Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Fire Station - Is that a slip?

Fire Station - Is that a slip?

"Just go kid! Stop wasting time!" Oscar shouted while I saw Kaley rolling her eyes.     

Oscar looked like he wanted a piece of the action himself and he was wearing a disgruntled expression. I cut down a lot of them and then I wiped the blade with a cloth. I heard a few suppressed guns firing but there were none coming from my direction. I kept on killing a few that came close and some that were a bit of a distance away just to be safe. We started to overextend for a little bit just to make our perimeter safer.     

"What do we take, kid? Want us to find the goddamn keys first or just hot-wire them to save some fucking time?" Oscar asked with a grumble.     

"Right, they need keys. Just hot-wire them then. Take the biggest one here but grab the medical supplies from the other ones that we would be leaving behind. We'll be taking one each but we'll get them all in the future for extra vehicles or parts." I replied.     

"Sure thing kid." Oscar replied.     

I heard a suppressed M70 firing and a brass casing falling down on the truck bed after.     

I looked back and I saw Jared wearing a smirk while Lois was wearing an annoyed expression.     

"Sprinter?" I asked.     

"Yeah, just the regular kind though. It came from the City Hall across the street. I saw it running down the stairs so I shot it while it's still going in a straight line. See that 'lil bro? That's called skill." Jared replied then he looked towards Lois to annoy him.     

"Psh! I could do that if I wasn't busy guarding the people here. I was killing a few on the opposite side that's why I didn't see it. Hmm, I killed more than you though!" Lois retorted while pointing his gun down.     

"Nah, the special ones give more points!" Jared disregarded his brother's reply and they started another bout that attracted the dead.     

*thunk* *thunk*     

"Stop arguing and watch the people below!" Nicole, their elder sister, shouted as she sunk a few knuckles in.     

The two immediately stopped bickering and remained silent.     

"Good thing Nicole is here, making these two stop bickering is a pain in the ass." I thought to myself.     

"You guys okay over there?" I asked the group who cleared with me from the other side.     

"Well, you cleaned up most of them so it's all good." Unc Zardon said as a few of them guarded Oscar at the mobiles that looked almost like a trailer.     

Each mobile was opened and it took a bit of time since there were one and a half-dozen of them in the area. They carefully checked each of them if there would be someone inside or below the vehicle. They grabbed everything from the vehicles we wouldn't be taking and placed them on the mobile that we would be taking home. It took a few minutes to make a small perimeter so I started on moving some of the bodies to the side. I asked for help from a few of them because we killed a lot and we wouldn't want to drive over the corpses later.     



Oscar howled as he successfully started it and we drove the vehicles across the street where the fire trucks were located. Our 8-wheeler was parked next to a firetruck and it was right beside the vehicles that we took.     

"Want me to try the trucks as well kid?" Oscar asked.     

"No, a few of us will head to this fire station first. I want the keys available on this thing since in the case of an emergency, we could drive this thing quickly. Besides, we could get a lot of things here too. Kaley, Matthew, Tatiana, Mark, and Dong come with me inside. The rest stay here and clear a few that walk across. Don't attract too much because not everyone would be present." I said to the group.     

The fire station was a two-story building that had a parking area on its right side where several fire trucks were parked. But now, a small fire truck and a medium-sized fire truck were left. There used to be a huge fire truck here where there was a platform that could extend a few feet to reach high places. However, it wasn't here now and there was nothing I could do about it. We could eventually discover its whereabouts but we wouldn't be actively searching for it.     

We headed to the entrance of the fire station then I picked the glass door and shone a flashlight around. I looked for the light switch and when I flicked it, the whole place got lit up and all I could see first was a receiving area with a few tables strewn about.     

I made noise just enough to attract anyone inside as I knocked on the tables. We waited a few moments and no one seemed to be here.     

"Dong, guard the entrance yeah? We'll move forward to the small rooms here. Mark, keep watch on that staircase that leads to their equipment area." I raised my pistol as the two moved to position.     

The small rooms contained paperwork after paperwork but there was a fire extinguisher at the side with a fire axe covered by glass. I saw Matthew about to strike it with his elbow but I stopped him. He looked like he was about to lash out but I went ahead and berated him first.     

"Why are you so noisy?! Wait a bit, okay? You're like Oscar sheesh..." I said as I grabbed the duct tape from my pack.     

