Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 171: The Blue Wind Ranking Tournament

Chapter 171: The Blue Wind Ranking Tournament

Thousands of kilometers away from the Blue Wind Empire, nestled within the mountainous terrain near the edge of the Profound Sky Continent, lay a city of unparalleled power and magnitude. Stretching across hundreds of kilometers, the city was a sprawling metropolis adorned with majestic red Chinese structures, surpassing the size of entire empires and exuding an aura of immense authority.

This was the fabled Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, one of the four legendary sacred grounds governing the northern expanse of the Profound Sky Continent. At its heart stood the main palace of the Sacred Ground, a bastion of power and influence that commanded respect across the land.

Inside the grand chamber of the palace, rows of vases containing profound souls of esteemed cultivators adorned the room, serving as vital communication units that facilitated contact with other sects under their jurisdiction. Suddenly, the tranquility of the chamber was shattered as one of the vases exploded into oblivion, leaving those in charge bewildered and alarmed.

Without hesitation, the attendant rushed to the main chamber of the elder overseeing the sacred ground, bearing urgent news. "Grand Elder! We have lost contact with the Yin Devourer Sect in the Blue Wind Empire!"

The elder, a formidable figure in his own right with a cultivation reaching the late stage of the Sovereign Profound Realm, widened his eyes in disbelief. "How could this happen? The Blue Wind Empire..." His voice trailed off, his expression contorted with frustration and anger. The Blue Wind Empire had become a source of turmoil and tragedy, responsible for the loss of countless lives and a significant portion of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region's strength.

In the past few years, the empire had been embroiled in a fierce conflict among the four sacred grounds, each vying for control over the coveted heavenly geniuses that appeared at that time. This conflict had resulted in devastating losses and the emergence of a formidable white-masked beast that threatened the very foundation of the sacred ground.

Now, with the loss of contact with the Yin Devourer Sect, a sense of unease settled over the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, casting a shadow of uncertainty over its future.

The atmosphere within the grand chamber of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region was heavy with tension and disbelief. Xuanyuan Guxing, the grand elder and acting master in the absence of the Sword Master, stood at the center, his expression a mix of fury and despair.

"Who... who could've done this?!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing off the walls of the chamber, laden with frustration and anguish.

"We don't know, Grand Elder," one of the disciples replied, his voice trembling slightly. "Based on the reports we've received, there's been a sudden rise of a powerful swordsman, emerging like a phantom from the depths of obscurity. Our disciples were dispatched to pursue him, seeking to uncover the secrets of the Tomb of the Moon Empress. But then... then we lost contact with them. Their soul marks vanished as if they were snuffed out of existence. And to make matters worse, their soul imprints were disabled before their deaths, leaving us clueless as to the identity of their assailants."

Xuanyuan Guxing clenched his fists in frustration, his mind reeling with the gravity of the situation. "Damn it... we can't afford to send more elders," he muttered bitterly, his gaze falling upon the reports spread across the table before him. "We've already suffered tremendous losses during the clashes two years ago. Our forces, painstakingly amassed over the years, decimated in a single act of bloodshed."

Indeed, the war between the four sacred grounds had left the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region vulnerable and exposed, with hidden sects and unknown adversaries taking advantage of their weakened state. Now, with the loss of the Yin Devourer Sect and their invaluable knowledge of the Tome of Evil Blood Arts, the sacred ground faced an even greater threat to its existence.

"Initiate a thorough investigation into these matters and deploy our highest-ranking disciples in the Overlord Realm. We must get to the bottom of this," Xuanyuan Guxing commanded, his tone firm and resolute. The safety and stability of the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region depended on unraveling the mysteries surrounding recent events.

He then turned his attention to the ongoing experiments concerning the white mask beasts, creatures of formidable power and enigmatic origins. These beasts had posed a significant threat to the region, resulting in heavy casualties and forcing the disciples to confront Overlord-level beasts which were different levels compared to towering white-masked beasts.

"Have the experiments on the white mask beasts yielded any results?" Xuanyuan Guxing inquired, his expression tense with anticipation.

"We have made a breakthrough, Grand Elder," the disciple reported. "While some disciples were unable to fully control the essence of the white mask beasts and had to be terminated, others have shown promising progress."

"Explain," Xuanyuan Guxing urged, his interest piqued by the potential implications of these developments.

"Some disciples have successfully integrated the essence of the white mask beasts, albeit with the masks permanently affixed to their bodies. However, this fusion has resulted in a significant increase in their strength," the disciple explained. "We are now working on refining this process to harness the full extent of their newfound powers."

Xuanyuan Guxing nodded in approval, recognizing the importance of this advancement in bolstering the region's defenses. With the Wu Clan's expertise in cultivating the essence of these beasts, coupled with the newly discovered methods, they could elevate their strength to unprecedented heights.

"Excellent. With the Wu Clan's cultivation techniques and the advancements in our experiments, we will be able to further enhance our powers," Xuanyuan Guxing remarked, his determination unwavering. "The Sword Master's continued seclusion demands that we act swiftly. We cannot afford to squander any more time."

As preparations were made to implement these new methods and mass-produce the necessary resources, the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region braced itself for the challenges ahead, determined to emerge stronger than ever before.


In just one week, Yun Che had woven a tapestry of destiny that defied all expectations upon his arrival in this city. Amidst the opulent halls of the palace, the rescued beauties of the Yin Devourer Sect found refuge and purpose under the watchful gaze of Princess Cang Yue. Their presence, like a beacon of allure, drew countless eyes, both envious and covetous, eager to claim them as trophies of their own.

