Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 174: The Expected Reactions

Chapter 174: The Expected Reactions

Ling Wugou's voice resonated through the Sword Discourse Arena, cutting through the anticipation like a blade through silk. "The time hath come," he declared, his words weighted with the gravity of the impending battles. "Now, this old man declares; this session of the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament officially begins!"

With those words, the air crackled with energy, charged with the anticipation of fierce competition. For Yun Che, Cang Yue, Xia Qingyue, and now, his grandfather, the stakes couldn't be higher. Their fates intertwined with every clash, every maneuver on the battlefield.

The once bustling arena fell silent, all eyes fixed on Ling Wugou as he ascended into the air with an ethereal grace, leaving behind a wispy trail of grey mist. In a heartbeat, he landed at the center of the arena, where a colossal Profound Assessing Stone awaited.

"Only three participants are allowed," Ling Wugou's voice boomed, echoing across the hushed arena. "And ages between 16 and 20 are permitted to enter."

With a swift announcement, the rules were simplified, yet their implications loomed large. The assessment would focus on profound strength and age, a test that held the potential for both glory and humiliation. Age, in particular, held a significant sway over the outcome, a fact not lost on the anxious participants.

As Yun Che contemplated his strategy, a wry smile tugged at his lips. He would enter the fray as a standard cultivator, adhering to the conventions of the tournament, at least for now. But beneath that facade lay a hidden power, a trump card gifted by the enigmatic system.

"Standard," he muttered and he smirked, the word laden with irony. In this arena of martial prowess and political intrigue, there was nothing standard about his approach. With the system at his disposal, he would surpass the expectations of even his most formidable opponents.

With determination burning in his heart, Yun Che steeled himself for the battles to come. This was his moment to shine, to carve his legacy amidst the chaos of the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. And he would seize it with unwavering resolve.

The stage was a whirlwind of activity as one by one, names were called, and disciples from various sects stepped forward to have their cultivations assessed. Each display of power elicited murmurs of approval from the audience, impressed by the prowess exhibited by these young warriors from unknown sects.

However, the atmosphere shifted palpably as the renowned sects made their entrance. All eyes turned towards the Frozen Cloud Asgard, a sect renowned for its strength, bolstered by the presence of an Emperor Profound Realm cultivator.

Silence fell like a heavy shroud over the arena as three figures glided gracefully onto the stage. Their beauty was breathtaking, transcending mere mortal standards. Even the most exquisite flowers paled in comparison to these paragons of elegance.

Yet, amidst the hushed awe, whispers began to circulate, eyes straying towards the Blue Wind Imperial Family's section. For all their ethereal beauty, the disciples of Frozen Cloud Asgard couldn't hold a candle to the radiant allure of Retsu, Nemu, Mio, and Cang Yue.

First to step forward was Wu Xuexin, a petite beauty whose graceful demeanor belied her formidable strength. Her black hair cascaded like a waterfall around her, her robes billowing gently as she approached the assessment stone. With bated breath, the audience watched as her cultivation was revealed—twenty years old, Ninth Level Spirit Profound Realm.

Following her was Shui Wushuang, her beauty matched only by her poise. Her slightly more developed figure and flowing locks exuded an aura of silent strength. Like her predecessor, she emanated a chilling presence as her cultivation was scrutinized—also twenty years old, Ninth Level Spirit Profound Realm.

As their assessments concluded, the crowd erupted into whispered discussions, awe mingling with speculation. The disciples of Frozen Cloud Asgard had made their mark, but in the hearts of many, the true essence of beauty and strength resided with the valiant warriors.

Then, the final veiled beauty stepped onto the stage, a hushed reverence swept through the arena, her presence commanding attention like a silent tempest. Her cold aura exuded an air of tranquility, drawing gazes from all corners of the crowd. With each graceful movement, she seemed to cast a spell over the onlookers, her serene gaze piercing through the chaos with unwavering focus.

Her ebony locks cascaded like a river of liquid night, framing her delicate features in a halo of otherworldly beauty. Envy simmered among the women in the audience, their own radiance dimmed in comparison to her majestic allure. Yet, amidst the sea of admirers, she emitted an aura of calmness, a serene beauty that transcended mere mortal standards.

For Yun Che, her appearance stirred memories of a past encounter, nearly two years ago, on the night of her wedding. He had left her then, driven by his quest for power and the search for Jasmine. The irony of his journey, losing his Shinigami levels only to regain them through the fusion with the Heretic God Blood, was not lost on him. Now, standing amidst the throng of spectators, he couldn't help but marvel at the convergence of fate that brought them together once more.

"It's been a while, Xia Qingyue," Yun Che mused inwardly, his thoughts a whisper against the backdrop of the bustling arena.

As she placed her hand upon the Profound Assessment Stone, anticipation rippled through the crowd. The revelation of her strength and aura sent shockwaves of amazement cascading through the arena—Seventeen years old, Eight Level Spirit Profound Realm.

The murmurs swelled into a crescendo of awe. To achieve such a feat at such a tender age was unprecedented, a testament to her unparalleled talent and dedication. Ling Yun, too, found himself impressed by her achievement, though his curiosity paled in comparison to the allure of the Heavenly Goddesses he had encountered in the palace.

In that moment, amidst the swirling currents of destiny and ambition, Xia Qingyue stood as a beacon of untold potential, her presence casting a spell over all who beheld her.

"Did you hear that? A seventeen-year-old in the Eight-Level Spirit Profound Realm? Remarkable!" A spectator exclaimed, the astonishment evident in their voice.

"Indeed, Frozen Cloud Asgard is blessed to have such a prodigy among their ranks," another chimed in, their admiration tinged with a hint of envy.

"But let's not forget about that Heaven's Child, Nezuko, wasn't it? A five-year-old reaching the First Level Earth Profound Realm... Now that's truly extraordinary," a third voice interjected, sparking a flurry of discussion among the audience.

Nezuko's name rippled through the crowd, overshadowing even the impressive feat of Xia Qingyue. Speculation ran wild as people compared the two, wondering about the extent of Nezuko's strength and the impact she would have on the tournament.

