The Mysterious Black Magician

Status check

Status check

"I heard that you're now the upcoming freshmen's ace of this academy in this city. In that case, you should focus on training yourself, kid."     

"Ha? I don't know about it. I didn't hear about me becoming the ace of the academy." Yman wasn't lying. He really didn't hear about him becoming the academy's ace.     

Although it was stated before that the champ of that competition would be the next ace for freshmen, he wasn't confident enough for that title. So, Yman didn't think much of it.     

"Well. Aren't you uninformed? The real competition is already around the corner, there's no time for them to select among the three of you who will lead the competitive team. Besides, crowning you as the champ in that recent competition already closed the deal that you're the next freshmen's ace student."     

"I see. That might be true."     

"Anyway, in regards to the princess… I will support you as far as I can, though I advise you to seek help from the elders and the major executives of the city."     

After saying that, Mister Sar gave him a meaningful look. Yman pondered for a moment. He understood what Sar Smith meant by that look just now.     

Rea was comparable to a nuclear bomb. Harming her could spark a war because of her unique status as a princess of two powerful countries in this world.     

Sar Smith continued saying, "Although I understand your and her highness's decision, it is also true that the elders and those major executives have the right to know about her presence here in the city, so that they could prepare countermeasures if something came up that threatened her highness' safety."     

Yman looked at Rea and saw her serious expression as she looked at him too. He could not guess what was in her mind all the time. So, he had no idea what Rea was thinking at this moment.     

To know her thoughts there was only one way, "What do you think, Rea?" Right. It was to ask her directly.     

"Since it comes to this, there's nothing we can do about it. I also thought the Barracks' head was right. But first, let's think about it carefully. Is that fine?" Rea said and sought his approval.     

He nodded without saying a word. Yman wondered if the Guildmaster, Laura Agila, knew this would happen when she disclosed the information to Mister Sar.     

Also, Mister Sar just wanted what was good for the City and the princess.     

After their talks, Yman decided to give Laura a call.     

[Oh, he said that? I see. Well, It's up to you and Merea to decide, but I hope you would think carefully before deciding. I will give as much support as I can. I will also talk about it to her majesty.] Laura's voice responded from the other side of the device.     

Hearing the Guildmaster's response, Yman sighed and ended the call after. After finishing his call with the Guildmaster, Rea asked him. "What's Aunt said?"      

"She said it's up to us to decide."     

"I see."     

"She also said that she will inform her majesty about it."     

Before leaving the barracks, Yman checked the missions listed in the large monitor in the barracks. Like before, there were low-rank missions and high-rank ones. The low-rank missions in the monitor currently were mostly about collecting specific herbs and capturing low-rank monsters. There were also guarding duties for nobles, but those were mid-rank missions with a fair level of risk.     

Nonetheless, Yman noticed that there were more missions about capturing monsters. As Yman browsed further, he noticed that most high-rank missions were about searching for vigilante members.     

Yman stared at the monitor while muttering in his mind. Hm… as expected, the bronze rank mission still paid 100 gold coins at most. The silver rank paid 200-300 gold coins, 400-500 for the gold rank, and the highest rank, the diamond rank, paid 1000 and above gold coins.     

Yman took out his membership card and asked the counter to check his progress. The counter took it kindly and checked his card in a futuristic computer. The counter girl widened her pair of eyes when she saw it.     

Name: Yman Talisman     

Mana Capacity: Rank S     

Magic Power: Rank S     

Magic Type: Channeler     

Magic Abilities: Heal, Rapid Leap, Mana Manipulation, Excellent Mana Control, Body Fortifications, Body Enhancement, and Sense Improvement.     

Element Affinity: Fire.     

Year: 1st(Fledgling Trainee)     

Section: Bronze     

Currently, Yman has no ongoing mission.     

The mission he succeeded in was 15 in total and he had zero failed missions. His total points gained were 2000. It was supposedly 1,500 but thanks to the tips he got from the kind customers who posted the missions.     

"Wow! Such an excellent achievement, sir!" Suddenly said the counter girl when she read Yman's status.     

"Is that so?" Yman replied with a wry smile.     

"The report also stated that you received the title RatSlayer from your co-members due to your excellent deeds in slaying rats in the underground channel. And this deed leads to a huge event?!     

So the title was officially given to you."     


Yman didn't know if that was necessary though. He rather not receive a title. Well, anyway, a title is a title.     

"Uhm, what merit is that title brings me anyway?" He needed to ask anyway.     

"Uh, right. Let me check…" after saying that. The counter girl excitedly ran her fingers on the digital keyboards of the futuristic computer.     

Yman nodded and waited along with Rea and Sistela who were currently sitting on a bench in front of a table at one of the corners of the barracks.     

After some 'Bling! Bling' sounds, the counter girl returned her attention to him.     

"You'll get a free martial skill book! And you may be recommended for a rank-up!" She said in a slightly louder voice, so the other people around them heard it.     

"What? RatSlayer will get a free skill book and will be promoted?!" Said one of the nearest people.     

"That's good news, bro," Mister Ult said as he walked towards him.     

"Wow! Congrats RatSlayer, Bro!" Said Vortex as he moved along with Mercenary Ultima.     

Yman still remembered Vortex. This man used to taunt him before, but he had character development later on. He even helped against the vigilantes along with Mister Ult in the recent attack.     

"Haha thanks."     

"It's a call for celebration! Comeon, bro. Let's celebrate," Ultima tapped his shoulder.     

Yman just smiled. He did not expect that an official title would have such merits. Everyone in the barracks looked extremely surprised.     

"Of course, when the day comes," Yman replied.     

Regardless, according to the female clerk, his promotion would come later after all the necessary procedures were done.     

Yman and Rea went shopping after leaving the barracks. In the marketplace, there were many people on the street as though the commotion on the other day was all but history now. Well. No matter what happens, life must go on. Also, most of the basic needs were in the market, so it was natural that there were abundant people here. Aside from ordinary people, military personnel could also be seen on every corner of the street.     

They were probably on lookout duty for vigilante members. He heard that some of them were still hiding on the street.     

There weren't any major things happening in their shopping. Rea just spent her money on various things and Yman stood guard for her. Although, it was very embarrassing to stand outside the testing area where Rea was trying out the clothes. Some female clerks were looking at him suspiciously, but Yman just stood still. Like a bodyguard he was.     

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