With their ethereal beauty rivaling even the disciples of the revered Frozen Cloud Asgard, these maidens numbered nearly a thousand, with more arriving daily as they sought redemption through the pursuit of the Profound Way. Yet, it was under the protective wings of Xue Ling and Cang Yue that they found solace, their sanctuary nestled within a newly erected Japanese palace courtyard with a grand Japanese manor at its central, a marvel that seemed to materialize overnight on the third level of the Imperial Palace.

Xue Ling marveled at the sudden appearance of this grand structure, its intricacies and elegance leaving the palace inhabitants in awe. When questioned about its origins, Yun Che remained cryptic, offering only a smirk and a vague remark about secret developments. Unbeknownst to her, the creation was born from the mysterious power of the System Creation Mode and the Apple of Eden, a tool of boundless potential.

With Retsu, Mio, Nemu, and Cang Yue herself at the helm, they transformed their home manor into a haven of beauty and comfort. Utilizing the power of the System Creation Mode through the Apple of Eden, they fashioned furniture and amenities to suit their desires, their vision brought to life with raw materials acquired through Yun Che's cunning and resourcefulness.

But Yun Che's influence did not stop there. With a deft hand and a keen eye for modernity, he introduced innovations that bridged the gap between tradition and progress. From light switches to modern toilets, from ceiling fans to Kido barriers, their home became a testament to the harmonious blend of old and new. They even installed Electrical Radiation Transmitter in the manor that its effect covers the entire Japanese structures in its vicinity.

Within the protective embrace of the Kido barrier, they found not only security but also tranquility, the ambient temperatures manipulated to ensure their comfort at all times.

In a single day, their new manor was transformed into a haven of elegance and comfort, modernized with amenities sourced through Yun Che's efforts. From light switches to ceiling fans, every detail was meticulously crafted to enhance their quality of life. A protective Kido barrier enveloped their sanctuary, warding off any unwanted intrusions while maintaining a perfect climate within.

Under the tender care of his beloved fiancées, their manor blossomed into a haven of luxury and comfort, boasting indulgent features such as built-in hot springs, lavish bathhouses, and a spacious training dojo where they could hone their skills together. Each of them had their own generously sized rooms, a testament to Cang Yue's desire to provide them with the utmost comfort and privacy.

Yet, despite the allure of their individual quarters, none of them could resist the irresistible draw of their shared nights. With Yun Che as their body pillow nestled close, they forsook the confines of their own beds, opting instead to slumber in each other's embrace within their expanded bedroom. Though Yun Che occasionally harbored fleeting thoughts of having the immense bed all to himself, the warmth of their collective presence made such desires seem insignificant in comparison.

As for Xue Ling, Yun Che ensured she had a room within their sanctuary, a gesture of hospitality should she ever choose to live with Cang Yue. However, with her newfound personal courtyard in the palace, she had the freedom to come and go as she pleased.

As for the residence for the beauties, Yun Che drew inspiration from the grandeur of Japanese shogunate palaces, crafting four imposing structures that encircled Cang Yue's manor like protective sentinels. From a distance, the quartet of palaces stood as a symbol of solidarity, a testament to Yun Che's determination to ensure the safety and comfort of those under Cang Yue's care.

Though the construction required the labor of thousands, it took but a single man to dismantle the former crown prince's structures, and build the palace of dreams for these beauties. Yet, amidst the unfairness of fate, Yun Che's vision prevailed, providing a sanctuary for a thousand beauties who now resided close to their beloved princess.

With the power of the Apple of Eden at their fingertips, the beauties marveled at the limitless possibilities, their creativity unleashed as they adorned their new home with their own unique designs. In a single day and with the creativity of a thousand minds, the once-empty halls were transformed into a tapestry of elegance and charm, a reflection of the collective spirit and ingenuity of those who called it home.

As a solemn tribute to their fallen sisters who never tasted the sweetness of freedom, the beauties crafted makeshift graveyards, adorning small pillars with the unreturned hairpins of those who never returned. Each pillar stood as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made, a testament to the bond shared among them.

But even amidst their grief, the beauties found solace and purpose in their newfound freedom. Drawing upon the skills they had honed during their captivity, they excelled in tasks such as cooking and household chores. Xue Ling, impressed by their capabilities, found herself relieved of the need to hire additional staff. With raw materials provided, the beauties took charge, nurturing each other like older sisters and mothers, guiding the younger ones with love and compassion.

Yun Che was taken aback when he spotted Ling Ming among the group of beauties who had chosen to join the newly formed faction under Cang Yue's protection. Despite the dangers and uncertainties ahead, Ling Ming had shown unwavering dedication to their cause. Impressed by their loyalty and resolve, Xue Ling graciously extended them the offer to stay in the newly established palace.

However, Xue Ling also emphasized the importance of maintaining connections with their families. She made it clear that while they were welcome to reside in the palace, they must also make time to visit their families whenever possible. This gesture was intended to ensure that those who had lost their families did not feel abandoned or isolated, fostering a sense of unity and support within the faction.

True to his word, Yun Che provided the girls with XP pills to kickstart their cultivation journey. In a remarkable display of efficiency, their progress soared to the Peak of the Nascent Profound Realm within a single day, leaving Xue Ling utterly astonished. The sheer potency of the pills coupled with their innate talent as budding geniuses propelled them to heights previously unimaginable. However, Yun Che cautioned that they would need at least half a month to solidify their newfound strength, ensuring it became an integral part of their being.

