud shout and a commotion broke out at the left flank of noble force, so Tong glanced at the direction. He saw his horse unit charging into the enemy's lines as well.     

Tong changed the direction of his horse, killing all soldiers in his path. In a minute, he regrouped with the horseman unit.     

"Young master!"     

"My lord!"     

The Yellow Turban were delighted to see their lord safe.     

"I didn't order you to move. Why are all of you coming after me?"     

"Err …"     

The soldiers were embarrassed and flustered. They did not know either.     

"Oh well, let's breakout and regroup. We're retreating for now."     

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