Battle Royale of the Sinners

Wang Yun and Zhen Yi

Wang Yun and Zhen Yi

Chapter 489 – Wang Yun and Zhen Yi     

January 15th, 200 AD.     

Lilim observed the world with a solemn expression. Today marked the day that all the seeds she and Zuo Ci had spread would bear fruits.     

The seeds were their blood, and their fruits were the awakening of the local population's souls.     


In the space, a transparent ghostly river flowed in a circle, surrounding the planet earth. At its surface, water boiled and jumped as a billion of snakes bared fangs at the earth and Lilim.     

The river and snakes of karma danced in the space as if they were anxious about this development. Yet, Lilim was unfazed.     

"It's time. I've been collecting lifespan for this."     

Lilim rechecked her dimension system one more time to ensure that her program worked as planned. As her eyes were on the semi-transparent menu before her, a crack appeared in the space.     

As if the space was made of glasses, the crack expanded.     

"Injecting one billion lifespans to every star of our solar system," Lilim muttered.     

The shaking stopped and the dimension mended itself. However, the river of karma was leaking its water toward the universe.     

This river was an ethereal object with sentience. The leaking water transformed from its ghostly appearance to a form of icicle asteroids, which could destroy any planet if they crashed them. Each of them came out with the size of two Suns.     

"Injective a trillion years of lifespan to the universe karma river."     

The manifested asteroids faded back and merged with the karmic river. Yet, the snakes of retribution looked restless.     

They glared at Lilim with hatred.     

"I hereby sever all ties you have with the people of this world. All souls here shall start anew."     

The snakes screamed. All minor karmic snakes sunk to the deepest depth of the karma river.     

Still, a few giant snakes did not flinch. They were the karma knot of angels and demons with 8 wings or higher.     

These snakes belonged to Medusa, Zuo Ci, Liu Yang, and Lilim.     

Lilim frowned as she observed these karma snakes. She was hesitating if she should eliminate these hindrances in this occasion, or should she wait for another chance.     

Thinking for a while, she sighed, "I can't risk it. I'll leave you be for the time being."     

The snakes only stared at Lilim, but they did not do anything to harm the universal harmony.     





Lilim watched the observation monitors with widened eyes. The screen showed that humans on earth stumbled and sat down in pain. Some of them screamed, but a few laughed in delight.     

Most humans had awakened a soul, but they had not completed their immortality rite yet. Thus, they were stuck at one-wing without a proper cultivation method.     

Lilim hoped that she could establish a sect on earth to seduce talented cultivators. Then, she could complete the requirement to ascend the 12-wing tier.     

After Lilim finished adjusting the flow of this realm, she turned toward the direction of Zuo Ci and Guan Yu.     

Zuo Ci was helping Guan Yu reinforcing his foundation and healing the latter's soul injuries.     

The progress went well. Soon, Guan Yu could be useful.     

"Hehehe! Soon!"     




On earth, everyone received the impact of this mass awakening, including Tong's wives.     

Tong did not give any cultivation technique to them as he was afraid of their previous life's memory. He was unsure if they would still stay in the inner palace, or they would return to their previous husbands.     

But now, Tong did not have to guess anymore.     

Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Cao Qinghe, and Cao Xing got their otherworld's memory. The first thing they reacted upon getting their soul back was screaming.     

They could not believe that they had cheated their husbands.     

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were at a loss, unable to decide if they should go on with their current life, or should they return to Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.     

Cao Xing was a lot calmer. She immediately investigated about Liu Xie's whereabouts and his action when she married Tong.     

Upon finding out that Liu Xie did not care about her at all, Cao Xing was mad to the point that she destroyed some of her belongings in her chamber. Still, she calmed down after a few days.     

On the other hand, Cao Qinghe was confused at first, but she laughed it off as this life was better than the last one. Instead of marrying Xiahou Mao, who cheated on her in the previous life, marrying the emperor was a better choice.     

Du Shi and Cai Wenji did not react when they woke up from their memory dream. Both women simply talked and gossiped with each other, forming an alliance within Tong's harem.     

As experienced wives, they chose to compromise and save their children from the potential infighting among all concubines. Since they had a relationship with Cao Cao, one as a friend and one as a wife, they got along well.     

Wu Guotai did not bother with her old life. Although it was sad that she lost Sun Jian twice, her new life here looked brighter and more hopeful than the last one.     

Sun Ce was alive, and Sun Quan was now a prince.     