In addition to cultivation, Yun Che introduced the art of Kenjutsu to the girls, imparting the knowledge directly into their minds through the power of the Apple of Eden. While they may not rival Cang Yue's mastery of Ittoryu, Yun Che foresaw the immense potential of Kenjutsu in the hands of cultivators. As they honed their skills and perfected their techniques, they would become formidable warriors, ushering in a new era where Samurai Arts would flourish in the world of ATG.

As the beauties settled into their new surroundings, Xue Ling observed with admiration the seamless integration of their diverse talents and aspirations. While she may have harbored concerns about the proximity of so many women to Yun Che, she recognized the unwavering loyalty and respect they held for their princess and their chosen protector.

For Yun Che, their admiration held little significance beyond his dedication to his fiancées' well-being. His heart belonged solely to his beloved fiancées, and the beauties understood their place in his affections. It was this unwavering devotion and selflessness that left Xue Ling deeply impressed, a testament to Yun Che's steadfast commitment to those he held dear.

As for the mysteries surrounding their contaminated scent and its significance to Yun Che, he kept that closely guarded to protect the women's worth, a secret known only to himself and his fiancées. However, using Eagle Scent in this palace might be impossible unless they learn to mask its effect.

Even Xue Ling found herself utterly astounded when, within a mere two days, homes sprung up for the girls who now formally served her and Cang Yue. Little did she know, the mastermind behind this feat was none other than Yun Che himself. With Kon by his side, he spent a day reducing the former residences of the crown princes into raw materials, ingeniously repurposing what was abandoned into something purposeful. Utilizing the System Creation Mode and the power of the Apple of Eden, he transformed his vision into reality, crafting grand Japanese palaces that now stood as a testament to his ingenuity.

With his beloved fiancées engrossed in training, Yun Che seized the opportunity to scour the city with Kon, gathering materials to bring his dream home and Cang Yue's Imperial Court to life. It was a relentless pursuit, fueled by his determination to create a lovely home for his loved ones and Cang Yue's future protectors.

But Yun Che's efforts didn't stop there. Before approaching the sect's meeting back then, he and Retsu raided the Yin Devourer Sect's treasure vault and 'acquired' the treasures as well as funds before they buried the sect under the snow. With a heart heavy with empathy, he entrusted the resources to Xue Ling, knowing that it would serve as compensation for the girls' past sufferings. She will use the resources to develop these beauties into powerful people to serve her and Cang Yue.

By placing the girls on the third level, Yun Che ensured they would answer to Cang Yue or Xue Ling, shielding them from the oppression that often permeated the palace walls. Under the protective gaze of their princess and her guardian, they found solace and security, their newfound freedom a testament to Yun Che's unwavering commitment to those he held dear. Since these beauties are now members of the Cang Yue's Imperial Court, Yun Che had plans to make use of them.

Under Xue Ling's directive, she sought to harness the potential of these girls as Imperial maids and protectors, forming them into a formidable force known as the Imperial Legions under Cang Yue's command. However, Yun Che harbored a different vision for their future. He recognized the bond of sisterhood that united these girls, forged through shared hardships and suffering, and he refused to subject them to further oppression or injustice.

While outwardly serving as palace protectors by day, Yun Che quietly orchestrated a plan to establish an organization dedicated to combating abuses of power and coercion within the empire. These girls, who had endured so much, would be the backbone of this visioned operation, a beacon of hope for those who had suffered under tyrannical rule.

He might refuse to be a hero, but he can let these beauties be one.

Though the time was not yet ripe to unveil their true purpose, Yun Che laid the groundwork for their future endeavors as one day, these women will become one of the most powerful hidden legions who will serve the light while hidden in the dark. 

The hidden order that will one day take the world by storm.

For now, he had to focus on the main event of the story.


The Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, a prestigious event showcasing the brightest talents of the Blue Wind Empire, is a crucible where young warriors between the ages of 16 and 20 vie for glory. With a staggering 1500 participants drawn from every corner of the empire, and 500 top sects invited to send their finest, the competition is fierce and unforgiving. Each sect is permitted to field three contestants, their performance in the tournament determining their sect's standing and prestige for the next three years.

Previously held once a decade, the tournament's frequency has now been accelerated to once every three years. This shift in scheduling is attributed to the increased frequency of the Heaven Basin Secret Realm's opening, a hallowed ground where warriors seek enlightenment and power. As the secrets of the realm become more accessible, so too does the urgency to test and hone the skills of the empire's youth.

The stakes are high for all involved. For lesser-known sects, a breakthrough performance in the tournament can catapult them to overnight fame and recognition. Conversely, for established sects already perched at the pinnacle, maintaining a favorable ranking is paramount to safeguarding their position and prestige. But for Cang Yue, the weight of her family's legacy hung heavily upon her shoulders as this shift was both a challenge and an opportunity. Her family, the Imperial Family, had long suffered the ignominy of finishing dead last in every tournament, a plight that had become a cruel joke among the empire's elite.

Determined to break free from this cycle of humiliation, Cang Yue embarked on a quest to elevate her family's status. With each tournament, their position worsened, their prestige dwindling with every defeat. Even the prestigious Blue Wind Profound Palace's invitation was ultimately declined, a stark reminder of their diminished standing.

Undeterred, Cang Yue scoured the far reaches of the empire, seeking out hidden talent that could restore her family's honor. In secluded corners and forgotten realms, she unearthed two remarkable individuals, each possessing unparalleled skill and potential. These two, now her closest allies akin to a family, held the key to her family's redemption.

Nestled within the rugged expanse of the Heavenly Sword Mountain Range, a mere 200 kilometers distant from the bustling heart of the Imperial City, lies the imposing stronghold of the Heavenly Sword Villa. Here, amidst ancient structures steeped in history and power, the stage is set for the forthcoming Blue Wind Empire Ranking Tournament.

