Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 247: Sakuya

Chapter 247: Sakuya

After Leon teased and ran away, the latter returned inside to see Sakuya still refusing to go to sleep.     

Maria and Luna had a helpless look on their faces as they don't know how to deal with a drunken Sakuya. Maria had tried several times to sneak behind Sakuya and knock her out, but strangely Sakuya could dodge Maria's strike at the last moment.      

Gracier was brought to her room as she was feeling sleepy.      

Luna and Maria noticed Alex's arrival, as well as Sakuya; she was wobbling on her feet.      

Pointing into a random direction, she ordered,     

''Alexander, come here. Don't you hear me? I said to come here.''     

Maria and Luna facepalmed; Alex sighed and said,      

''I'm not in that direction; I'm on your right. Please sleep already; you must be tired with everything you've done tonight.''      

Sakuya pursued her lips; it was apparent that she didn't want to go.      

Suddenly, Sakuya's eyes brightened, and immediately Maria had a bad feeling, she knew she must stop Sakuya before she said something she shouldn't have.      

''You know Alexa said-"      

The moment Sakuya opened her mouth to speak, Maria sprung forward and sent a deadly kick toward Sakuya's head. Everything happened too fast, and when Alex got a clear picture of what was happening, Sakuya had leaned backward, her back almost touching the ground. Gently, she let herself fall to the ground before rolling to the other side and stood up after sensing no more threat.      


Maria clicked her tongue, visibly annoyed that her attack had missed its target.      

Alex felt compelled to massage his forehead. He wanted to open his mouth; however, Sakuya spoke first.      

''Ah! I forgot what I was about to say. Whatever, Alexender, where are you? Didn't I asked you to come over?"      

Silveria was doing her best to hold back her laughter. However, you could see that she was almost at her limit because of her shoulders; they were shaking.      

Like the others, she knew that today was Alex's birthday; they had planned a surprise for him; however, what Silveria hadn't thought was the scene happening right now. If previously you had asked her if, between the three, which one is likely to get drunk first, Silveria would have without pointed at Luna as she appears weak when it comes to alcohol. Yet, unexpectedly it was Sakuya who got drunk; first, she didn't even drink half of what the other two had drunk, especially Luna; she ended up being a heavy drinker than the other two.      

''It's so fun to watch this scene. It makes one forgot everything, forgot about revenge, forget about all painful thing.'' Silveria quietly mumbled to herself. There was a smile on her face, and unlike all the previous times, this smile was a genuine one, free of any restraint.      

Too focused on Sakuya, the others didn't take notice of Silveria's smile.      

Rubbing his forehead, Alex approached Sakuya and tried to get to sleep; however, just as he was about to touch her, he heard the girl's warning.      

''Don't touch her.''      

However, it was already too late, before Alex's hand could touch Sakuya's shoulders, it got repelled by a strong wind and,      


In the next moment, Alex found himself back against the ground.      

''What the.''      

He couldn't believe what just happened, one moment he was about to touch Sakuya, however, his hand couldn't even touch her clothes, and the next thing was him lying on the ground.      

Like a child that succeeds in praying a prank, Sakuya giggled before lowering her body to look at Alex in the eyes. She seemed unbothered by the fact that because of the short skirt she wore, her purple panty was revealed.      

'How mature and at the same time I see don't expect less from the mature looking Sakuya.' Alex had this irrelevant thought.      

He quickly threw those nonsensical thoughts to the back of his head and locked eyes with the black-haired beauty that was looking down on him. He couldn't help but gulp up this close, and undoubtedly because of her current state, Sakuya appeared more beautiful than usual; her misty black eyes were captivating; it sucks you in.     

Both locked eyes for a moment without saying a word, in that instant, it was as if the two had built a perfect link between them, silver and black got mixed with green to create new, something that made Alex's body shudder with excitement and before he could dwell further into that sensation the link got broken by Sakuya.     

The corners of Sakuya's mouth lifted into a smile, a sadistic smile. The moment Alex noticed this smile, he couldn't help but shudder; he believes that whatever Sakuya would say, he wouldn't like it.      

At the same time that Sakuya's opened her mouth, Luna was sneaking behind her.      