As long as they were safe, she would not mind bearing Tong's children if he were to demand it.     

For Wang Yi, aka Liu Yang, she was not a part of this mass awakening. However, when she heard that everyone had it, she pretended that she was able to recall her previous life as well.     

She joined Du Shi and Cai Wenji's alliance later, using the excuse that she wanted to protect her daughter from politics and harem infighting.     




While many historical housewives tried to settle down with their new memory, another influential girl was hiding from the limelight.     

Zhen Fu, aka Zhen Ji or Zhen Shi, the latest daughter of Zhen Yi, the governor of Zhongshan, also obtained her old memory back.     

This year, she had become a full-fledged 18-year-old maiden.     

Her father had been busy warding off all pursuers, so she could be sent to the inner palace when she was old enough. Zhen Yi planned to wed Zhen Ji to Tong this year, but the emperor suddenly shut himself and cultivated.     

Without a choice, Zhen Yi ordered his daughter not to see any man and waited to marry Tong when he came out.     

Now, she recalled that she had married Yuan Xi and Cao Pi. Zhen Ji hesitated if she should continue her father's plan on marrying the emperor.     

But as a girl in this man's world, she could not decide her fate. Zhen Yi would decide it for her.     

And today, Zhen Yi had a rare guest from Nanpi, their neighbor.     

Wang Yun visited Zhen Yi personally for a secret talk.     


At Zhen Yi's private office, Wang Yun sat on the opposite side of the table in front of Zhen Yi.     

"Friend, are you here to talk about your past life memory?"     

Zhen Yi guessed that Wang Yun might be concerned about his status as a father-in-law of Wei Emperor, Cao Pi.     

"No. I'm here for something else."     

"Ah. What is it, then?"     

Wang Yun coughed, "What do you think of the current government?"     

Zhen Yi squinted his eyes. After he obtained his previous life's memory, his thinking was sharper. He understood Wang Yun's purpose right away.     

"Are you dissatisfied with the current system?"     

Wang Yun shook his head, "No, no. You misunderstood me. I just want to know your opinion."     

"To be honest, I don't care. As long as I can maintain my current status quo, I don't mind serving this world's emperor."     

"Don't you want to be the father-in-law of Wei Emperor again?"     

Zhen Yi paused. He looked into Wang Yun's eyes, "That's none of your business, old man."     

"Hey, take it easy. I'm just curious."     

Zhen Yi snorted, "What do you know? You're already the current emperor's father-in-law, am I right?"     


"You were also once the father of the fake empress. If I remember correctly…"     


"But in the end, your daughter ends up colluding with Zhang Tong and Dong Bai from the very beginning. Moreover, your daughter refused to beg Zhang Tong to give you a better position!"     


"You don't have the title you wanted. You don't want the "in-name" prestige, but you want something else."     

Wang Yun gulped and sulked. He looked down in guilt.     

Zhen Yi continued, "Tell me the truth, what do you want?"     

The old Han loyalist took a deep breath. Then, he confessed, "I want Dong Bai dead."     

"Ah… figure as much," Zhen Yi snickered, "Without Dong Bai, Diaochan will become the next empress. Is that what you were planning?"     

"… No."     

"Huh? What the hell are you planning, then?"     

"I want my Han Dynasty!"     

"… Oh?" Zhen Yi got interested, "Who are you planning to enthrone this time if it isn't your daughter?"     

"That girl isn't my daughter! She's literally reincarnation of a devil! I only want the rightful heir of Emperor Ling to the throne!"     

"Then, you're a wishful idiot. Liu Xie won't take the throne. The election is also coming soon, and he doesn't have many supporters… Wait."     

Zhen Yi squinted his eyes as he stared straight into Wang Yun's eyes, "What is your REAL goal, my friend? Is it what I'm thinking?"     

Wang Yun smirked, "You got it, my friend. Want to hear the details yet?"     

Zhen Yi leaned closer to Wang Yun, "As long as your scheme is interesting, I'm all ears."     

"Just promise me that you won't rat me out for some small achievements."     

"Nah. You know that we're both are ambitious bastards," Zhen Yi snapped his fingers and two figures came out from behind a curtain, located at the corner of Zhen Yi's office.     

Two men, who Wang Yun had never thought that they should have been here, smiled at the old men.     

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu!     

"We got another cooperator, my Jiangdong friends."     

Zhou Yu nodded at Zhen Yi and smiled at Wang Yun, "I predicted that you would be here sooner or later. I'm glad that you've finally made your decision."     

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