Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 294: Third Meeting

Chapter 294: Third Meeting

Silveria put Artemia and Isabella inside one tent while putting Alex in another one. She sat outside to guard them as they rest.     

Looking at the destruction the Crimson Bullet caused, Silveria couldn't help but acknowledge that dungeons are pretty interesting, to think that in just two hours,  the dungeon would have almost healed itself.     

''It will good if we could go back at that time; unfortunately, not even Big sister can do it. Sigh! How pathetic to think we would be reduced to such a state.''      

Silveria frowned when she recalled the past, their status; now everything was gone, almost everyone was gone; if it weren't because of certain someone, maybe she would have ceased to exist because of loneliness.      


Silveria heaved another sigh and became lost in thought.      

Inside Alex's tent, he had just woken, he felt refreshed, just before completely losing consciousness he experienced that feeling, the same feeling he experiences after every level, hence he knew he must have gotten stronger by few levels, eagerly he checked his status, and as expected he wasn't disappointed.     

[Alexander Kael Touch]     

Class: Magic Gunslinger     

Age: 17     


Race: High Human     

「 Rank 9]     

Level 85     

Experience Value (XP): 1900/20800     

Magic Power: 5320 (+50 ) ➤ 5370/5370     

Magic: None     

Attack: 1810 (+50 (+50 BP) ➤ 1910     

Defense: 1590 (+50) ➤ 1640     

Agility: 1730 (+50) ➤ 1780 (+200)     

Intelligence: 1640 (+50 ) ➤1690     

Luck: 1370 (+50) ➤1420     

BP: 100     

SP: 0     

Gift: Two Guns ????????     

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 4] [Mana Recovery Level 7] [Synthesize Level 10 max] ➤ Crimson's Bullet [Shadow Shift Level 3]     

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox]      

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] [The Destroyer] (New)』     


Alex was so surprised that he exclaimed aloud, startling Silveria, who was outside; without knocking. She barged in to ask what was going on.     

''Nothing! Just that I have become Rank 9,'' Alex responded.      

''Just that?" Silveria asked, a bit annoyed; she didn't understand why her Master would act like that just because he advanced into Rank 9.      

'Wait! Maybe it was because he was getting closer to completing Sera's requirement for her to work for him.'      

After recalling Sera's condition, Silveria concluded that the reason for Alex's joy must be that. Unfortunately, she was wrong; Alex next confirmed this.      

''Not that. There is no semi-sealed in front of my Gift, only some question marks. I wonder if this means that the black gun is unsealed or-"      

''What did you just say?" Silveria stopped Alex and started questioning him, as she didn't expect this news.      

''Calm down, let's check the second gun.''      

Putting a hand forward to stop Silveria, Alex summoned the black gun, something he had not doing for a long time.     

The moment the black gun appeared, the air inside the tent turned instantly cold; Alex felt goosebumps rising all over his body as if he was in a trance; Alex's right-hand thumb slowly moved toward the carving on the hand of the black gun, seeing this, Silveria immediately tried to stop him.     

''Master, stop it!"      

Unfortunately, it was already too late; by the time Alex hear her warning, his thumb had already touched that carving.      


A huge explosion happened inside Alex's mind.      


That was the only sound that left Alex's mouth before he lost consciousness for the second time on the same day.      

Silveria moved faster to catch him before he could fall on the ground; after putting him on the bed, Silveria looked at the floating black gun and silently muttered.      

''Big sister, what are you up to? No, what you two are up to must be the most appropriate question."      

However, only silence answered Silveria's murmur.     

On the other side, Alex, who just lost consciousness again, what experiencing something surreal; numerous windows floated in front of him, there seemed to be memories, as for whom this belongs to Alex, didn't know as everything was blurred.      

Suddenly, as Alex was getting immersed in the windows in front of him, his body, no his soul, got pulled somewhere. He instinctually tried resisting; however, he soon found out that any resistance was futile, so he left himself to get pulled.     