The mention of Nezuko brought forth memories of her recent debut in the Youngsters Hunting Festival, where she astounded all by defeating a Peak Spirit Profound Realm Tiger at the tender age of five. Her sudden disappearance after the event had left many curious souls pondering her whereabouts, only to be surprised by her unexpected reappearance within the Frozen Cloud Asgard known only to that sect.

Even Wu Xuexin and Shui Wushuang, renowned disciples of Frozen Cloud Asgard, had heard of Nezuko's exploits. They had witnessed firsthand her astonishing performance in completing the daunting Icy Mirage Challenge Realm, a feat that left even them speechless. In less than an hour, she had conquered a trial they had yet to attempt, leaving them in awe of her remarkable talent.

As the murmurs of Nezuko's legend echoed through the arena, it became clear that her presence would cast a long shadow over the proceedings, her name spoken in hushed tones alongside those of the most revered warriors.

As Xia Qingyue gracefully returned to her seat, her mind buzzed with curiosity about Nezuko, the enigmatic child who seemed to defy all conventions. The mention of Nezuko's exclusive access to the Forbidden Hall of Absolute Cold had piqued her interest, sparking a desire to learn more about this extraordinary prodigy.

She remembered asking her master, Chu Yueli, about Nezuko after witnessing the child's remarkable abilities. The revelation that Nezuko had reached the First Level Earth Profound Realm at the age of five, coupled with her astonishing feat of completing the Icy Mirage Challenge Realm in record time, left Xia Qingyue stunned. Even she, a revered genius in her own right, couldn't help but feel overshadowed by Nezuko's unparalleled talent.

The regret that Nezuko couldn't be taken in as a disciple due to her father's formidable reputation gnawed at Xia Qingyue. Who was this mysterious swordsman who wielded such influence over the sects? And what secrets lay hidden within the depths of Nezuko's untapped potential?

Despite being hailed as the youngest genius with exceptional cultivation, Xia Qingyue couldn't shake the feeling of being outshone by Nezuko. The prospect of meeting the small child filled her with a mix of admiration and curiosity, a desire to learn from one who defied all expectations.

Meanwhile, Ling Yuefeng, having heard whispers of the Heavenly Child from his elders, was equally intrigued. His initial impulse to seek out information about Nezuko was tempered by the knowledge of her father's formidable power. Yet, the prospect of having such a prodigious talent within their sect stirred thoughts of potential alliances and benefits.

Similar musings echoed within the minds of the leaders of the great sects, each grappling with the implications of Nezuko's existence. A five-year-old Earth Profound Realm cultivator was a rarity beyond compare, a force to be reckoned with and courted for their own gain.

As the tournament unfolded, the specter of Nezuko loomed large, casting a shadow over the proceedings and igniting a frenzy of speculation and ambition among those who sought to unravel the mysteries of her origin and potential.

"Hoo, never expected Nezuko had fans, Little Yue," Yun Che remarked casually, drawing a sheepish smile from Cang Yue.

"Ohooo!! Look at those hot babes!!" Kon's voice erupted from within his robe, but Yun Che's attention remained fixed on Xia Qingyue.

It had been almost two years since he last saw her, the memory of their parting on the night of her wedding still fresh in his mind as he embarked on his journey to seek power and locate Jasmine.

"It's big sister. Brother in…" Yuanba had begun to say, but Yun Che's intervention cut him off mid-sentence. With a firm shake of his head, Yun Che conveyed the seriousness of the situation.

"Frozen Cloud Asgard disciples are forbidden to marry. Don't say those words, or you'll cause her big trouble," Yun Che whispered urgently, releasing Yuanba's mouth but keeping a vigilant eye on him.

Yuanba nodded fervently, his expression a mixture of understanding and contrition. He had returned after a brief encounter with Qin Wushang, his excitement getting the better of him in the presence of Yun Che and his comrades.

The kotatsu table they had been sitting at earlier provided a false sense of security, enchanted with a suppressing Kido that rendered their conversations private. But now, standing by the stone railing amidst the bustling crowd, Yuanba's lack of restraint threatened to unravel their carefully constructed facade.

Yun Che couldn't help but shake his head at the boy's antics. Despite his good intentions, Yuanba's impulsive nature often landed him in trouble. But in a place like this, where the slightest misstep could have far-reaching consequences, Yun Che knew he had to be vigilant.

"Just call me Aniki, and your sister - Onee-chan. You can call Retsu-Aneki," Yun Che whispered to Xia Yuanba, interrupting the boy's eager chatter. He knew the consequences of uttering certain words, especially in the presence of Frozen Cloud Asgard disciples.

"Aniki is the term for older brother/boss and Onee-chan is just a cutesy way to call your sister. As for Aneki, it's just for an elder sister/boss," he explained, his tone laced with caution.

Eager to please, Xia Yuanba nodded enthusiastically. "I understand, Aniki!" he exclaimed, drawing giggles from the girls beside him.

However, their levity quickly faded as their gaze fell upon Xia Qingyue. With a newfound seriousness, they scrutinized her, assessing her cultivation and comparing their own appearances to hers. As their scrutiny intensified, an icy aura seemed to emanate from them, sending shivers down the spines of those nearby.

Unaware of the effect they were having, the group continued to observe Xia Qingyue, their expressions a mix of admiration and envy.

"So, that's his wife?" Retsu's voice dripped with venom as she watched Xia Qingyue from afar, her fists clenched in barely restrained fury. The title of first wife had been snatched from her grasp, and she seethed with the desire to confront the woman who dared to usurp her position. Her Yandere aura flared, casting a dark shadow over her normally composed demeanor.

"Danna-sama's wife? How can that girl be his wife?" Mio's sweet smile belied the dangerous glint in her eyes as she contemplated the notion of eliminating her rival. Her spider form coiled behind her, ready to strike at a moment's notice. If only she could enter the tournament herself, she thought with a malicious grin.

"Yuu-sama's wife... How interesting," Nemu murmured, her tone deceptively calm as she assessed the situation. Xia Qingyue was a year older than her.

"Yun Che's wife is a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard, Xia Qingyue," Cang Yue's eyes widened in recognition as she caught sight of Xia Qingyue's silhouette. Memories flooded her mind, recalling a previous encounter with a woman who had a similar appearance to her. Cang Yue widened her eyes as the woman she bumped back in Frozen Cloud Asgard was indeed her.