As one of the illustrious Four Major Sects, the Heavenly Sword Villa reigns supreme, its dominance eclipsing even the combined might of its rivals. While the true strength of the Frozen Cloud Asgard remains shrouded in mystery, the diminishing power of the Xiao Sect, wrought by the enigmatic Dracule Mihawk, threatens to relegate them to the weakest among the four. Should word of their decline spread, their stature would surely wane over time.

In contrast, the Burning Heaven Clan and the Heavenly Sword Villa stand as bastions of unwavering strength and influence, their status unmarred by the passage of time.

Encompassing an expansive territory of over twenty-five kilometers, the Heavenly Sword Villa is a sprawling citadel, akin to a small city unto itself. Here, within its hallowed confines, the elite warriors of the top 500 sects will converge, alongside throngs of spectators from the Imperial City, to witness the trials and triumphs of the empire's most promising youth.

Today dawned as the auspicious beginning of the tournament, a day where the top 1500 youths of the Blue Wind Empire would undergo rigorous selection to determine the worthy representatives. Arks soared gracefully through the skies, bearing the esteemed sects from every corner of the empire, while luxurious carriages, adorned with the insignias of noble families, conveyed their talented disciples to the Heavenly Sword Villa.

Amidst the throngs of arrivals, a hushed reverence fell over the crowd as Cang Wanhe, the Emperor of the Blue Wind Empire, made his grand entrance with the royal flying ark that carries the flag of the Blue Wind Empire. Escorted by a retinue of imperial protectors led by the formidable Xue Ling, Cang Wanhe's presence commanded attention and respect. Though his physical ailment had confined him to a bed for years, today, he stood tall and regal, a symbol of strength and resilience.

As well-wishers approached with congratulatory words, Cang Wanhe remained stoic, knowing that their flattery was merely a reflection of their fear, particularly of his daughter, Cang Yue, and her mysterious master, Dracule Mihawk. Yet, despite their ulterior motives, their deference served to elevate his status, garnering newfound respect for the once-bedridden emperor.

With a gaze filled with quiet determination, Cang Wanhe surveyed the bustling scene before him, his presence a silent testament to the enduring power of the Blue Wind Imperial Family. Today, he had come not only to witness the tournament but also to observe the representatives chosen to carry the honor of their lineage into battle.

As Cang Wanhe stepped foot into the hallowed grounds of the Heavenly Sword Villa, he couldn't help but be swept away by its storied past. The very origins of this prestigious sect traced back to the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, a sacred ground of immense power and influence. The founder of the Heavenly Sword Villa, once the eldest son of a revered practitioner in the Sovereign Profound Realm, found himself cast out due to his lackluster aptitude. Undeterred, he forged his own path and established the Heavenly Sword Villa, drawing upon the teachings of the 'Mighty Heavenly Sword Arts' to shape the destiny of his newfound sect.

But the ties that bound the Heavenly Sword Villa and the Blue Wind Empire ran even deeper, woven into the very fabric of their shared history. Legend has it that both entities were born on the same fateful day, under the watchful gaze of destiny. In the annals of time, the Blue Wind Empire was once known as The Empire of the Moon, ruled by the esteemed Moon Empress before her disciple took over as the new Moon Empress.

That disciple was Cang Yue's ancestor, Cang Xue. Who was the second Moon Empress after Huan Xuyi.

Yet, tragedy struck with her untimely demise during the Heaven Explosion Event, leaving her grieving husband to carry on her legacy. In a poignant tribute to her memory, he transformed the remnants of the Moon Empire into the Blue Wind Empire, ushering in a new era of prosperity and resilience for their children as well as to ensure Cang Xue's bloodline carried on.

In gratitude for the Empire's support during their darkest hour, which was the aftermath of the Heaven Explosion Event, the founder of the Heavenly Sword Villa pledged unwavering loyalty to the fledgling imperial family. A vow between the husband who was the Blue Wind Empire's ancestor and the founder of Heavenly Sword Villa to protect Cang Xue's bloodline descendants. Thus began a timeless bond between protector and sovereign, as the Heavenly Sword Villa assumed the mantle of guardianship over the imperial lineage. Through the ebb and flow of centuries, this sacred pact endured, even as the winds of change swept across the empire, altering the landscape of power and influence.

Though the passage of time may have dimmed the flames of camaraderie between the imperial family and the Heavenly Sword Villa, the echoes of their shared legacy resonated still. As Cang Wanhe traversed the hallowed halls of the Heavenly Sword Villa, he couldn't help but feel the weight of history upon his shoulders, a reminder of the enduring bond that bound them together, even in the face of adversity.

Xue Ling's formidable status as the head of the Imperial Protectors had once again thrust her into the spotlight, drawing the attention and admiration of all who beheld her. Renowned for her breathtaking beauty that rivaled the most resplendent blooms, it was her unparalleled strength that truly set her apart. Even the elders of the Heavenly Sword Villa, who played host to the tournament, couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as her prowess matched their most esteemed members. With one foot already firmly planted in the realm of the Emperor Profound, Xue Ling stood as a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Despite the whispered entreaties from some to return to the Heavenly Sword Villa and ascend to the rank of Great Elder, Xue Ling staunchly refused, her loyalty unwaveringly pledged to Cang Yue. Moreover, her connection to the enigmatic swordsman, Mihawk, further solidified her resolve. Secretly, she harbored a fervent desire to reunite with him, eager to forge a personal connection beyond their shared allegiance.

