Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 288: 25th Floor

Chapter 288: 25th Floor

Alex's group slowly descended to the 25th; Artemia sneaked a peek at Alex and thought.     

'If he had that ability, he would be a scary opponent. It is a good thing I'm not his enemy; I must never become his enemy no matter what.'      

After making this decision, Artemia smiled.     

''What kind of Boss will we encounter on this floor, I wonder? Alex, do you have an idea?"      

Facing Artemia's question, Alex shook his head.      

''I don't know. We will know once we get there. By the way, how many floors are left until he reaches that, you know what I meant.''      

It was now Alex's turn to raise a question; his question made Isabella's body tensed up; it seemed that the Elder Lich left a pretty deep scar on our lady, Alex thought when he saw Isabella's reaction.     

''Five floors after the next floor. That skeleton wouldn't be an easy opponent. I-"      

''It is why we must use the next floors to get stronger as we can. Isn't it what you were trying to say?"      

Alex cut her off and said, Artemia nodded before the group continued to descend, and they soon found the door to the 25th; opening it, they went in.      

The group was dumbfounded to see water everywhere; even their feet were submerged in water the moment they entered, an electric current went through their bodies.      

〖No good Master〗     

''No good, jump back.''      

Both Silveria and Artemia shouted simultaneously; however, it was already too by the time the others got that warning.      


There was a huge explosion that blinded everyone's sight.      

''Shit.'' Artemia cursed.      

Suddenly, Alex sensed an immense threat, so he instantly crossed his arms to defend against the incoming threat.      

Boom! Crack!      


Alex groaned in pain as he got embedded on the other side of the dungeon wall.      

Bang! Crack!      

Isabella also shortly him, only Artemia managed not to get embedded, but her face was severe.      

When Alex and Artemia became able to see what attacked them, they were shocked, speechless; no words come out of their mouths for a good minute.      


It was the only thing that Alex managed to squeeze after a moment of silence.      

It was understandable as the scene in front of him could shock anyone; standing not too far from Alex was another identical Alex whose right leg was raised, probably because he had just kicked the real Alex. If not for him being a little bit white-skinned, this Alex could have probably passed as the real one.      

If it was only that Alex couldn't be that shocked, in that thing that has Alex's appearance was a silver gun, yeah, you hear right, that thing held another Silveria in his left hand.      

''What the fuck going on?"      

For the first time, Alex lost his cool and shouted. Facing this absurd situation, one can't help but lost one cool.      

Isabella was so shocked to see another Isabella holding a spear that she could only open and close her mouth like a goldfish.      

Artemia had it better as she understood what was going on after experiencing that electric feeling, facing another her, she was calm.      

Taking a deep breath, she started to explain what happened for the other two to understand.     

''This lake wasn't a lake; it was, in fact, a slime.''      

''Dafuck! I never heard of slime that can turn into water, aren't normal slime an l-"      

''No need to finish, this an Emperor Slime, an extremely rare slime. It can transform into anything that comes in touch with it, it can also copy the thing it touched abilities, not perfectly, but enough to pass as the real thing. The most troublesome thing is that this slime can copy your Gift to some extent and possess a huge MP capacity, meaning it can use skills to infinite without running of MP.''     

Alex held his head when he heard Artemia's explanation. To think they would encounter something so troublesome here, Silveria has been silent for a while; however, Alex could feel a murderous Aura directed at the silver gun in the fake Alex's hand.      

'I guess she is pissed to see a fake her.' He thought, indeed, Silveria was furious; she has a hard time controlling her anger, in the end, it burst out.      

〖Master, let's go slaughter this bitch. I can't take it anymore. This little shit is sure cocky; I'm going to bust his balls.〗     

'Calm doing, no-'      

Before Alex could finish his words, he was stopped by the fake Alex who crossed his arms and looked at Alex's group, especially Alex like an Emperor looking at a commoner.     

''This emperor this have so much time to waste. Come at me, you fake good, I'mma teach yer a lesson and bang those chicks after I'm done; even though they can't compare to the real thing, they are still hot as hell. There is no way I'mma let them go.''      

Alex's face turned black.     

''I forgot to say that emperor slimes are cocky,'' Artemia said.     

''I can see it,'' Alex said before starting to crack his neck then his fingers.     

''However, no matter what you have become, you will only be a cheap imitation. Imitation will always be an imitation.'' Alex said with a provocative smile; he even took a chair and sat on it, his legs crossed, slowly sipping a wine glass.     

Seeing this, the fake Alex's temple twitched nonstop because he was the leader; the other two waited for his orders.      

Being ignored, he could understand but wanting to act cocky in front of him, the emperor (A/N: Emperor Slime), he could never tolerate that.     

''Kill them all.'' the fake Alex ordered; his face was so distorted that it doesn't look anything like Alex anymore.     

Swoosh! Swoosh!      

Bang! Bang!      

Both Alex's moved and clashed mid-air, exchanging dozen of kicks and punches.     

''You are not bad,'' Alex said and looked at the fake Alex in front of him.     

''Same goes for you.'' the Fake Alex replied with a smile.      

Looking at Artemia and Isabella, Alex saw them facing their doppelgangers with serious expressions on their faces.     

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