She bumped into Xia Qingyue in that mysterious hall as Nezuko. Seeing her beauty up close sparks jealousy in her heart.

"Unforgivable!" The word echoed in their minds as jealousy consumed them, their auras radiating waves of envy that sent chills down the spines of those nearby.

"Oi omae, those ladies of yours really started to scare me," Kon's voice sounded from within his coat, his nervousness palpable. Yun Che could only sweat profusely as he observed the escalating tension among his companions. Despite his attempts to prepare them for Xia Qingyue's presence, nothing could have braced them for the overwhelming jealousy that now threatened to consume them all. Even Xia Yuanba, standing nearby, felt the chill in the air, a silent witness to the storm of emotions brewing among his comrades.

Cang Yue's lips slightly moved, and then, she softly asked as stood next to him. "Does she… Do you… not have any feelings for each other?"

Cang Yue's question hung in the air like a delicate thread, her voice barely above a whisper as she stood next to Yun Che. The weight of her inquiry seemed to draw the attention of the other girls, their eyes fixed on Yun Che with a mix of curiosity and longing.

Yun Che turned towards her, sensing the underlying currents of jealousy in her tone. With a silent nod, he acknowledged her unspoken query, knowing that his response held the power to assuage or exacerbate their insecurities.

Using Tenteikura, Yun Che conveyed his thoughts without uttering a word. "I don't know," his message echoed in their minds, each word weighted with uncertainty and regret. "I left that night, leaving behind my grandfather and aunt. I chased her away so she could focus on cultivating, and I began adventuring. Right now, all I feel is guilt for acting like a jerk back then. I hated her for what she might become rather than talking it out. Nothing happened that night. She probably doesn't even have feelings for me. She was doing this because of her father's wishes after all."

As he recounted the events of that fateful night, a sense of remorse tinged his words. "Before I began my plan of adventuring, rumors circulated that the Xia Family was unwilling to bear the name of a family that goes against their word," he continued, his voice tinged with regret. "But I understood that she was grateful towards my adoptive father, Xiao Ying, for saving her life. Hence, she accepted our marriage, to protect my grandfather's and my reputation."

The memory of their tumultuous encounter after their marriage ceremony surfaced, the tension between them palpable even now. "When the two of us were alone, I was silently mad at her," he admitted, a pang of guilt twisting in his chest. "Then, I gave her the marriage certificate so she could decide what to do with it. I don't know what she did with it back then."

With a heavy sigh, Yun Che reflected on his actions with a newfound clarity. "So, I came to see my little aunt before I flew to see the world. She came to me; we talked but not that much," he recounted, his expression a mix of remorse and introspection. "I left her that night so she could sort herself out, knowing her master was there to pick her up. When I think about it, I was a jerk back then. No matter what, I am unable to feel any animosity towards her. You can't hate a person for no reason."

As his words lingered in the air, Yun Che's gaze met theirs, a silent plea for understanding and forgiveness shining in his eyes. And at that moment, amidst the tangled web of emotions and misunderstandings, a glimmer of hope flickered—a chance for reconciliation and redemption amidst the tumult of their intertwined destinies.

Yun Che's gaze lingered on Xia Qingyue, a myriad of thoughts swirling in his mind. He wanted to acknowledge her beauty, to admit to himself that she was indeed pretty, but the presence of the other girls who loved him held his tongue. Yet, as he awaited their responses, he was met not with jealousy or resentment, but with a collective sense of relief.

Retsu understood the underlying reasons behind his desire to see Xia Qingyue again, and she harbored her own intentions of speaking to her privately, alongside Mio. Nemu's interest was piqued, her curiosity driving her to observe the interaction with keen interest. And Cang Yue, despite the unfair treatment Yun Che had shown Xia Qingyue, felt a sense of admiration towards the woman who had captured his attention.

Though Yun Che had been a jerk to Xia Qingyue in the past, his return signaled a desire for reconciliation and redemption. He wanted to apologize for his past actions, to make amends for the harshness of his methods. And amidst the whispers and speculations that surrounded Xia Qingyue, comparing her to the renowned Ling Yun, Yun Che couldn't help but marvel at her resilience.

"Pretty impressive, but that's not your real cultivation, right, Qingyue?" he mused inwardly, acknowledging her decision to conceal her true strength for the sake of the tournament. He knew that she was capable of much more, and he was determined to face her at her full power when the time came.

As the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament commenced, the arena buzzed with excitement as Ling Yun, representing the Heavenly Sword Villa, entered the stage amidst cheers from the crowd.

At just 20 years old, Ling Yun boasted an impressive cultivation of the Third Level Earth Profound Realm. The spectators erupted in applause, impressed by his martial prowess. However, Yun Che's group remained entirely unimpressed, their focus unwavering as they awaited the unfolding events. Retsu and Mio cringed as they remembered this so-called genius is the monkey who lost control in front of them. A memory they didn't wish to remember.

Yun Che couldn't help but recall his previous reading on the encounter with Ling Yun, the young swordsman who supposed to be slated to face Xia Qingyue in battle in the novel. He remembered the outcome vividly—Ling Yun's defeat at the hands of Xia Qingyue, a result that had left Yun Che pondering the potential shifts in fate brought about by the tournament's new contenders, Retsu and Cang Yue.

Reflecting on the scarcity of Earth Profound Realm cultivators in the Blue Wind Empire, Yun Che couldn't help but reminisce about the battles of the past, particularly the skirmishes in New Moon City where Retsu had decimated countless Spirit Profound Realm opponents. He mused that perhaps the reluctance of sects to send their disciples to the tournament stemmed from the lingering scars of past conflicts.

Amidst these thoughts, Yun Che noticed something peculiar—Ling Yun's gaze fixed upon his zone, specifically on Retsu and Mio. A flicker of annoyance crossed Yun Che's features as he observed the audacity of Ling Yun's stare. Did the young swordsman truly believe that his meager strength was enough to impress Retsu and Mio?

With a wry smile, Yun Che acknowledged the pang of jealousy that stirred within him at the sight of another man eyeing his fiancées. Ling Yun's boldness might be commendable in some contexts, but if he dared to pursue Retsu and Mio, he would soon find himself face-to-face with a formidable adversary—one who would stop at nothing to protect those under his care.