As the emperor was ushered into the opulent stands of the Sword Discourse Arena, specially constructed for grand tournaments like the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, a sense of anticipation rippled through the air. With seating for nearly ten thousand spectators, including designated zones for the top 500 sects, the arena buzzed with excitement. Yet, it was the reserved seats for the four great sects of the Blue Wind Empire—the Heavenly Sword Villa, Burning Heaven Clan, Xiao Sect, and the Frozen Cloud Asgard—that truly commanded attention, signaling the esteemed status of those who would grace them.

Then, as if their arrivals were made special. The Burning Heaven Clan arrived alongside the Xiao Clan with their flying ark.

From the imposing ark of the Burning Heaven Clan emerged a team of disciples, led by none other than Fen Moli, whose countenance now bore the mark of a man who had conquered his inner demons. Just weeks ago, he had been gripped by paralyzing fear at the mere thought of facing the formidable swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, during the tumultuous events surrounding Princess Cang Yue's potential recruitment into their clan. Yet, through resilience and resolve, he had emerged from the shadows of doubt to take up the mantle of leading the clan's youth delegation in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament.

Trailing behind him was a formidable assembly of Burning Heaven Clan's most promising disciples. Foremost among them was Fen Jin, the eldest grandson of Fen Moli, whose prowess in the ninth level of the Spirit Profound Realm marked him as a prodigious talent. Alongside him strode Feng Yuange, a youth of nineteen with boundless potential, albeit two levels below Fen Jin in cultivation.

Fen Moli's gaze, tinged with a hint of disdain, swept across the landing arena, his attention inevitably drawn to the section reserved for the Xiao Clan. "Hmph, it seems the Xiao Clan has dared to make an appearance," he remarked, his tone laced with a mixture of arrogance and skepticism.

Beside him, his brother Fen Juebi, distinguished by his signature purple hair, exchanged a knowing glance with his sibling Feng Juecheng, clad in a somber black robe with accents of vibrant orange. "Do you believe their power has waned since their defeat at the hands of the swordsman?" Fen Juebi inquired, his voice tinged with doubt.

Feng Juecheng's response was measured yet resolute. "I highly doubt it," he replied, his demeanor reflecting a deep-seated conviction in the Xiao Clan's resilience and tenacity.

The mention of Princess Cang Yue, now revealed to be the disciple of the formidable Dracule Mihawk, elicited a sour mood from Fen Moli and Fen Juecheng alike. The revelation had cast her beyond their reach, especially considering Fen Moli's previous indiscretion in attempting to force her into marriage. The memory of their failed advances and the subsequent humiliation inflicted upon their clan by the Sky Profound Elders still lingered like a bitter aftertaste.

Yet, amidst the tumult of emotions, a vow silently formed within Fen Juecheng's heart—an unspoken promise to seek retribution against those who had crossed their clan, no matter the obstacles they faced. He will make them regret for letting him live.

The procession of the Burning Heaven Clan came to a halt as they encountered the renowned figure of Xiao Wuji, the esteemed elder of the medicinal sect, flanked by his grandchildren, Xiao Nan and Xiao Yuerui. Xiao Wuji, with his wise demeanor and the dignified robes of his sect, exuded an aura of authority as he led the talented youths under his charge into the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. Despite his outward composure, a shadow of discontent lingered in his eyes, a testament to the recent turmoil that had befallen the Xiao Sect.

Just a week prior, the Xiao Sect had suffered a grievous blow with the loss of two of its most esteemed elders. Their absence left a void that threatened to diminish the sect's once-proud stature among the four great sects of the empire. To compound their woes, the sect had fallen victim to a nefarious scheme orchestrated by Kuchiki Ginrei, an alchemist whose pills promised great power but delivered only chaos.

As the elder responsible for appraising the pills sent by the branch sect, Xiao Wuji had unwittingly become complicit in the sect's downfall. He had initially lauded the pills as miraculous, even planning to administering them to his own grandchildren in a bid to bolster their cultivation. Yet, to his horror, the pills had wrought havoc upon the sect, plunging its disciples into a farcical state of chaos with their bizarre side effects.

Despite their best efforts to contain the situation, the news of the sect's plight had remained shrouded in secrecy, the pills deemed forbidden and their disastrous effects kept hidden from the public eye. Now, as Xiao Wuji led his charges into the tournament, his heart weighed heavy with the knowledge of the Xiao Sect's diminished standing and the challenges that lay ahead.

Xiao Nan, his expression guarded as he observed the approaching delegation from the Burning Heaven Clan. With his brown hair framing his face and clad in the distinguished robes of the Xiao Sect, he exuded an air of confidence befitting his status as a rising star within the sect. Despite the turmoil plaguing their family, he remained resolute in his commitment to represent the Xiao Sect with honor in the tournament.

Walking beside him, Xiao Yuerui, a young woman of peak True Profound Realm cultivation, glanced at the Burning Heaven Clan with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. Her engagement to Xiao Luocheng had been abruptly terminated following his crippling injury in the branch sect, an event that had set into motion a chain of events leading to the sect's current predicament. 

Behind Xiao Nan stood a formidable trio of young talents, each poised to showcase the strength and resilience of the Xiao Sect. Leading the charge was a brown-haired youth clad in the sect's signature yellow robe, his sixth-level Spirit Profound Realm cultivation a testament to his prodigious talent. With a green-handled sword at his side, he exuded an aura of confidence and determination, ready to face any challenge that awaited him in the tournament.

Following closely behind were Xiao Zheng and Xiao Kuanglei, two twenty-year-old youths boasting ninth-level Spirit Profound Realm cultivation. Their presence added further weight to the Xiao Sect's lineup, their formidable skills and unwavering resolve marking them as formidable contenders in the competition. Together, they formed a team of elites, determined to uphold the honor and legacy of their sect amidst the fierce competition of the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament.

