Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 254: Troublesome things

Chapter 254: Troublesome things

Deep in the night, Capital of the Holy Crux Empire.     

The pope was conversing with someone shrouded by a mist; only this person's voice could be heard; it's a male voice.      

''Your son got beaten up badly. He couldn't even make it to the final, how pathetic.'' the mysterious person mocked.      

The Pope's expression didn't change; he still wore his gentle smile.      

Seeing that the Pope was not going to say something, the mysterious man clicked his tongue.      

''Tch! Forget it. From the report, he didn't manage to make any progress with the Saintess. To make matters worse, the latter became someone else fiancée, the Eighth fiancée. This boy is becoming more troublesome. Let's watch for now. We shall take care of him once, making sure that he can't be used.''      

The Pope's response was a smile. The mysterious man got more annoyed.      

''Even though the Saintess lost her innocence, she still can be used. Ensure to secure the Saintess successfully; the Goddess doesn't want any more mishap to occur and delay her plan. Think of a way to get that girl, or else you know what will happen if you don't.'' The mysterious man threatened the Pope hoping to see a reaction. Unfortunately, nothing happened.      


The mysterious man clicked his tongue and vanished.      

After the mysterious man left, the Pope sighed.      

''How bothersome. I must follow the orders.'' the Pope muttered.      

The mysterious man who was still hiding harrumphed before disappearing; however, this time, he was gone for good.     

The Pope's expression turned ugly after the mysterious man's presence was gone.      

''If not because of you getting a preferential treatment, I would have crushed you the moment you acted arrogantly in front of me.''      

A little bit of the Pope's aura was leaked out, and it crushed the stone table into a powder.      

Controlling his anger, the Pope sighed.      

''I guess I'm getting old. To think I would have lost my cool so easily. Ah! Forget it. I must think of a way to make Luna's capture successful.'' The Pope murmured before leaving the room.     

Shortly after he left, two shadows appeared and moved in his direction. The Pope wasn't shocked by their arrival; one of the shadows extended a black envelope to the Pope.      

After quickly scanning the content of the black envelope, the Pope's expression distorted for a moment before going back to normal again.      

''Just watch for now.'' The Pope ordered.      

The shadows nodded before leaving.      

''Sigh! I hope everything goes well. It's a shame that things ended like this. Only if I couldn't go back in time, forget it.'' the Pope mumbled as he disappeared into his chamber.     


The following morning Alex woke up with Luna nestled in his chest like a little kitten.      

''How cute.'' He couldn't help but said this.      

Chuckling after observing Luna for a moment, Alex move away the few strands of hair overlapping her face behind her ears and give her a soft peck on the forehead before leaving for the bathroom.      

After freshening up, Alex stepped into the hall for breakfast. There, he saw Gracier and Silveria sitting; they were waiting for him. After exchanging greeting, their ate their breakfast.     

Luna woke up one hour later. She joined Alex and Gracier after taking her breakfast.      

The three left the villa for the academy; today was the date they will depart toward the dungeons.      

A few minutes later, the three joined the other students waiting for their teachers to announce what dungeon they got assigned to.      

''Too bad we won't be saying in the same group. Don't worry; I will protect your sister as if she was my own if I came across her.'' Leon promised, although they won't be staying together in this dungeon exploration, Leon still made this promise as he noticed Alex's concern for his sister.      

''Thank you. Don't worry; we will have all the time in the world to explore dungeons later.'' Alex slapped Leon's shoulders while saying this.      

Ferris chuckled before shaking his head. He wanted to explore dungeons with Alex, but he didn't say anything as he believes they will be a chance later. When Ferris remember what his father said, he couldn't help but sigh and look at her sister.      

Even though Eris appeared to be talking with the other girl's face full of smile, you can see that her smile was slightly unnatural, a bit forced because she was preoccupied with the order they received a few days ago.      

'Try to get close to the Eighth no matter what.'      

Their father's order couldn't be more explicit (Become Alex's woman).      

While as the future ruler, Ferris understood this decision, like a big brother, he could not accept it. However, he knew nothing could be done about it. Being born as royalty comes with shackles; because Eris couldn't inherit the throne, she can only be used like this. A political marriage. It was to draw Alex to their side. Even if it doesn't work, at least they could get Alex's descendant.      

All other forces are thinking of a method to win Alex over.      

''How troublesome. Sometimes I wish I was born mortal; I will be free.'' Ferris muttered.      

Only if he knew that mortal also wishes to have the life he has because he thinks he is suffering too much.      

''Sigh! Eris, do your best.'' Ferris silently cheered his sister, completely unaware that Alex had heard him. He noticed the sibling's unusualness and added what he just heard, and with Eris's sudden interest in Luna, Alex could understand what was going on.      

'Sigh! Indeed how troublesome. I knew my performance during the Mock battles was bound to attract some unwanted attention, but I didn't think it will be this soon and this way. Well, I can approach her and say something after understanding what's going on, but I think it will be unwise. I don't know what type of girl Eris is as I didn't interact too much with her; she may become furious thinking I'm looking down on her; in this case, she would want to become my woman at all cost to prove to me that I was wrong. I don't want this to happen. In the second case, after hearing my words, she may start having feelings for me because I showed some concern; I don't want her to sell her to me. It will be troublesome either way; better observe and deal with the situation accordingly.' Alex analyzed and concluded that not doing anything until Eris approach him was the best solution.      

Leon, who was observing Alex, couldn't help but sigh, as the most substantial empire on the beastman continent, they knew what Wolfang empire planned; in fact, if not because of his friendship with Alex, Leon was sure that his father or someone in the counsel would have suggested marrying his sister to Alex.      

''Don't worry, no matter what you decided to do, I will help you,'' Leon whispered into Alex's ears.      

Alex smiled at his friend.      

〖This fellow is sure interesting. Usually, with such a body, his love for battle, he shouldn't be wise, and yet this one is quite intelligent, almost more brilliant than you.〗Silveria commented.      

'Well, there's always an exception.' Alex said.      

〖By the way, Master, what are you planning to do about that wolf girl-〗     

'Nothing.' Alex cut Silveria off as he knew where she was going.     

〖Fufufu! As Harem king, you ought to make a move first and collect all beautiful women before others.〗Silveria suggested, she sounds like a passionate master trying to force his disciple on the road of depravity.     

'Sorry, I'm not that type of person. Although it's true, I plan to have a harem, but the number of women I will have would be limited. I won't go after every woman I saw; my hips won't take it, and I doubt I will be able to love them all. When you have too many women, this is not considered love anymore but a physical relationship; you saw something in them, and after getting bored, you will discard them. I don't want this kind of relationship. If I have five women, I will love them all, not equally, of course, as this kind thing is impossible because you are bound to love one than the others, it's natural, and it's human. So, no, don't count me in; lets me have few women of my liking rather going after every woman and end up neglecting some. I wouldn't last long if this were to happen. The neglected women may stab me during my sleep.'     

Alex's refusal was automatic; he never planned to have a big harem, to begin with. He never understood those wuxia protagonists that go after every woman they saw and end up neglecting some; it is hard for the readers to remember all of them. Well, he plans for a small Harem.     

〖Sigh! How disappointing, you see a glorious road of you, and yet you refuse to take it.〗Silveria lamented when she understood that her master wasn't going to follow her advice. She was not the only one, though, strangely Silveria's big sister was also disappointed; however, she didn't give up hope, at least not yet.      

'Turn into man and create your big harem. I'm cheering for you.' Alex mocked her.      

Silveria pouted and started cursing. Ignoring her, Alex resumes his discussion with Leon and Ferris while waiting for Chris's arrival.     

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