As another name echoed through the arena, Yun Che's attention was drawn to Ling Jie, whose cultivation stood at the Sixth Level Spirit Profound Realm at the age of 16. Memories flooded back to Yun Che, recalling their previous encounter with a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

This was the same guy who had once tried to challenge Yun Che to an arm-wrestling duel, only to be swiftly defeated and humbled. Despite the defeat, Yun Che couldn't help but admire Ling Jie's resilience and skill. The young man had proven himself to be a formidable opponent, earning Yun Che's respect in the process.

As Ling Jie took the stage, he removed his hand from the assessment stone before casting a wave in Yun Che's direction. It was unclear whether the gesture was meant for Yun Che or Cang Yue, but Yun Che couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation stirring within him.

"Blue Wind Profound Palace," Ling Wugou's voice resonated through the arena, signaling the next participants. As Xia Yuanba rose to take his turn, Yun Che's attention was drawn to the two figures accompanying him—Feng Bufan and Fen Juechen.

Feng Bufan and Fang Feilong had once been slated to face Yun Che, their intentions clear—to beat him to a pulp as part of the traitorous faction's vendetta against him. However, fate had other plans. The events that were meant to lead to their confrontation had never come to pass, leaving them unable to exact their revenge. Now, with the opportunity to participate in the tournament, they were forced to set aside their grudges and compete on equal footing.

As Feng Bufan shot him a glare before making his way to the central arena, Yun Che noted the bruise on Fang Feilong's cheek with a smirk of satisfaction. It seemed that even without their planned confrontation, fate still found a way to deliver justice.

But it was Fen Juechen who captured Yun Che's attention the most. The man stood tall and imposing, his cold demeanor and piercing gaze sending a chill down Yun Che's spine. According to the system, Fen Juechen was the top inner disciple whom Yun Che was supposed to face during his time in the Inner Palace of the Blue Wind Profound Palace. However, circumstances had prevented their encounter, leaving Fen Juechen unscathed by Yun Che's wrath.

Despite the altered circumstances that spared him from Yun Che's humiliation, Fen Juechen now stood poised to participate in the tournament, his presence a reminder of the tangled web of fate that bound them all together.

Yun Che couldn't help but smirk at the familiar glares directed his way. "Looks like the events might still unfold," he mused, recognizing the underlying tension that lingered between them. And as his eyes locked with Fen Juechen's, he couldn't shake the feeling that their paths were destined to cross once more, setting the stage for a confrontation that would bridge the entire storyline of this planet.

As the names of the participants resounded in the arena, Yun Che's attention was drawn to the assessment results displayed in the air for all to see.

Feng Bufan, at 20 years old, boasted a formidable cultivation of the Third Level Spirit Profound Realm. Fen Juechen, just 17 years old, displayed a remarkable prowess at the Second Level Spirit Profound Realm. And then there was Xia Yuanba, a mere 16 years old, yet already a Sixth Level Spirit Profound Realm cultivator.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy of excitement and admiration, marveling at the sheer talent displayed by the Blue Wind Profound Palace disciples especially Xia Yuanba who now shares the same cultivation as Ling Jie from the Heavenly Sword Villa. It was a testament to their dedication and training, drawing cheers and applause from all corners of the arena.

As the news of Xia Yuanba's remarkable cultivation spread throughout the arena, murmurs of intrigue and speculation filled the air.

"Sixteen years old and already at the Sixth Level Spirit Profound Realm? Looks like I have a rival!" Ling Jie remarked with a hint of amusement, his gaze shifting towards Xia Yuanba.

"Interesting. A genius indeed," Ling Yun mused, his eyes fixed on Xia Yuanba before his gaze shifted towards Yun Che with a hatred intensity.

"Xia Yuanba. Who is that boy?" Ling Yuefeng interjected, his interest piqued by the unexpected talent displayed by the young cultivator.

Among the spectators, whispers of curiosity and admiration rippled through the crowd. "Another young genius like Ling Jie?" one elite from the Heavenly Sword Villa pondered aloud. "Could he be related to Xia Qingyue?" another speculated, noting the similarity in their surnames.

But amidst the chatter and excitement, Xia Qingyue stood with clenched fists, her expression betraying a deeper concern for her younger brother. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped her heart as she watched Yuanba step into the arena. It seemed unfair to her that he too had to face the rigors of the tournament, especially when she had been prepared to shoulder the burden alone to protect him and her father.

As the crowd buzzed with anticipation, Xia Qingyue's silent worry hung heavy in the air, before she calms her heart.

However, as the uproar continued, Xia Yuanba returned to Yun Che's side, a victorious grin plastered across his face. Yun Che couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at his brother's achievement, patting him on the back in congratulations.

"Not bad for a runt," Yun Che remarked with a smirk, acknowledging Xia Yuanba's impressive display of strength.

With a chuckle, Xia Yuanba explained the sudden surge in his cultivation, attributing it to the power of his rage. "Thanks to you, Aniki," he said, flexing his muscles proudly. "I was able to tap into my inner strength and push myself further than I ever thought possible."

Yun Che raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I thought you were 15 years old?" he mused, recalling Yuanba's age as a bit younger than his older sister's.

"Me too, but my sixteenth birthday happened just before the tournament," Xia Yuanba explained with a grin. "The palace master wasted no time in putting me in the lineup. I guess you could say I was a last-minute replacement."

"Last minute?" Yun Che's curiosity piqued as he inquired further into Xia Yuanba's sudden inclusion in the tournament lineup.

"He gave me a choice between Fang Feilong, Fen Juechen, or Feng Bufan to fight and take his place," Yuanba explained, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "Fang Feilong had been bullying me ever since I became Master Qin's disciple, calling me a snot-nosed brat as he's the third-ranked inner disciple."

"And?" Yun Che pressed, eager to hear the outcome of Yuanba's confrontation.

"We fought in the arena, betting the spot for the Blue Wind Imperial Family," Yuanba continued, his eyes gleaming with pride. "I defeated him with one punch. He accused me of cheating, so I beat him up again. And that's how I secured this spot!" His words rang with triumph as he recounted his victory over the third-ranked inner disciple.