"Ah, elder Xiao Wuji. It's a pleasure to see you again," Burning Heaven Clan elder Fen Moli remarked as he disembarked from his ark, his entourage of elite youths and elders following closely behind. With the tournament stipulating that only six individuals from each sect could participate as representatives, tensions simmered beneath the surface as sect leaders jockeyed for position.

But Xiao Wuji wasted no time mincing words. "Let's dispense with pleasantries, Fen Moli," he retorted sharply, his demeanor stern and uncompromising. Despite the losses suffered at the hands of Dracule Mihawk, reducing their once formidable sect to a mere shadow of its former glory, Xiao Wuji maintained a façade of strength, concealing the truth of their diminished power.

"Always quick to cut to the chase, Xiao Wuji," Fen Moli replied, a sly smirk playing upon his lips as he eyed his rival. "I trust your grand elders are faring well?"

"They are," Xiao Wuji replied curtly, his words laced with thinly veiled tension. Yet, beneath his confident exterior, a gnawing sense of unease lingered, his mind plagued by the memory of their humiliating defeat at the hands of the enigmatic swordsman.

Fen Moli's smirk widened, a knowing glint in his eyes as he pressed on. "One can only assume they remain alive, despite the total annihilation suffered at the hands of that swordsman. This means your presence here means nothing to us."

Xiao Wuji gritted his teeth as the news was known by the Burning Heaven Clan as well. Then, he assumed the Heavenly Sword Villa and the Frozen Cloud Asgard also knew this. 

"How dare you disrespect my grandfather!?" Xiao Yuerui's voice rang out, filled with indignation as she confronted Fen Moli. Her brown eyes blazed with fury which made her famous for having a bad temper.

Fen Moli smirked in response, clearly unaware of the recent events that had befallen the Xiao Sect. His arrogance was palpable, fueled by the knowledge that their sect now lacked the support of their revered elder. However, he underestimated the resolve of Xiao Yuerui and her companions.

Xiao Wuji, the elder of the Xiao Sect, stepped forward, his expression grave as he intervened to defuse the escalating tension. He placed a calming hand on his granddaughter's shoulder, silently urging her to restrain herself and avoid worsening the situation any further.

The barb struck deep, igniting a flicker of rage within Xiao Wuji's chest. Yet, he clenched his jaw tightly, swallowing his pride in the face of their adversaries. For now, the truth of their defeat and passing remained a closely guarded secret, one that could not afford to be exposed.

Amidst the flurry of flying arks, a vessel crafted from snow and ice descended gracefully, its ethereal beauty captivating all who beheld it. From within emerged a procession of beauties, their radiant auras casting a celestial glow upon the surroundings. At their forefront strode the infamous Gong Yuxian, her presence commanding attention and respect. Behind her trailed a retinue of veiled beauties, among them the legendary sisters, Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli, their graceful movements akin to swans gliding upon a tranquil lake.

Yet, it was the figure who followed behind, veiled yet unmistakably stunning, who drew the most fervent gazes. Her beauty was otherworldly, a rare and captivating sight that left onlookers spellbound. Her identity was unknown, and many seeks to know who this swan is. These were the disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard, the third renowned sect of the Blue Wind Empire, their elegance and poise unmatched.

As Gong Yuxian strode past the bickering sect elders, her demeanor exuded a chilling aura, a stark contrast to the heated exchange between Fen Moli and Xiao Wuji. The infamous silver-haired sisters, though radiating their own cold and haughty aura, paled in comparison to the icy demeanor of their sect master. With silent determination, the disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard followed suit, their steps unwavering as they made their way to the registration area.

"Fen Moli, that old bastard," muttered Xiao Wuji through gritted teeth, his resentment palpable as he watched the Burning Heaven Clan depart. Though harboring his own grudge against the enigmatic swordsman, he dared not provoke further conflict, lest he risks the total annihilation of the Xiao Sect. Instead, he brooded in silence, plotting his next move in the shadow of his adversaries' formidable presence.

As the participants filtered into their designated areas, all eyes naturally gravitated towards the illustrious Heavenly Sword Villa, their anticipation palpable in the air. Among them, Ling Yun, the shining star of the Heavenly Sword Villa, exuded an aura of serene confidence as he took his place alongside his brother Ling Jie and their fellow disciple Ling Feiyu. Beside them, their esteemed father, Ling Yuefeng, the revered Villa Master, watched over them with a sense of pride as one of the strongest sect in the Empire.

Ling Yun's gaze swept across the sprawling arena, his expression unreadable as he searched for something—or perhaps someone. Yet, even he couldn't help but dismiss the notion as fanciful thinking. Surely, the presence of the two goddesses he secretly longed to see would be a mere figment of his imagination.

Meanwhile, Ling Jie's excitement was palpable, his eyes alight with anticipation as he scanned the crowd with eager intensity. Though his attention flitted across the diverse array of participants, his gaze repeatedly returned to a singular focal point: the section reserved for the Blue Wind Imperial Family. There, amidst the whispers and murmurs of the crowd, he sought out a specific figure, his heart racing with anticipation and apprehension alike.

As the registration process drew to a close, murmurs rippled through the arena as the conspicuous absence of the representatives from the Blue Wind Imperial Family was noted. Spectators exchanged knowing glances, their voices laced with disdain as they speculated on the family's perceived weakness.

"They haven't even shown up? Pathetic," scoffed one onlooker, their tone dripping with contempt. "Can't even muster the courage to compete."

