Take My Breath Away

Ethan's Biological Father

Ethan's Biological Father

"Of course not. Are you or aren't you my hubby? Aren't you the least bit curious who the father is? This isn't weird."     

'Am I hearing things? She wants me to go with her to meet her lover, and claims it's normal husband-like behavior?' Matthew thought. He found Erica weird but adorable. While she was waiting for an answer, he turned around and declared, "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry! Let's grab a bite first!"     

Erica was surprised. 'Huh? What does he mean? Was that a yes or a no? Whatever! He has to go with me no matter what!'     

Thinking of that, Erica walked up to him and said, "Okay, go wash your hands. I'll get you a bowl of soup."     

She was always like that. When she wanted his help, she would call him Matthew in a sweet tone. And when she was not happy, she would refer to him as "Matthew Huo" or "the guy whose surname is Huo."     

He said nothing and went straight to the bathroom.     

The corners of his mouth lifted into a cunning smile.     

During dinner, Erica was very enthusiastic. She not only got him a bowl of soup, but she also picked up food for him and put it on his plate.     

When Matthew was done, Erica rested her chin on her hand and asked sweetly, "So, you're going with me, right, Matthew?"     

He had eaten his fill, and was still getting what he wanted. Matthew feigned an indifferent tone and answered simply, "Yes."     

Erica was very happy to hear it. "Got an idea of where we're going?"     

The smile on her face annoyed Matthew. He threw the used napkin in the trash. "You can't wait to see him?"     

"Who? You mean Ethan's biological father? You're kidding, right?     

I couldn't care less if I never saw him again! But he's right. He's the biological father. That's why I'm doing this." Erica hated Tam's guts. How could she possibly want to see him?     

And for a moment, she regretted her decision. Apparently, it was annoying Matthew.     

The disgust in her eyes satisfied him. He didn't need to worry.     

At Orchid Private Club     

When the door to the private room was opened once more, Erica sat on the sofa, playing with Ethan.     

A man in a long dark blue overcoat walked in. He looked like a modest gentleman.     

By all appearances, he appeared around thirty years old, but in fact, he was already over forty.     

After taking a few hesitant steps, he saw the baby on the sofa, who already had a single, lower incisor. Excitement glinted in his eyes, and the man said, "My son!"     

He was usually calm, cool, and collected, but this was a happy occasion. He strode quickly up to Erica, and held out his arms to hold his son.     

Erica was quicker. She stood up, Ethan in her arms. She glared at Tam and demanded, "What's the rush? Where were you when Tessie was pregnant, nursing swollen feet and a bad case of morning sickness? Where were you when she was pushing this lovely human being out of her? That's right. You weren't there. I called you a million times, but you didn't answer. You blocked my number!"     

A trace of guilt appeared on Tam's face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I told you I can explain everything..."     

Erica shut him down. "Save it. I knew you didn't want to endanger your marriage."     

Yes, he was married, and had a daughter, Julianna Wu, who was about the same age as Erica. Julianna Wu, Tessie, and Erica were good friends.     

This time, Tam didn't say anything, which meant that she was right.     

Erica spoke again. "If Julianna knew her dad had an affair with her friend, had a kid with her... what do you think she'd do? She's always been proud of you. Do you think she'd be as proud if she knew the truth?" Luckily, Erica and Julianna Wu hadn't seen each other for a long time, so she didn't have to worry that she'd bring it up, even accidentally.     

Tam had kept his eyes on Ethan. He didn't even turn his head until he heard his daughter's name. "Don't tell her—please! I'll do whatever you want. Can I hold my son now?"     

The eager look on his face was so obvious. That was why Erica reluctantly gave the baby to him.     

In fact, when Ethan smiled, he looked a lot like Tam, especially the eyes.     

Blair always wondered why the baby's eyes never looked like Erica's. The reason was that Ethan had his father's eyes.     

"I'll be in the other room. My husband brought his men along. I'm just giving you some time alone with Ethan. No tricks! Understand?"     

"I know. Don't worry. I just want to see my son!"     

Erica couldn't help sneering. She ignored Tam and went to the inner chamber.     

Inside that room, Matthew stood at the window, deep in thought. He heard Erica enter the room, so he turned to her, a meaningful look in his eyes.     

Erica closed the door and said, "I forgot to ask him how he knew Ethan was with me. I wonder if he's been spying on us. But he never called when Ethan was at my parents' house."     

Matthew remained silent.     

Erica didn't notice the change in Matthew's mood and continued talking. "What if he wants to take Ethan away from me?"     

Matthew asked instead in a low voice, "What would you do?"     

"I don't know. Anyway, I won't give up without a fight!" Erica would never let that happen.     

"Then don't give him up."     

With her chin against her hand, Erica sat on the bed beside Matthew, seeming distressed and stumped. "I have to do something. He'll call and ask to see Ethan again. Maybe I need to get him away from here. It'll be harder to see Ethan if he stays with Mom and Dad."     

Tam had lived in Y City a long time and almost never went to A Country. Even if he chased Ethan there, the Lis wouldn't let him in.     

Erica thought it was a good idea. That was it. She made up her mind.     

Matthew sat down next to her and asked, "How do you feel when you see him?"     

Erica's answers were consistent. "I want to twist his head off and kick it like a ball!"     

"Go ahead, twist away. I'll take the heat if you want!" Matthew said seriously.     

The seriousness in his tone frightened Erica. "You mean that? So what were you planning? Would ya do the time for me?"     

"Don't worry about it."     

"Didn't you say you'd take responsibility?"     

Casting her a glance, he replied, "Do what you want. I'm here for you, and I won't let them put you in jail."     

'He really means it, ' she thought. She smiled awkwardly. "I was just venting. I'd never do that. Forget I said anything. He'll get what he deserves someday! Karma's a bitch."     

Twenty minutes later, Erica left the room. "I think it's time to go. Ethan needs to get to sleep," she said to Tam.     

Tam kissed his son on the cheek before giving Ethan to Erica. "You should be happy," he said. "I made up my mind. I'm going to talk to my wife so I can take care of him at my place. That way you won't have to feed him or change his diaper all the time."     

Rocking Ethan gently, she rolled her eyes at Tam and said, "No. You're not taking him anywhere. My parents have gotten pretty attached over the last few months. Did you ever think about that? How can you be so selfish?"     

"I know, I know. It's all my fault. But Ethan's not a member of the Li family. It's not fair to them to have to raise a stranger's kid..."     

Erica suddenly raised her voice. "Fair? You're a fine one to talk about fairness! Where were you when Ethan was born? Get out! I don't want to see you again, you jerk! "     

"I'm sorry!"     

Erica stretched out a hand to stop his apology. "No! I'm not the one wanting an apology. You know who to apologize to! If you have time, you'd better go to her gravesite to visit her. Burn some incense while you're at it, and ask for forgiveness! Get out! Now!"     

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