"Hoo… that's quite the tale," Yun Che remarked, recalling the modifications he had made to Yuanba's profound veins with the help of the system. Though he hadn't intervened directly, he had facilitated a transformation akin to the Zenkai Boost from the Dragon Ball anime, enhancing Yuanba's power through the power of rage.

By repeatedly triggering his rage response during training sessions, Yun Che had fueled Yuanba's growth, culminating in his current achievement of reaching the Sixth Level of the Spirit Profound Realm. It was a testament to Yuanba's determination and Yun Che's guidance.

"It's all because of you and Aneki," Yuanba acknowledged, bowing in gratitude. "I won't forget this, Aniki." His words carried a sincerity that touched Yun Che's heart, reaffirming the bond between them as brothers.

The announcement reverberated through the arena, capturing the attention of Yun Che and Fen Juechen alike. For Fen Juechen, however, his focus was singularly fixated on Fen Juebi, a target of long-awaited vengeance.

As the members of the Burning Heaven Clan were assessed, their names echoed through the air.

"Feng Jin – 20 years old – Ninth level Spirit Profound Realm."

"Feng Yuange – 19 years old – Seventh Level Spirit Profound Realm."

"Fen Juebi – 20 years old – Eighth Level Spirit Profound Realm."

The crowd's reaction was lukewarm, lacking the fervor and excitement that had greeted other participants like Ling Yun, Ling Jie, Xia Yuanba, and Xia Qingyue. Fen Juebi's teeth ground together in frustration, feeling a surge of anger at the perceived lack of attention and recognition he received.

But beneath his outward veneer of calm, Fen Juechen's gaze burned with determination. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the chance to confront the members of the Burning Heaven Clan who had wronged him. As Fen Juebi seethed with resentment, Fen Juechen remained resolute, silently preparing himself for the confrontation against him.

"The Wu Clan," the announcement rang out, drawing the attention of Yun Che, Yuanba, Cang Yue, and Retsu once more. The mention of the Wu Clan brought back memories of the grandfather and grandson pair whom Yun Che had faced and defeated in New Moon City. Now, they had the opportunity to witness the Wu Clan's participation in the ranking tournament firsthand.

"Wu Fei, 20 years old, Eight Level Spirit Profound Realm."

"Wu Xingwu, 20 years old, Eight Level Spirit Profound Realm."

"Wu Lie, 20 years old, Eight Level Spirit Profound Realm."

The revelation that all three members of the Wu Clan were at the Eighth Level of the Spirit Profound Realm sparked a sense of curiosity among Yun Che and his companions. With the ability to rely on their trump cards, the Wu Clan's formidable cultivation levels posed a potential threat in the tournament.

Yun Che kept a watchful eye on the Wu Clan participants, recognizing the danger they could pose if they managed to send three cultivators of such high caliber to the tournament.

As the tension in the arena mounted, anticipation hung thick in the air, signaling the imminent arrival of the moment of truth.

"Blue Wind Imperial Family." Ling Wugou finally read the name of his group as they are the last group waited to be assessed since they registered late before mentioning the names of those who participated.

"Yun Che, Unohana Retsu, and Cang Yue," the announcer called out, beckoning them forward. With graceful poise, Yun Che led the way, flanked by Retsu and Cang Yue, their presence commanding the attention of everyone in the arena. Whispers rippled through the crowd, speculation rampant about the cultivation levels of these remarkable individuals.

As Yun Che stepped forward to touch the Profound Assessment Stone, the anticipation in the air was palpable. But when the results were revealed, shock and disbelief swept through the audience like a tidal wave.

Yun Che - 19 years old – Peak True Profound Realm.

The response was immediate and expected. Hisses of disapproval filled the air, quickly giving way to snickers and mocking laughter. Despite his expectations, Yun Che couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the open derision. He had intentionally suppressed his cultivation to match the original Yun Che, but it seemed the audience found amusement in his seemingly low level. Subsequently, the sounds of answering snickers filled the area in all directions. Even though the entire surroundings were filled with snickering, the snickering then became the clear sounds unrestrained laughter. The audience was flooded with all sorts of hearty laughter and jeers that even a few elders of virtue and prestige had also involuntarily laughed at after seeing this result.


[Ding… Congratulations for unlocking the achievement 'Laugh Out Loud' – Being laughed for making yourself weak.]

[XP: 250000 / SP: 35000]

[The frame shows Chibi Yun Che being laughed at for showing his smirk.]


"Pfft… True Profound Realm… A True Profound Realm had appeared in this year's ranking tournament. Even a True Profound Realm is brave enough to participate in this ranking tournament? Pff… HAHAHAHA…"

"The Blue Wind Imperial Family had sent out such a disciple to participate? And I'd thought that it would be a shocker… F*ck! It is indeed a shocker, it's a True Profound Realm! Did the Blue Wind Imperial Family come here to be funny this year?"

The mockery and laughter reverberated throughout the arena, echoing the disbelief of the spectators at Yun Che's revealed cultivation level. True Profound Realm? The very idea seemed preposterous to many, eliciting sneers and jeers from the onlookers.

"Pfft… True Profound Realm… Even a True Profound Realm dares to step foot in this tournament? What a joke!" scoffed one spectator, his laughter joining the chorus of ridicule.

"Did the Blue Wind Imperial Family send him here for entertainment? This is beyond ridiculous!" exclaimed another, his incredulity clear in his voice.

While the audience's reaction was as expected, the contestants themselves felt a ripple of unease. Most had entered the tournament with modest expectations, their cultivations ranging from low to mid-stage Spirit Profound Realm. To encounter someone boasting a peak True Profound Realm level was certainly unexpected, and it cast a shadow of doubt over the competition.

As Retsu and Cang Yue stepped forward for their assessments, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. Their results mirrored Yun Che's, further cementing their status as formidable contenders in the tournament.

Unohana Retsu - 19 years old – Peak True Profound Realm

Cang Yue - 19 years old – Peak True Profound Realm

The raucous laughter filled the arena once more, directed now at Retsu and Cang Yue. However, unlike the spectators' mocking tones, the two women stood resolute, their expressions unwavering in the face of ridicule. They had anticipated this reaction and steeled themselves against it.