"They're always at the bottom anyway. Wouldn't be surprised if they're too scared to face real competition," chimed in another, eliciting a chorus of agreement from the crowd.

Cang Wanhe, seated upon the Emperor's throne, sighed heavily as the ridicule washed over him. For years, his family had languished at the bottom of every tournament, a constant target for mockery and scorn. Despite his efforts to recruit worthy representatives, the disdain of others had thwarted his every attempt.

But this year was different. His daughter, Cang Yue, had assured him that she had found experts to represent their family. Yet, as the moments ticked by, her absence only deepened his unease.

Meanwhile, Ling Wugou, the organizing elder, braced himself for the inevitable repercussions of the family's non-appearance. Turning to Cang Wanhe, he voiced his concern, "Your Majesty, they have yet to arrive. If they fail to register, it may result in disqualification."

The Imperial Protectors remained stoic, their former allegiance to the Heavenly Sword Villa makes them didn't show any expression towards the mockery of the Imperial Family. But Xue Ling, her loyalty to the imperial family unwavering, gritted her teeth in frustration. She had stood by Cang Wanhe and Cang Yue through thick and thin, and the elder's blatant disrespect stung deeply. Xue Ling could only nodded as the elder was following the rules after all.

Yet, just as despair threatened to engulf them, the elder's words cut through the tension like a beacon of hope. "Yue'er is with them. Have faith." And with those simple words, a glimmer of hope flickered in the darkness, as the fate of the Blue Wind Imperial Family hung in the balance.

As the closing time for registration loomed, tension thickened like a heavy fog in the arena. Four hundred and ninety-nine sects and clans had already claimed their places, their representatives poised and ready for the trials ahead. Yet, one spot remained conspicuously vacant—the coveted position reserved for the Blue Wind Imperial Family.

Murmurs of contempt and disdain rippled through the crowd, like a gathering storm on the horizon. "Why do they even bother?" scoffed one sect elite, their voice dripping with scorn. "They're only making fools of themselves."

"They may be the Imperial Family, but that doesn't excuse their incompetence," chimed in another, their words tinged with bitterness. "They probably scurried off to avoid further humiliation."

"Disqualify them!" The cry rose from the throng, a chorus of voices united in their desire to see the imperial family ousted from the competition. Among the crowd, smirks adorned the faces of disciples and contestants from the three great sects, their confidence unshakeable as they reveled in the downfall of their rivals.

The events of Cang Lin's treachery and subsequent exoneration flashed through the minds of onlookers, a stain on the reputation of the imperial family. Yet, amidst the clamor and condemnation, the importance of the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament remained undiminished. The fate of the empire's future hung in the balance, and regardless of past misdeeds, the contest would proceed unfettered by the shadows of scandal.

Restlessness gnawed at Little Fairy's heart as she stood alongside her sister and Gong Yuxian, her gaze fixed on the empty space where their representatives should have been. Despite her inner turmoil, she remained steadfast, bound by a promise made to her mischievous companion.

Beside her, three figures concealed their identities behind veils, their beauty obscured from prying eyes. The beauty's own ebony locks cascaded down her back, a stark contrast to the pristine snow robes that enveloped her slender form. Her eyes, pools of infinite depth, betrayed the myriad emotions swirling within her.

Beside her stood a twenty-year-old beauty, her calm demeanor a testament to her inner strength. Veiled and composed, she exuded an air of tranquility that belied the chaos of the moment.

Next to her, another veiled figure radiated an aura of quiet confidence. Despite her petite stature, there was a palpable strength in her presence, a testament to the indomitable spirit that defined the disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

Together, they formed a formidable trio, chosen to represent their sect in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. With determination etched upon their features, they awaited their moment to step into the arena and prove themselves worthy of their esteemed lineage.

"Qingyue, are you not nervous? This is your first tournament after all," Chu Yueli remarked, her concern evident in her voice as she addressed the black-haired beauty.

The young beauty with raven-black hair exuded an air of serene composure, her icy aura enveloping her like a cloak of calmness. With elegant poise, she turned her gaze toward her master, her piercing eyes betraying the depths of her resolve. Xia Qingyue, the current pride of the sect, stood as the epitome of grace and strength among the younger generation of disciples representing the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

Renowned as the secret wife of Yun Che himself, their union had taken place almost two years prior. She solidifying her position as a central figure within the Frozen Cloud Asgard as the youngest genius who completed the Icy Mirage Challenge Realm. Despite the weight of her responsibilities and the expectations placed upon her, Xia Qingyue remained steadfast, her presence commanding respect and admiration from all who beheld her.

Xia Qingyue, her gaze scanning the arena with unwavering determination, responded calmly, "No, Master, I am well." Though her words conveyed composure, a flicker of unease lingered in her eyes as she searched the crowd for a familiar face.

"You promised to meet me at the summit of the empire," Xia Qingyue murmured softly, the memory of their vow lingering in her thoughts. Despite her efforts, she failed to spot the person she sought, a pang of disappointment tugging at her heart.

Maintaining her icy facade, Xia Qingyue suppressed the turmoil within her. She had not laid eyes on that person amidst the bustling crowd, but she refused to believe that he would break their promise. With her cultivation surpassing expectations, she had entered the tournament as a mere disciple, concealing her true strength from the eyes of her sect.