''Lex, let's me step on you, okay?" Sakuya said, still wearing that sadistic smile on her lips; she was not joking.      

''What?" Alex couldn't help but blurt out.      

Maria closed her eyes and sighed while Silveria burst into laughter when suddenly,      


Luna, who had sneaked behind Sakuya, gave the latter a hard chop on the back of her head just enough to knock Sakuya out; and it worked as Sakuya didn't sense Luna's presence at all. Luna was like a perfect assassin.      

Sakuya, who got knocked out, fell on Alex's chest. Smiling, Luna caught the now unconscious Sakuya by the neck and dragged her out; halfway through the door, she looked back and said to Alex.      

''Forget what just happened; it was because Sakuya was drunk.''      

Maria, who had joined Luna to help her drag Sakuya to one of the free rooms, nodded toward him as if to say better follow Luna's advice.     

Still lying on the ground, Alex shook his head while muttering, ''Like hell, I will believe that.''      

 By now, Luna and Maria had disappeared. After standing up, Alex stared at Silveria, who was still laughing.      

''Laughing too much will hurts your stomach, you know?" Alex said, his head cocked to the side.     

And instead of stopping, Silveria burst into laughter again; that gesture looks girly from Silveria's point of view.      

After laughing hard for a while, Silveria stopped, and with a serious expression, she said.     

''Sakuya is sure interesting. Don't you think too, Master?"      

To Silveria's question, Alex chose to ignore her royally. While he was surprised by Sakuya's sudden behavior, he knew she was a sadist, but to what extent he doesn't know. He would need to find out.     

'Hopefully, it's not too serious.' Alex hoped.      

Seeing that Alex was not planning to respond to her, Silveria decided to drop the matter. While Alex might believe that Sakuya's case wasn't serious, he would soon find out how wrong he was.      

Shaking her head, Silveria opened her mouth,      

''Happy birthday, Master. May you never lose your gentle side no matter what happens.''      

''Thank you. I have forgotten that it was today. Sincerely speaking with everything that is in my mind celebrating my birthday was the last thing to think about. Thankfully, I have you all with me; you remind me that I must celebrate this day no matter what. I appreciated it. By the way, where is your birthday?''      

Silveria's expression became blank when she heard Alex's question; she wondered how long it has been? Fifty thousand years? Hundred thousand? Too many things happened, so much that she had forgotten if she had once celebrated her birthday.     

Seeing the myriad of emotions that appeared on Silveria's face, Alex sighed and wondered once again, what is her story? Their story?      

If one day he will have the chance to listen to their story? The full story of everything that happened since the beginning. He was fully aware that now wasn't the time. He could force her, but he was sure that the person who has put restriction on them had thought about such possibility, the possibility of him forcing them to reveal everything they know, and Alex believed that he must have prepared countermeasures against it.      

'How bothersome.' Alex couldn't help but think inside his head.      

''Forget it.'' He said to Silveria.      

Silveria was brought back to reality due to Alex's voice. She knew that he must have decided to drop the matter by consideration for her, warmth feeling coursed through her chest.      

Smiling, Silveria proposed, ''Master, will you choose a day that will become my birthday from now on?"      

Alex's widened when he heard Silveria's words. His lips curled up to form a smile, ''Are you sure?"      

Silveria nodded her head to indicate that she was okay with him selecting a new day to celebrate her birthday.      

''Good, I will select a day, but you will have to call me Big brother first.'' Alex decided to tease her.      

It was now Silveria's turn to widen her eyes as she hadn't expected such a condition; she crossed her arms and refused to acknowledge Alex as her Big brother. How can she acknowledge someone not even half of her age as her big brother? There's no she would do something like that, especially knowing what awaits her if she ever did something like that.      

The two stayed in deadlock for a while before Alex chuckled and declared.     

''Forget it; I'm joking anyway. Let's postpone the matter of selecting a new day for your birthday until I succeed in unsealing your sister. We will decide on a date if I succeed, until then, please wait.''      

Once again, Silveria was surprised, but this time she was pleasantly surprised; she was not the only one, though, sitting chained against the black stone throne; Silveria's sister widened her eyes.      

Outside, Silveria smiled and responded, ''Sure, I do not mind.''     

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