The Rise Of A Porter

Know Your Place (6)

Know Your Place (6)

"How..." Yu Zhung couldn't take his eyes off of his sword that Arnold effortlessly turned into dust right in front of his eyes.     

Arnold smirked and turned to face Yu Zhung, "I thought you were special but as it turns out, you're just another typical SS ranked warrior who thinks he is invincible. Also, why are you so surprised that your sword disappeared? I thought you knew about me and yet jumped in headfirst into a fight?"     

"You killed my brother-in-law... what else do you expect me to do?" Zhung roared in fury and swung his second sword at Arnold.     

"I expected you to stay quiet till I was done dealing with 'family matters'. After all, dogs like you should wait for their master to throw a bone at them."     

"You basta*d!"     

Yu Zhung gave it his all, but even then, the end result remained the same. Swords kept changing, the situation, however, didn't. No matter how much he tried, his swords kept disappearing into thin air the moment Arnold touched them. Yet, it wasn't that his swords kept disappearing on him that infuriated him, but the fact that Arnold was countering him so effortlessly.      

Yu Zhung tried his best, and yet he couldn't even make Arnold budge from his place at all. Not only that, Arnold was continuously disrespecting him by parrying all of Yu's moves by using his forefinger alone. And Arnold wasn't even using his bionic arm for that purpose, which infuriated Yu Zhung even more.     

'What's with this crazy power difference? Wasn't he supposed to be an SS ranked warrior like me?'     

Yu Zhung was clearly struggling against Arnold and he knew he had been outclassed. Yet his pride didn't allow him to step down and accept his inevitable defeat. He was the greatest warrior in China, no... the greatest warrior in Asia. He will die but not accept defeat. His country's honour was on the line.     

"This is getting boring." Arnold mumbled while yawning, "Shall we end this farce now? I have some other matters I'd like to deal with, if you don't mind?."     

"Why you-"     

Arnold did not wait for Yu Zhung to respond and gestured with his hand to cut him off. Arnold had been entertaining Yu Zhung till now because he thought He Zhung would be the challenge Arnold had been looking for. But once Yu Zhung's swords were out of the equation, he turned into nothing more than a kid trying to fight with an adult.     

Even Arnold didn't want to toy with him anymore as he had no personal grudge against the man. Arnold knew why Yu Zhung attacked him. It wasn't to show his superiority over Arnold but to avenge his brother-in-law. But his pride and ego had turned him into an unreasonable brat.      

The moment Arnold was done speaking to Zhung, Zhung used his secret ability. One he had used only once to clear an S ranked dungeon all by himself. The legendary technique, Qian ren: a thousand crimson blades.     

Once activated, the ability boosted the users' mana to abnormal levels. This excessive mana was then moulded into any shape the user desired, in Yu Zhung's case, the mana was turned into a thousand crimson blades. Each of these blades was enough to slice through the thickest armours and monster skins with ease.     

This ability was Yu Zhung's trump card. No one in the world was aware of this ability, it was a closely kept secret of Zhung. The only people who ever saw this ability in action were mercilessly killed by Zhung. That was the limit he was willing to go to hide his abilities.     

'This is interesting...' Arnold finally thought it was time to get serious as well.     

His summons stepped forward to aid him, but Arnold waved them back. If Yu Zhung was willing to go so far just to engage him in a battle, it would be disrespectful to not reciprocate his will to fight.      

That was someone 'cool' would've said in that situation, but not Arnold. He didn't care about Yu Zhung's will to fight. Arnold was more interested in knowing how Yu Zhung could achieve such an increment in mana, that too, in an instant.      

'I guess I'll ask him later. Let's end this mockery of a battle for now.'     


[Arm of living death]'s effect activated: [Iron Fist] - Upon the user's will, the arm goes into overdrive, increasing the power output by 50% and raising the user's strength (up to 100 STR) for 3 seconds.      


When Arnold first got the bionic arm, he thought the increase of 100 STR was a game-changer for him, but now that his stats had increased beyond imagination, the increase of stat due to the effect did not seem much to him. But since he wanted to test the arm out, he decided to use the item effect on one of the strongest warriors on earth. Yu Zhung shouldn't mind him doing so, after all, Arnold had indulged him in his petty game till now. It was only fair that Arnold got to have some fun as well.      

Arnold grabbed Yu Zhung's head with his bionic arm and slammed him down on the polished floor. The impact was so strong, a number of cracks appeared out of the floor and reached the ceiling. Every piece of expensive furniture in the room had overturned and destroyed. With one strike, Arnold had thrown the entire mansion in disarray.      

As for Yu Zhung, his head split open. He was drenched in a pool of blood as his mouth kept spewing more and more blood like a broken faucet. The situation looked bad. Arnold immediately instructed Alice and Natasha to patch the guy up.     

It wasn't Arnold's intention to kill Yu Zhung when he used the arm's ability. But Arnold thought Yu Zhung would have been able to tolerate his one strike. However, Yu Zhung turned out to be as fragile as the others for that matter.      

"Don't... y...ou... dare... walk-off... our... battle... is...n't... over..."     

Much to Arnold's surprise, Yu Zhung was still conscious and ready to fight, even though his body had been utterly crushed. Arnold was... impressed.     

"We'll fight some other day. Till then, know your place and try not to get yourself killed. Or shall I say... do yourself a favour," Arnold shook his head before smiling, "don't get up."     

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