"Are you breaking your promise?" Xia Qingyue pondered silently, her resolve steeling as she pushed aside her doubts. Regardless of his absence, she remained steadfast in her determination to emerge victorious and prove her worth. With a steadying breath, she refocused her energies, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Chu Yueli's gaze swept across the arena, searching for a familiar figure among the sea of faces. Her heart sank as she failed to locate Princess Cang Yue, knowing that her beloved Nezuko would also be absent. Disappointment washed over her, her longing to reunite with the young girl she had come to see as family palpable in the air.

Meanwhile, Ling Wugou, known as the Scarless Sword of the Heavenly Sword Villa and acting host of the tournament, turned his attention to Emperor Cang Wanhe, his expression apologetic. "Your Majesty, we will have to disqualify your family if they fail to show themselves. It is unfortunate, but we have no choice," he intoned solemnly.

Before Xue Ling could protest, Cang Wanhe raised a hand, signaling for silence. "Do what you must," he replied with a heavy sigh, resignation evident in his tone.

As Ling Wugou began to announce the disqualification of the Blue Wind Imperial Family, the atmosphere tensed. Suddenly, the air itself seemed to fracture, cracks spider-webbing across the space as if it were made of delicate glass. Panic rippled through the crowd as stationed elders rushed to secure the arena, anticipating potential threats.

With a deafening creak, the cracks in the air widened, forming a swirling vortex that coalesced into a doorway at the center of the formation. All eyes were drawn to the mysterious anomaly, the hosts bracing themselves for whatever might emerge.

A figure stepped through the rift, clad in unfamiliar modern attire and exuding an air of confidence. With raven-black hair and a smirk playing on his lips, it was none other than Yun Che—the man who had caused turmoil within the Blue Wind Profound Palace and defeated the young master of the Heavenly Sword Villa.

Xia Qingyue's eyes widened in surprise at his unexpected arrival, a hint of secret joy flickering within her gaze. His presence electrified the arena, commanding attention and stirring intrigue among the gathered spectators especially among females.

"Whoa, I wasn't expecting a welcoming committee, but damn," Yun Che remarked casually, his smirk widening as he surveyed the elders who had surrounded the Mirror World formation, his presence radiating an aura of mischief and unpredictability. Even Cang Wanhe smiled seeing him once more.

"Hooo... so many high-level people," Kon's voice sounded from inside Yun Che's coat.

"What's up?" Yun Che smirked, offering them a casual salute. Despite his current lack of fame compared to Dracule Mihawk, he exuded an air of confidence and ease.

"Rascal," Little Fairy smiled beneath her veil, her eyes sparkling with hidden warmth as she beheld the man, she considered her own. Unbeknownst to her, her ice aura briefly flickered with a gentle warmth—a telltale sign of her happiness. Quickly regaining her composure, she smoothed out her aura, masking her emotions once more. Yun Che appeared more mature than the last time they had met, and she couldn't help but feel relieved to see him safe and well. It had been almost two months since they last saw each other, and she knew he must have grown even stronger during that time.

"It's you..." Xia Qingyue's expression shifted as she caught sight of Yun Che stepping out of the formation. Her eyes widened in surprise, taking in his familiar features. He looked much the same as he had on her wedding day, yet there was a newfound strength and charisma emanating from him. She couldn't help but wonder just how powerful he had become in the intervening time.

"Qingyue, is it him?" Chu Yueli's voice broke through the moment of recognition, her memories of his raven-haired appearance flooding back. She hesitated, sensing a faintly familiar aura emanating from him, as if it was 'his' aura, but quickly dismissed the notion.

"Yes... Xiao Che, or as he proclaimed himself, Yun Che, on that day," Xia Qingyue replied calmly, her gaze fixed on the enigmatic figure before them.

"You met him?" Little Fairy turned her head towards her sister and former disciple, her surprise evident. Her rascal had never mentioned Xia Qingyue before. While she knew her sister had encountered him in his alternate persona, she had not realized they had met the real him.

Chu Yueli nodded her head and her beautiful eyes eyed Yun Che. "Yes, we met him. This is the person my disciple insisted on marrying that day. He revealed himself as a cultivator of immense power, capable of obliterating an entire mountain with a single sword slash. Believe it or not, Onee-san, he's not the person we thought him to be."


"You're married to him?!" Little Fairy's eyes widened as she looked at Xia Qingyue, her voice rising unconsciously. Her rascal had never mentioned this to her. No wonder she possessed the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins. She thought it was his gift to her and her sister. Now, Xia Qingyue possessed it because of him?

"Onee-san, keep your voice down," Chu Yueli cautioned, puzzled by her sister's reaction. Xia Qingyue, on the other hand, simply nodded in acknowledgment unaware of its effect on Little Fairy.

"You damn rascal. You never told me about this. You have me, Sister Retsu, Little Yue, my sister, and now her? You better prepare a good explanation for this," Little Fairy's fists clenched as she gritted her teeth, her frustration evident.

"Onee-san?" Chu Yueli shook her older sister. Xia Qingyue listened in, unfamiliar with the term her former master had used.

"Onee-san, what's wrong?" Chu Yueli, sensing the shift in her sister's aura, asked in astonishment. Her aura had changed like how she herself reacted to Dracule Mihawk. This moment bewildered her.

"Nothing." Little Fairy quickly masked her aura once more, her desire to give him a beating flaring up once again. However, before she could act on it, a crushing sound interrupted her thoughts. The armrest of her seat, already surrounded by floating ice auroras, disintegrated into dust.

Chu Yueli was momentarily confused, but as she looked back and forth between her sister and him, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. "Onee-san? Don't tell me..." Realization dawned on her, her mind racing to connect the dots. It meant that the man who had captured her sister's heart was...

"You aren't allowed to ask any more," Little Fairy turned her head, hiding her faint blush as she dismissed further inquiry.

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