Take My Breath Away

A Mystery About A Girl

A Mystery About A Girl

Erica was shocked to hear Matthew's question. "What? You've never heard of Liuzhou river snails rice noodles*?"     

(*TN: Liuzhou river snails rice noodles is the most famous local delicacy of Liuzhou, Guangxi, China.) Erica held his face in her palms and added, "That's so sad. Let's go. I'll take you out for some smelly, yummy river snails rice noodles. Trust me, the first taste will keep you coming back for more!"     

Matthew had already lost his appetite when he heard the word "smelly." He grabbed Erica's hand as she was pulling him up, and stopped her. "Let's just eat at home!"     

Erica smiled innocently and said, "I'm too embarrassed to ask you to cook for me."     

Matthew hid his gritted teeth behind a cheerful facade and said, "It would be my honor to be Mrs. Huo's cook."     

"I'm flattered, Mr. Huo,"     

Erica replied with a grin on her face.     

In A Country     

The next morning after talking to Matthew on the phone, Wesley had someone look into the files of the Obstetrics and Gynecology department in a private hospital in A Country. Unfortunately, his contact couldn't find any files with Erica's medical record. In fact, much to their surprise, there wasn't even a single trace of Erica in any other department.     

While Erica was eating hot and sour rice noodles in Matthew's office, Wesley went to the office of the private hospital's president. He showed the man the original copy of the colored ultrasound report Erica had shown him and Blair when she had announced her pregnancy to them.     

The president was an old man, who adjusted his glasses, looked at the colored ultrasound report and asked Wesley curiously, "Wesley, you didn't know about it?"     

Wesley found the man's question to be pointless. If Wesley had known about it, why would he be standing there in his office?     

After getting no response from Wesley, the old president of the hospital paused to think for a while and then said, "Erica told me that you asked her to come to me for a fake colored ultrasound report. I didn't think to interrogate her because she said it was urgent."     

The old president had a good relationship with Baldwin. In fact, he had watched Erica grow up with his own eyes. When Erica mentioned Wesley's name, he acted at once without even thinking about anything else.     

There was, however, a doubt in his heart as to why a child would want a fake colored ultrasound report, but it wasn't enough to change his mind.     

As he looked at Wesley's livid face, the president soon realized that Wesley must have been deceived by his daughter.     

Thinking back to that day, the old president realized that Erica's excuse had many loopholes in it, but he just didn't think too much of it back then.     

Wesley put away the report in silence. "Did she come to you again after that?"     

"No, actually I haven't seen her since then."     

"Okay, thank you. I should be leaving now!"     

The old president pushed his glasses up and asked, "What is going on?"     

"Erica needs to be taught a lesson again!" Wesley replied.     

The old man waved at him dismissively, "Do you think I don't know you? You would never lay a finger on her. Moreover, she moved to Y City after her wedding. You wouldn't be able to punish her even if you wanted to."     

Wesley remained silent, since the old man was right.     

At the Li house     

As soon as Wesley came back home, Blair walked up to him with Ethan in her arms. "How did it go?"     

Wesley said, with a darkened face, "We were all fooled by Erica!"     

Knowing what he had meant, Blair looked at the baby in her arms in astonishment. After a long while, she murmured, "No wonder Ethan doesn't look like Rika at all. Now I see why..."     

Wesley took Ethan from Blair's arms and sighed in exasperation, 'This little one only knows how to say "Grandma." What about "Grandpa"?'     

Blair walked around the living room for a while, her eyes focused on nothing in particular. She seemed to have remembered something as she suddenly said, "That means Erica and Matthew haven't...You know what I mean! Not yet at least."     

Wesley had wanted to ask Matthew about this himself the previous night, but Matthew gave him a vague answer. In fact, Wesley couldn't figure out if Matthew had meant that he hadn't slept with Erica yet or if he began to question Ethan's identity while they were trying to have sex. Nodding his head at Blair, Wesley said, "Go on with your analysis."     