"Even the princess? Did she enter herself because she couldn't find any experts to represent her family? Hahaha…"

"Such a waste of beauty! If only she were in the Frozen Cloud Asgard, she might find a better use for her talents." One spectator even ridiculed Retsu.

Little Fairy's fiery indignation flared once more as she watched the scene unfold. Why had they entered the tournament with such seemingly low cultivations? She knew their true strengths, witnessed firsthand their triumph over formidable foes that dwarfed the challenges of this tournament. Why would they subject themselves to this mockery?

Xue Ling's widened eyes betrayed her shock. She knew Cang Yue's true cultivation was far beyond what was being displayed. This charade puzzled her. Meanwhile, Cang Wanhe, unable to reconcile his knowledge of their capabilities with their current display, began to question their motives. Were they truly as weak as they appeared, or were they concealing their true strength?

As for Xia Qingyue, a mix of emotions swirled within her. She couldn't shake the suspicion that this man standing before her, Yun Che, held far more power than he let on. Memories of their shared history resurfaced, prompting her to internalize the same question he had posed to her: "This is not your true strength, is it?"

"Seeing three True Profound Realm cultivators here feels like the entire ranking tournament's quality has been dragged down. I'm blushing in shame for them, especially for the Blue Moon Princess," remarked one spectator, earning a death glare from Mio for insulting Cang Yue. With a quiet but powerful blast of Conqueror's Haki, he slumped unconscious into his seat. Mio's anger simmered beneath the surface, her control tested as she resisted the urge to unleash her power on the rest of the arena. They had anticipated this, discussed it, and planned their responses accordingly.

"Aniki, you…." Xia Yuanba's disbelief was palpable. He couldn't fathom that his brother-in-law, whom he had guided and witnessed in battle, could possess such seemingly low cultivation. Despite achieving the Peak True Profound Realm, Yuanba refused to accept that Yun Che's strength was limited to this level. He remained convinced that Yun Che's true power lay hidden, evidenced by his past victories over sect masters and elders.

Qin Wushang's eyes widened in realization. This was the man who had subdued the sects of New Moon City. To enter the tournament with such seemingly inadequate cultivation, there must be a plan at play, a strategy yet to unfold.

The innate talent of a seventeen-year-old in the tenth level of the True Profound Realm was considered commendable, but for 19-year-olds and two 18-year-olds, it was deemed insufficient. Amongst all the disciples participating in the ranking tournament, their cultivations ranked as the lowest. Despite their audacity in joining the assembly of talents, they were viewed as unworthy participants, unfit even for an invitation.

Based on the real novel, True Profound Realm had indeed never appeared before. Yun Che merely followed the rules of as long as you're 16 to 20 and with an invitation, they can join even at the lowest of Elementary Profound Realm. However, the standards were set a long time ago as even in the Spirit Profound Realm, they were essentially unworthy of participating in the ranking tournament, so much that they were not worthy of even getting an invitation.

History had been broken this year. Three True Profound Realm participants had appeared, and they were none other than the representatives of the esteemed Blue Wind Imperial Family. The revelation left many stupefied, while others rocked with laughter, their amusement seemingly boundless. Even in the presence of the Emperor and the Princess herself, laughter echoed throughout the arena, fueled by a sense of sect and self-strength superiority.

It was ironic, to say the least. The Blue Wind Imperial Family, once revered as rulers of the Blue Wind Empire, now found themselves at the center of ridicule and mockery. The very notion of comparing their strength to the lowest cultivators participating in the tournament sparked a fervent sense of superiority among the spectators.

Initially, Cang Yue disagreed with the idea of lowering their profound strength to the lowest level to enter the tournament. She saw it as nothing more than a humiliating act directed at her family. However, Yun Che had a different vision. He wished to use their seemingly weakened state to showcase the true strength hidden within. They would enter as the weakest, only to reveal their unparalleled power to the people of the empire. Hearing this, she decided to trust Yun Che.

It was, in essence, a form of deception. But to Yun Che, it was a calculated pro-gamer move—a means of demonstrating that true strength lay not in outward appearances, but in the depths of one's resolve and abilities.

Now, they stood as the epitome of the tournament's underdogs, representing the lowest echelon in every aspect. It was a deliberate move, orchestrated to paint the Blue Wind Imperial Family in the most unfavorable light possible. Yun Che knew that if they appeared as the strongest, they would be accused of bullying; if they entered at a standard level, they would be dismissed as mere normies. It seemed that no matter what they did, they would always be wrong in the eyes of others. So, Cang Yue understood the necessity of swallowing their pride for now, biding their time until they could turn the tables and reclaim their dignity in one swift stroke.

"The goddess is this... weak?" Ling Yun of the Heavenly Sword Villa voiced his shock, his expression a mix of disbelief and fascination. He had been captivated by Retsu and Mio's beauty, becoming emotionally entangled with thoughts of them day and night. Ling Yun even went as far as attempting to court them, only to be swiftly defeated by Mio's overwhelming power, leaving him unconscious with her Haki. Even when he pursued Retsu, he met the same fate, overwhelmed before he could even reach her.

Observing Retsu's seemingly low cultivation, Ling Yun contemplated how easily he could subdue her. Yet, the memory of Mio's power and the sight of her skeletal warriors gave him pause. He realized that she was not as simple as she appeared.

Meanwhile, Ling Jie, Ling Yun's brother, harbored intentions of claiming Cang Yue for himself. He had challenged Yun Che to a confrontation, eager to prove himself worthy of her affections. However, his hopes were dashed when he was soundly defeated in an arm wrestling match, a clear testament to Yun Che's strength and dominance. He somehow knew that wasn't the strength of a True Profound Realm.

As the surrounding mockery reached a crescendo, Ling Jie's expression transformed into one of awe. His wide-open mouth betrayed his disbelief. "Wait, he was able to defeat me with that kind of strength?! Amazing."

The incredulous reactions of the Heavenly Sword Villa disciples caught the attention of Ling Yuefeng, who raised a skeptical brow. "You two know this person?" Ling Yuefeng had only heard tales from the elders about the failed attempts to recruit Cang Yue and the subsequent defeat of the suitors by a young man named Yun Che. Ling Yuefeng couldn't reconcile those accounts with the seemingly low cultivation level of the man before him.

