
Murderous Impulses, The Power Of Fear!

Murderous Impulses, The Power Of Fear!

I had watched documentaries about children crushing a whole colony of ants just to feel superior, but I never had the chance to experience what it was like to kill a bug let alone a whole bunch of them. However…     

'This is dangerous.'     

I had already settled the conviction that demons were bad people who had to die, but the amount of enjoyment I was getting out of this was scary.     

Stepping down on hundreds, grabbing a handful and squashing them in my hands… I could already see that a certain substance was being strongly pumped out by my brain using internal sight, and that was without a doubt none other than dopamine!     

I believed that I had the right to enjoy that as my payback for all of the depressing troubles that I had encountered in the Fire Domain. However, this wasn't how happy a comeback could be. I was undeniably enjoying the process of crushing thousands of inferior beings, the justified anger only made it better like a bonus…     

'But it is okay.'     

As much as I enjoyed this, there had to be a limit to this behavior. The same reason that made this such an ecstatic experience was also what made it controllable, this power was very temporary just as it was dangerous.     

'Only every once in a while though.'     

Even if this caused me to feel the urge to go on an irrational killing spree for a minute every day, my logical mind knew well enough that my current strength couldn't handle the consequences of that minute. A power jump always screwed up perspective, but a temporary one was just too uncertain.     

Squash! Squash! Squash!     

[ You have absorbed… ]     

[ You have absorbed… ]     

[ You have absorbed… ]     

By the time I reigned in my murderous impulses, the sound of crushing and squashing had already covered that of the demons' screams. Realistically speaking, the fifty seconds that half of which had already run out were far from enough to finish up the whole army. However, after all I had personally experienced and imposed upon others, I knew enough about the true power of fear to exploit this situation!     

While my identity was technically compromised and the demons pretended to know a lot about me, I had never truly revealed everything I had. In particular, 'Full Dragonization' was a brand new ability that I had obtained at this Fire Domain, so how much I could use it didn't actually have to be a 'single minute'.     

Strength was important, but knowledge was definitely a very important factor for a lot of things. It could be either another point of strength or one of weakness depending on how one handled it.     


[ You have absorbed… ]     

Unfortunately, all the fun times had to come to an end at one point. I could already tell my dragon clock was ticking when I still had as much as 15 seconds left. Rather than a restriction of power, it appeared like the 1-minute limit was set up because that was the limit of what my body could handle.      

As fantastical as the Lost Realm was, it still followed a certain line of logic. No to mention how limited my Dragon Blood was, even 50 points of Constitution and Strength weren't enough to contain the power of an actual dragon, especially when I'm using it to mass murder demons instead of free-falling from the sky…     

On the bright side, it at least seemed like Light was similarly enjoying himself down there, making use of the shock that the demons were suffering from to harvest some EP of his own.     

The demons didn't easily hand themselves to me and started running away while I was busy crushing their colleagues, and these freaked-out runners were precisely the perfect prey for Light.     

'Am I to blame or are Thunder Lions usually that aggressive as children?'     

[ 'Light' has received… ]     

[ 'Light' has received… ]     

[ 'Light' has received… ]     

I wasn't sure if it was because I desired so or because my ears had become too large, but the notifications' ring was lowered down enough to not damp down my temporary overexcitement. Just as the number of seconds that I had left dropped to one digit…     

[ You have absorbed… ]     

[ You have absorbed… ]     

[ You have leveled up! ]     

[ You have reached level 131! ]     

'Not a bad conclusion for a one-time crazy minute!'     

A level up in the last five seconds made 'Full Dragonization' feel like a berserk skill made specifically to enjoy an experience feast. Sadly enough, even if I were to ignore the fact it could make me crazy, an environment full of monsters like this wasn't easy to find and harvest every day…     





The numbers went off in my head as I earnestly stepped down to the best of my ability, but I could already feel the gigantic body, which I was just starting to get used to, starting to shrink down.      

Just as mind-boggling as it was to have all of that strength, speed, and size all at once, it similarly felt strange to progressively lose all of that just a few dozen seconds after. I just found it hard to describe how contrasting it was…     

Regardless, I didn't have the time to adapt now in comparison to when the ability was just activating. It was precisely time to make use of the Elements that I had replenished with the last shot in the potion!     

"Support Sir Azure, the Dragon's Champion… No, the True Dragon!"     

"True Dragon Azure!"     

Now that I no longer had to focus on controlling a body that's 100 times larger, nor focus on mass murder without going crazy, I finally heard the half-dragons' voice after going back to my size. From the looks of it, my made-up position was being authenticated at a much higher value.     

Just like Light, they took the chance to kill as many demons while I could still look at them from above. However, even this far into the plan, only a third of the demons had been exterminated along with the wall of zombies that they had brought along.     

'Let's focus.'     

In order to capitalize on the fear that I instilled to the point that most demons still notice me shrinking back, I had no plans on simply using elemental weapon techniques. No matter what, the gigantic dragon theme had to roll on until the end, and I had just the thing for it!     


Without hesitation, I pushed my Elements into the five flow channels that I had carved up to this point. Fire, Wind, Lightning, Thunder, and Ice! Five Elemental Dragons materialized above the battlefield at the cost of returning my Elemental Pool to its previous drained state!     

Although I could only make them as big as a tenth of my Full Dragonization form, each dragon still took over 5 points to materialize, but that was a small cost to keep the deterrence high and up.     


The Ice Dragonoid was good on his own, but the other two pairs could go for an upgrade, so why not? The Thunder-Lightning Dragonoid had already proven his terror-inducing abilities inside the Demon Base. He was most certainly the most suitable for this!     

The reason I learned Elemental Control from the very beginning was to increase my winning chances against groups, this was their time to shine!     

Roar! Roar! Roar!     

Within a few more seconds, the number of the Dragonoids shrunk down to three, but two of them had become one and half times as large. To the demons, however, the numbers or size didn't really matter, there were still three blobs emitting the same pure fear that they had just experienced as they ran for their lives.     


The Fireworks were just starting!     



The technical situation was still practically the same. The half-dragons were still outnumbered and the demons still held the high ground, but the series of unexpected events that occurred to the demons had given them an instant trauma.     

"Hold on, we can still do this! We need to do this for the sake of our-"     

Some of the demons still had their mind screwed to their brains, but it truly didn't matter. Their main advantage was their numbers, yet a round of zombies versus plants followed by some dragons and dungeons turned 90% of these numbers crazy.     

Although I might no longer be the giant that could crush a fourth of them within a minute, their status still didn't change much from being a feast for my EP bar!     


My Elements were back to being scarce, but I still possessed the other path of power that I practiced. My enemies weren't moles jumping from extremely dark holes, nor were they capable enough to pierce my dragon scales in their current state. Nonetheless, my dual spears were ready to poke at them until there would be no more of them left!     

Considering the collectivity of the demons as well as the activity limit of the Dragonoids condensed through Myriad Dragon Cells, there was no way that they would remain in this freaked-out state forever, so I had to trim them even faster.      

'There is no giving up after going this far!'     

I used desperation to come up with the sequence of this battle's actions, and I have yet to change that concept in my mind. I am desperate! And my desperation would only end after I successfully repel these demons polluting this domain!     

Since I had judged that the Fire Domain could be saved, and decided to play an active role in that, then prophecy or not, I would see it to its end. Thankfully, I had just taken a condensed course about attack efficiency. I was ready to deliver as many pokes as needed, no matter what it takes!     

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