The Rise Of A Porter

Riddles : Trial (9)

Riddles : Trial (9)


You've cleared the scenario and earned the tier reward :     


You've performed exceptionally well and hence you have been granted :     

• Black Wyvern's egg.     

[You are required to take care of this egg and bath it using blood. The egg will absorb the characteristic of monsters from their blood. Use different type of monster bloods to achieve better results. The egg will open after 120 days. ]     



"So essentially you're giving me Toothless?" Arnold smirked, "But on a serious note, I'll have to bath it using blood, that's a bit extreme. Not like that's the weirdest thing I have heard in my entire life." (Author's note : you all know what Toothless refers to.)     

Just as Arnold uttered those words, a hidden door opened up as usual but Arnold didn't took a single step towards the door, instead his eyes were fixed on the lifeless body of the Wyvern in front of him.     

"If only my domain was a passive skill... I'd have stored it's body there... tsk. Such a waste." Arnold shook his head and gave up on the idea of resurrecting the Wyvern as one of his summons.     

Although he was given a Wyvern's egg, that would eventually give him a Wyvern as his 'pet' but for that he'd have to wait and nurture the egg for 120 days and only god knew how long it would take the Wyvern to grow up into an adult. Unlike the Wyvern that was right in front of his eyes. He wanted to at least dismantle the beasts body for its bones, hide, and maybe it's muscles as well, but sadly he didn't have the tools nor the storage to do something like that.     

After looking at the Wyvern for one more time, Arnold finally walked through the door to face his new challenge.     


You have entered the scenario for your final trial.     

[Scenario Name] : .     

[Task] : Correctly answer to [The Guide Between the worlds]'s riddles.     

[Time limit] : Unknown.     

[Rewards] : Ascendance.     

[Failure] : Death.     


The moment he stepped into the room, lanterns lit up to illuminate the chamber. This chamber was an exact replica of the first throne room except the fact that it was more ornated and lavish. The stone walls were painted with liquid silver which complemented the golden curtains that hugged the walls. The floor was studded with glittering gems and diamonds which gave off a feeling as if they were mimicking the stars. Unlike the other rooms, there weren't any pillars in this room.     

As Arnold walked into the room slowly, he saw a single throne placed inside the room and a women was currently occupying it. The entire room was filled with armours, some were golden, some were black, some were short, some were high. Although they were just armours, Arnold felt as if they were keeping an eye on him.     

He cautiously walked towards the throne where the dark skinned woman was sitting while she was looking at him seductively. The way she looked at him made him feel... desirable.     

The women was wearing a dress that was loosely held by her shoulders. The dress had a low neckline which almost completely showed off her ample and voluptuous chest, something which made Arnold extremely uncomfortable.     

The women twirled a strand of her hair, while she looked at the man in front of her, not at the man but at his crotch, "Oh my, you're so... endowed. But don't you think it's highly inappropriate and disrespectful to show your manhood to a Goddess?"     

"Are you the Guide between the worlds?" Arnold's body was burning from the temptation but he didn't allowed it to cloud his thoughts, "And if you are-"     

"You're too arrogant. Just like my lord." The woman snapped her fingers and all of a sudden he felt an enormous amount force on his shoulders which was forcing him to bow down to the woman. "Oh... you're resisting my authority? No wonder, my lord chose you to be his vassal."     

Arnold was struggling with all his might to repel the force but the moment the woman snapped her fingers again, the force became too much for him to handle. In the end, he had to give in.     

"That's much better... " The woman's seductive voice echoed throughout the room, "What I wouldn't give to play with your body... but if I do anything inappropriate with you, my lord would completely erase my existence... "     

She continued after occupying the throne once again, "Let me make it clear again. I'M the one who would be asking you the questions, not the other way around.     

"As for the rules... There's a distance of approximately ten steps between you and me. I'll ask you 10 riddles to solve, for every riddle that you answer correctly, you'll take a step and if you're able to reach me... then you'll gain your freedom as well as a little something else. But remember... if you even answer one riddle incorrectly... you'll die in an instant. All clear?"     

After hearing the words, Arnold once again tried to get up but then the woman snapped her fingers once again and he was forced to nod his head.     

"Great! Then let us begin... mortal. And yes, I am the guide between the worlds... even though I'm commonly known as Satina." Satina snapped her fingers again and the force that was holding Arnold down dissipated.     

Arnold he felt like he had been humiliated, but there was nothing he could do at that point as his guns had disappeared the moment Satina used her powers to subdue him. He was just a man in front of a 'Goddess'.     

"Oh... that fiery look of defiance in your eyes..." Satina uncomfortably squirmed in her throne, "But it isn't your looks that would save you. Since you chose your intelligence to stay with you, I thought it was only acceptable to give you a scenario that's highly depended on it... and that's riddles. It's something I enjoy as well. So try not to disappoint me will you? Let's move on!     

"Here's your first riddle - It dances and skips, it's read in the eyes but it cheats with the lips. If it meets its match it's easily caught, but it's worth nothing if it is bought. What is it?" Satina licked her lips as finished reciting the riddle.     

"It dances... and skips... could be human-"     

"You don't have a lot of time..." Satina smirked.     

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