Soon, Alex appeared somewhere; it was as if he appeared in space; a beautiful starry night greeted him; he could see gigantic stars moving in the sky.      

However, it wasn't what caught Alex's attention the most; there was a gigantic throne made from unknown material, in the sky, and sitting in this throne was a woman, no adjective could be used to describe her, Silveria, Artemia could be called extremely beautiful; however, the woman in front of him goes beyond that.      

Alex almost fell in love at first sight; however, he quickly bit his tongue so hard that it bleeds; by doing this, he could regain a bit of clarity.      

While this woman was beyond beautiful, there was something different about her; there was an air of majesty around her like a supreme being ruling a whole world.     

Even though the woman sitting atop the gigantic throne had her eyes closed, she was aware of everything that happened; seeing Alex quickly regaining his calm after seeing her appearance, she got to say, Alex wasn't half bad; they were another thing that made her evaluate Alex higher, it was how calm he was.     

Finally, opening her eyes, which could be described as nothing but mesmerizing, there were rainbow-colored.      

''How unexpected, you don't look very nervous.''      

Observing the black-haired boy with heterochromia, the woman blinked her eyes in intrigue.     

''At this rate, everyone will die. Soon, your first trial shall begin. Now, it is not the time. Soon, I shall see you again, the boy that holds the fate of all. Take care of-"      

The woman's words got cut off as Alex was sent away. Unknown to him, something entered his body when he was being sent away.      

Just as Alex left, the woman figure turned a bit illusionary, as if she could disappear at any moment.      

''Go, see him. He may have something for you.''      

Looking in the direction was going to, that woman muttered.     


''Finally, you're here.''      

A cold voice yet familiar echoed in Alex's eyes, rousing his consciousness.      

Opening his eyes, Alex found himself standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down, only darkness could be seen followed by the sound of beasts howling, at his side was the person who spoke earlier, Alex couldn't be more familiar with him as he was the previous owner of his gun.      

A handsome black-haired man with beautiful crimson eyes.      

''Why do didn't you come at my first call?"      

Silveria's previous owner couldn't help but understand why Alex didn't show at his first call.     

''Huh!? What are you talking about?"      

Tilting his head, Alex asked as he had no idea of what this man was talking about. It seems that his encounter with that woman had been erased; he couldn't remember it.      

Seeing that the confusion on Alex's face was genuine, the previous owner of Alex's Gift went silent for a moment before murmuring.     

'I see; it's must be that.'      

''Must be what?" Alex asked as he could hear the man murmured.      

The previous owner of Alex's Gift was surprised that Alex could hear what he said; he had not practically emitted any sound while he murmured.     

'Ah! I have forgotten that we shared the same race; no, there's something different about him. This boy is like an upgraded version of the previous me, a better version.' the man thought.     

''I say, senior, don't you have something you want to say to me? It's why I'm here. So, can you begin?''      

Alex said to his predecessor; his words brought the latter back to reality.      

''Yeah! That's true. Let go for a walk.'' The man said as he spun and started to walk in the opposite direction to the cliff.      

Giving the cliff one last glance, Alex quickly followed the man.     

Even after walking for about fifteen minutes, no word was spoken, only silence.      

Looking at the man's silhouette again, Alex noticed something that he previously had not; it might be because he never really paid attention to it; there was a long scar on the man's right neck.     

Feeling Alex's intense gaze and interest, the man chuckled.      

''Are you interested in what happened? How did I get this scar?"      

Alex would never say no to any chance to gain information, so he nodded his head.      

''I got this scar from my fight with my best friend, the man you saw last time.'' the man explained as they kept walking forward.      

Alex nodded his head; however, he was more interested in why two best friends became enemies, what happened; however, looking at the man beside him, he got the same vibe as when he was with Silveria; this person was not talkative when it comes to essential things. He didn't even know his name.     

As if he could read Alex's thoughts, the man walking next to Alex paused.      

''Come to think, I have never introduced myself; I'm Nicklaus.''     

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