Ling Yun nodded slightly. "I've seen him at the palace with Princess Cang Yue and her companions. He even defeated Ling Jie in an arm wrestling match."

"I didn't lose," Ling Jie interjected quickly, attempting to salvage his pride. "He weakened himself for a split second before coming at me at full strength."

Ling Yuefeng's surprise was evident. He scrutinized Yun Che with newfound interest, realizing the depth of his connection to Princess Cang Yue and the extent of his power. The fact that he had thwarted the suitors and earned the protection of the renowned swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, spoke volumes. Ling Yuefeng understood that any attempt to oppose Yun Che would mean facing Princess Cang Yue and, subsequently, the formidable swordsman himself. The memory of his own humiliating defeat at Yun Che's hands flashed through his mind, fueling his determination.

"Ling Jie's defeat at the hands of someone in the third level of the True Profound Realm, despite being at the sixth level of the Spirit Profound Realm, suggests that Yun Che's strength surpasses his apparent cultivation level," Ling Yun remarked calmly, though his gaze remained fixated on Retsu.

"Unohana Retsu" Hearing her name being announced, he kept repeating it like a mantra. Despite his efforts to distract himself, thoughts of Retsu and Mio continued to haunt him, stirring emotions he had never experienced before.

"Profound strength level alone indeed does not represent one's complete level of strength. We haven't witnessed that boy's true strength yet," Ling Yuefeng acknowledged with a nod. "Do you remember the incident in the Blue Wind Imperial Palace back then?"

Ling Yuefeng was alluding to the formidable Dracule 'Hawk Eyes' Mihawk. Despite having Sky Profound Realm strength, as far as Ling Yuefeng recalled, Mihawk had effortlessly subdued all the soldiers. This served as a stark reminder not to underestimate those with seemingly lower strength.

"When I first saw him, I wasn't even sure that he and Princess Cang Yue would enter," Ling Yun continued, his tone thoughtful. "I heard he wanted to participate in the tournament alongside the princess. I admit, I doubted them, given their low cultivation. I thought that by the time he reached nineteen, he would amaze the world representing the Imperial Family in the next ranking tournament. I never expected him to come this year. His decision only risks further humiliation for himself and the princess if they participate."

The hissing, sneering, and ridicule surrounding them were all part of their expectations. Despite the mockery, all three of them remained composed. Walking down the steps, their expressions were calm and collected, as if unaffected by the disparagement echoing around them. They knew their true level and power, and no amount of ridicule could shake their confidence.

"Calm and composed. As expected from Dracule Mihawk's disciple," Ling Yuefeng commented, observing Cang Yue's indifferent expression. She displayed no hint of embarrassment or overreaction, remaining as serene as still water. It was a pity they couldn't recruit her as a disciple or consider her as a wife candidate for their sect. If they could obtain the techniques Mihawk imparted, their power and influence would be unrivaled.

The emperor, Cang Wanhe, could only sigh as his family once again became the subject of ridicule. It was bad enough that they consistently ranked last in every tournament and were often eliminated in the first round. Now, to enter with True Profound Realm cultivations? He took a deep breath to steady himself. Despite his concerns, he trusted his daughter. After all, she had brought a miracle doctor to heal him. With a sense of resignation, he decided to let her take this leap of faith.

And so, with the entrance of three True Profound Realm warriors, the history of the Blue Wind Empire Ranking Tournament was forever changed.

Mio's muscles tensed, ready to unleash her full-powered Haoshoku No Haki in response to the ridicule directed at her sisters and beloved. The laughter grated on her nerves, but the latter words managed to soothe her simmering anger. Meanwhile, Nemu analyzed the situation, understanding Yun Che's strategy in entering as a weaker participant. Despite being qualified to participate with her Level 40 abilities, she chose to refrain from revealing her true strength, knowing that her Kido alone would overwhelm her opponents instantly.

"Hahahaha! I'm going to die from laughter. The Blue Wind Imperial Family actually sent out True Profound Realm cultivators? Even the princess herself was at that cultivation. What a joke! Do they seriously want to make a fool of themselves? Hahahaha, the team that the uselessly beautiful and noble Blue Moon Princess joined and that beauty? What the hell?" Fen Juebi's laughter echoed through the arena. However, his amusement quickly turned to confusion when he noticed Fen Juecheng's stoic expression.

Fen Juecheng remained silent, the memory of the cave event weighing heavily on his mind. The severity of that day's events had been enough for the sect master or his father to order everyone involved to keep it a secret, even from his brother. Only the higher-ups knew the truth. He remembered witnessing firsthand how the man and woman they were now mocking had decimated the Third Prince Cang Shuo with a single shot. The woman's mysterious aura had overwhelmed all the elders before they both confronted and defeated the prince, with the princess standing behind them.

True Profound Realm? Fen Juecheng knew the horror those two were capable of, a horror that the laughing crowd could never comprehend. His gaze turned icy as he directed a killing intent towards Fen Juebi. Did he think he could challenge him into killing him? Did he truly believe Fen Juecheng wouldn't dare?

As Yun Che returned to the Blue Wind Imperial Family zone, he found himself bombarded with questions from Yuanba, his ever-curious companion. Around him, laughter and insults to the Blue Wind Imperial Family flew in the air. Amidst the inquiries, however, Yun Che couldn't help but notice a surge of red intent emanating from his surroundings, particularly concentrated in the Burning Heaven Clan section. The brightest source of this intent seemed to emanate from Fen Juecheng himself, the very man who had once harbored ambitions for Cang Yue.

Yun Che smirked as he observed Fen Juecheng's intense gaze fixed upon him, unaware of the blush that his arm around Cang Yue's waist had elicited from her. Unbeknownst to the Burning Heaven Clan heir, his display of possessiveness only served to stoke Fen Juecheng's fury.

In a fit of rage, Fen Juecheng clenched his fists so tightly that the armrests on both sides of him shattered into pieces. His desire to possess Cang Yue and the mysterious woman who had bested him in combat still burned within him, despite the humiliation he had suffered at their hands. Seeing Cang Yue blushing under Yun Che's touch only served to further enrage him, his face contorting into an expression of sheer disgust and anger.

"What's wrong, big bro? I've never seen you get this angry before," Fen Juebi asked, taken aback by his brother's sudden outburst.