"At least, now we know that Rika's wild lifestyle has its limits." Blair was now certain that when Erica married Matthew, she was still a virgin. She continued, "Matthew must have figured out her lie solely based on Erica's words. My best guess is that they haven't consummated their marriage yet. But, I still can't figure out why!"     

Wesley snorted with laughter. "No need to guess. It must be Erica!" Wesley's assumption was based on the fact that since Matthew was willing to marry Erica, no lack of interest or effort could come from his side.     

"If that's the case, then Matthew must have been indulging her all along!"     

"You know what? I'm going to call Matthew. If you don't have anything urgent to do, call Rika and tell her that she's the daughter-in-law of the Huo family now; she should know what she should do and what she shouldn't."     

Blair sighed and then nodded as she immediately understood that she was going to have to have a mother-daughter talk with Erica.     

While Erica was taking advantage of Matthew's generosity, he received a phone call from Wesley. He put down the knife in his hand and looked into the living room. After he was certain that Erica was watching television, Matthew slid the answer key and whispered, "Hi, Dad!"     

Wesley didn't beat around the bush. "I've confirmed that the colored ultrasound report is fake. We were deceived!"     

'So, I was right!' Matthew thought. With a smile at the corners of his mouth, Matthew said, "I see! Thanks, Dad!"     

"But I haven't found out who the father of the child is yet," Wesley added.     

"It doesn't matter. Sooner or later, we will find out. Ethan's biological father has already expressed his intention to take him back." The only thing Matthew cared about was the fact that Ethan wasn't Erica's biological son. The identity of the kid's real father didn't matter to him at all.     

Since Erica wanted to keep the father's identity a secret from everyone, she must have had good reasons to do so. That was why Matthew decided not to investigate further into the matter.     

He acknowledged and respected the fact that there were some things that Erica didn't want him to know about her. Especially, since it was such a personal issue, if she found out that he was secretly probing into it, he wouldn't be able to face her wrath.     

"Well, thank you for everything you've done for her, Matthew." No one knew better than Wesley how troublesome and difficult to handle Erica was.     

"No, you misunderstood her, Dad. I think Erica is a good person." '...and interesting.'     

Ever since he got married to Erica, his life had become more adventurous and exciting.     

Matthew's sincere attitude put Wesley's mind to ease. "Don't spoil her too much. It'll only make her push you further. The more you spoil her, the more rebellious she will be, okay?"     

"It's better to be rebellious. At least then, she won't be bullied by others when we are not at her side."     

Wesley was deeply impressed by Matthew's words. Once again, he felt assured that marrying Erica to Matthew was the right choice.     

Suffice it to say, he was deeply pleased with his son-in-law!     

After hanging up, Matthew put his phone away to wash his hands so he could continue cutting the vegetables. Suddenly, he noticed Erica standing next to the kitchen counter, staring at him with one hand rubbing her chin curiously.     

He asked, "What's up?"     

"Who were you talking to? Why do you sound so happy?" All Erica heard before Matthew hung up was the man saying goodbye to someone.     

Matthew remained silent while he turned on the tap and washed his hands. Then he answered, "I've uncovered a mystery."     

"What mystery?" Erica's interest was piqued.     

He deliberately pretended to be vague. "A mystery about a girl!"     

"A girl? Which girl? Do I know her?"     

"Take a guess!"     

'Guess?' Erica pouted, quickly becoming disenchanted with this game. Just as she had opened her mouth to say something, her phone rang in her pocket. "Mom?"     

It was Blair.     

"Rika, what are you doing?"     

"I'm waiting for dinner!" Erica sounded bored when she replied.     

"I have something to tell you. Listen carefully."     

"I'm listening!"     

"Have you and Matthew slept together yet?"     

'Huh?' Erica blinked her eyes curiously. "Yes, I have. We sleep in the same bed every night."     

Meanwhile, Matthew was alerted by Erica's answer.     

"That's not what I asked. I mean..." Blair got a little frustrated, sensing her daughter's confusion. Needless to say, she felt embarrassed to talk to her daughter about this topic. "Have you and Matthew done it yet?"     

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