Matthew was flabbergasted but Kaley and Tatiana started chuckling. I placed a few strips on the glass case before I signaled him to continue with his path of destruction.     


The noise was minimized and Matthew gave a look of wanting to try it in his spare time. I picked up the fire axe and then I handed it to Tatiana. However, she tapped on her K-Bar knife but I insisted.     

"You need some range with your melee weapon even by a little bit. We have a lot of machetes at home but this will do for now." I extended my hand once more and Tatiana eventually accepted it.     

I skimmed over the map of the city in a glass frame and I saw the other places where the other fire stations were located. I burned each location in my head though I saw Matthew looking at me weirdly. I didn't pay it to mind as I guided us to the 2nd floor.     

The 2nd floor was the firemen's quarters and there were several uniforms on the lockers on one side. I looked at the other side and I found a box with five new uniforms for firefighters along with the helmets. There were also shelves inside where there were several fire extinguishers of different types.     

I looked at the labels and there are the five main types. Water, Foam, Dry Powder, Wet Chemical, and Carbon Dioxide.     

"This is good. We'll take them all." I said with a smile.     

"Really? What do the different labels here mean?" Kaley asked, curious.     

"Yeah. There's not a single type of fire extinguisher that could put out all the classes of fires. There's always the best fit for each one." I replied then she nodded pensively.     

I walked through the head office and I smiled when I saw a small section where all of the keys were located. Each key was labeled properly and I grabbed the right one for the truck below.     

We took a medium-sized fire truck that has two ladders on top of it. The electric buses were not here but what we found for our home was still plenty.     

"Bro, that's a canteen there at the side. Should we open it now?" Jared asked, pointing at it.     

On a small flight of stairs, there were a few roll-ups that could be raised and the canteen for the workers and the students could eat was located. There were definitely a lot of food items here but we needed to make sure that nothing would jump out and bite us when we opened it.     

"Right, hold for a minute." I said as I slammed my hand on the roll-up repeatedly.     

*BANG* *BANG* *BANG*     

We waited for a moment and nothing happened. I looked below the roll-ups where it would be secured by a padlock and I noticed that all of them were still on there. I tasked some of the guys to get the items from the fire station first as I decided to complete our main objective first.     

"Nothing's here but we'll do this later. Let's go to the academy first and see if the things we're looking for are still there." I said.     

The vehicles we would be coming home with increased with the addition of a fire truck and the mobile clinics. The area it was parked at was relatively safe and it does not stick out. I left my Unc Zardon, Lois, and Oscar in the area so we would have people guarding our vehicles. The rest of us made another check with our equipment before we headed to the school and the police academy.     

On the way, we encountered several biters so I spearheaded the formation while the rest fanned to the side. We made less noise as possible since I was clearing them with my katana. Body after body would litter the ground each time I made a slash. The length of my katana was perfect since it was a few inches longer than the zombie's arms. I could easily thrust the blade through their heads but I would opt for their arms first to avoid any accidents.     

"It would be best if they're unarmed… literally… the fuck am I thinking about while killing them?!" my head almost drifted off. I almost gave myself a slap but we reached the destination.     

"Jared, go with Tatiana, Nicole, Jo, and Dong to your school. Make a quick trip to your infirmary to gather some supplies and radio to me if you're done. Be careful yeah? If you could go to the admin office, try to access their computers if you could find their records." I instructed.     

"Are you asking me to hack the computer bro? I can't do that! I could remove the hard drives at least." Jared's head snapped in my direction.     

"Right, that's good too. Grab as much as you can." I replied.     

"I could get inside the computer; I've been trained with that as well." Tatiana said with nonchalance.     

"Really? That's good then. Take care of them yeah?" I said to Tatiana with a surprised expression.     

"Of course. Protect everyone, correct?" Tatiana replied with a faint smile.     

They soon broke off with us and then we headed to the academy.     

"She knows how to hack into systems too huh? Is that a slip or did she deliberately said that to get a reaction from me? Well, it could really be part of her training." I said to myself.     

The Police Academy was just behind Jared's school and it took us no time to reach it. It was a three-story building with white walls. The glass door from the front was still intact but we went for the back door instead. I easily picked the locks to get inside and I slowly turned the knob to open it.     

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