"The tournament doesn't allow him to use any treasures. If he does, they have already detected it. Since this is his and that woman's strength, it would be easy to crush him like a bug," Fen Juecheng seethed, his voice dripping with venomous resentment.

His anger boiling over, Fen Juecheng wasted no time dispatching his followers to contact Yun Che's opponents, instructing them to go all out in an attempt to cripple him. Little did he know that Yun Che, using his Eagle Vision, had overheard every word of his orders. Instead of instilling fear, Fen Juecheng's actions only served to amuse Yun Che, who couldn't help but smirk in response.


"Are these the people of the Blue Wind Empire? The empire Huan Xuyi and my ancestor raised from the ashes? These people are simply too much. They're all mocking and ridiculing… Hmph, when the ranking tournament starts, We will definitely make them obediently shut their mouths," Cang Yue seethed internally, her royal demeanor momentarily overshadowed by the raw emotion coursing through her veins. Despite maintaining a composed expression, her heart burned with indignation. Yun Che had warned her about the inevitable ridicule, but experiencing it firsthand stoked the flames of her fury even further. The barbs aimed at Yun Che, her family, her sister Retsu, and especially her status as the Blue Wind Princess cut deep, leaving her feeling more aggrieved than ever.

She grappled with the dilemma of her identity—she didn't want to reveal her true strength and risk being branded a bully, yet participating as the weakest subjected her to merciless ridicule. Despite her efforts to remain stoic, the human heart knows no satisfaction. She recalled Yun Che's musings about the fickle nature of public opinion, where even the strongest are condemned as cheaters while the weakest are derided as weaklings. Though she didn't fully grasp his words, she understood the sentiment: even in goodness, there lies mockery. Determined to uphold the honor of the Blue Wind Imperial Family, she resolved not to succumb to the taunts.

"Well, it's expected and normal, Little Yue. We just have to show them like back then," Yun Che reassured her, his calming presence serving as an anchor amidst the storm of emotions.

"Hai…. It's been a while since I stretched my fingers. The last tournament we joined together was the New Moon's banquet," Retsu remarked, a wistful smile playing beneath her veil as she reflected on past trials and triumphs. Cang Yue nodded in agreement, drawing strength from the shared history and unspoken understanding among them. They had endured much to reach this point, and the echoes of ridicule would not deter their resolve.

"So, Aniki, Aneki, and senior sister. What are your numbers? Mine is 1035," Yuanba spoke eagerly, presenting his number tablet to Yun Che.

Yun Che glanced at the tablet and sighed. "They could've just used paper cards. Ah well…" He retrieved his own from his pocket. "Mine's 1505."

"I got 1227," Retsu smiled, displaying her tablet.

"I got 736," Cang Yue chimed in, showing her number.

Mio, Nemu, and Kon joined in to look as well, curious about the wooden tablets carved with numbers. Nemu took Yun Che's tablet and asked, "Yuu-sama… what do the numbers mean?"

"This number decides which area and in what order I will fight in for the first group competition. 1505 means that I am allocated to group 15 and will compete in Sword Discourse Arena number 15. My first match will be the fifth showing, and the opponent's is number 1545," Yun Che explained, simplifying the intricacies of the tournament rules.

Understanding his explanation, Cang Yue, Retsu, and Yuanba nodded in comprehension. Retsu compared her tablet with the numbers on the nearby notification board. "So, I will be at Arena 12? And my opponent is 1271."

"I will be at arena 7, facing someone with number 701," Cang Yue confirmed after locating her number and opponent.

"So, I will fight in Arena 10. Looks like we won't see each other soon," Yuanba remarked, brimming with determination to uphold the honor of the Blue Wind Profound Palace.

Yun Che continued, detailing the structure of the tournament. "The fight goes on for three days. There are 30 groups, and you have to fight 12 matches. Your wins will determine your ranks in the group. The first 10 rankers within the group, which consist of 300 disciples, will advance to the second match. The remaining 1200 will fight for rankings below 300, but no one gives a damn about it other than afflicted sects."

"So, we have 27 matches? That's a lot," Yuanba mused.

"Those are rookie numbers," Yun Che replied with a grin, his confidence undeterred.

"Yun Che, how do you know the rules for the tournament? You sound like you've joined the competition before," Cang Yue asked, intrigued by Yun Che's knowledge.

"I read the rule book," Yun Che replied, feigning nonchalance while casting a sideways glance.

"You read the rule book...? No one reads the rule book," Kon chimed in from atop his head.

"Who doesn't read the terms and conditions? Anyway, never mind about that…" Yun Che brushed off the question, diverting the conversation.

Cang Yue nodded, understanding the need for quick adaptation to the tournament's pace. "I see, the first match usually goes fast as we can see the disparity between the sects, and the atmosphere is usually tense. It's kind of normal for disciples to fight match after match in a single day."

Yuanba clenched his fists together, revealing his goal. "I wanted to join to make Vice Palace master happy. My goal is placed on the top one hundred."

Cang Yue patted Yuanba's back in support. "Then, we have our goal as well. Isn't that right, Yun Che?"

"Yeah… we didn't plan to place ourselves in the top one hundred..." Yun Che replied cryptically, his gaze sweeping over the tournament arena with a calculating expression.

"Then, the… the top fifty?" Yuanba stuttered, seeking confirmation.

"Nope… we planned to win this…" Yun Che revealed his ambitious plan for the ranking tournament, his determination shining through his words.

"A… Aniki… that's impossible…" Yuanba expressed his doubt, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he considered the daunting task ahead of them. Winning meant facing the elites of the four great sects, including his own older sister.

"Who said? Trust me, Yuanba, we're not as weak as everyone thought we are…" Yun Che reassured him, placing a comforting hand on Yuanba's back to calm the young man's nerves.

Meanwhile, on the Sword Discourse Arena, the profound strength assessments for all participating disciples were finally completed. Ling Wugou then took a considerable amount of time to read aloud the rules of the ranking tournament. Yun Che, in turn, simplified them for his companions and Yuanba to understand. Essentially, they were standard fighting rules: failing to rise within ten seconds after falling or failing to enter the stage within thirty seconds resulted in a loss.

With the announcement of the rules, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation.

The Blue Wind Ranking Tournament had finally, officially begun.

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