Under the Veil of Night

Unexpected Meeting

Unexpected Meeting

A Few Hours Before     

After Kevin had visited Kanae's sister's apartment, he returned back to class. Although his body was present inside the classroom, he barely paid any attention to the lesson. As the clan head, he had already mastered the entire school curriculum, so he didn't really need to listen anymore.     

"Neo, what have you found?"     

Kevin's displeased tone caused sweat to roll down on Neo's back. Come on, he had just started searching for the information. Couldn't you wait a bit more? He was not a godly hacker that could do everything in a matter of seconds.     

"Please wait a minute Boss."     

"One minute."     

"…" don't take it literally.     

In the end, Neo struggled quite a bit before he compiled a complete analysis of the events that happened at the party. Most of the cameras were destroyed that night, but he managed to find a few who still retained some footage.     

All in all, Kanae barely existed in those videos. The only one they could find of her was when she walked outside with her sister by her side. From what he saw, there seemed to be nothing wrong with Kanae.     

"Boss, I only found this one."     

Kevin glanced at the video. It was shot near the emergency exit, and he could see Kanae down below. Her image was unclear because of the lighting, but it seemed like she was fine. There wasn't any strange movement from her as she walked out.     

However, Kevin's eyes narrowed as he watched the video. "Her back is hurt."     

"Boss?" Neo was stunned. He couldn't see anything from the video, yet Kevin managed to see something? Was there that big of a difference between him and his Boss?     

Kevin was not in the mood to explain. In one of the frames , Kanae tilted her body slightly, allowing him to see that the back part of her clothes were slightly torn. It was faint, but the red color on her white shirt showed that she must have been bleeding. As for why she still walked as per normal. The answer should be right beside the person herself: Laura.     

There was no way Kanae would want to show her weakened self to her sister in fear of making the other party worry.     

"Boss, there are some people headed to Laura's apartment," Neo's eyes caught the movement in front of the building.     

"Who are they?"     

"I think they're from the government," Neo answered hesitantly.     

When he heard that, Kevin immediately stood up and walked out of the classroom. Neo and Mike were stunned, but they followed Kevin soon after that. Before they walked out the door, Neo quickly shouted to the teacher.     

"We have an emergency meeting, please excuse us."     

"Um… I understand," The teacher answered after an initial period of shock. Even after teaching in this school for several weeks, he still couldn't get used to the fact that there were students leaving the classroom whenever they liked. Internally, he hoped that he could get transferred to a decent school soon.     

Outside the room, Kevin walked at a fast pace. From his expression, the other two knew that their Boss treated this as something severe.     

"Neo, follow them from the cameras."     

"Yes, Boss."     

"Mike, prepare the car."     

"Yes, Boss."     

The two of them immediately did as Kevin said. At first, they followed the car towards a building belonging to the government. However, the car suddenly sped away in another direction.     

"Boss, do you think she's there?" Mike asked hesitantly.     

Kevin's gaze landed on the building in front of them. According to the agreement between the clans and the government, the clans were not allowed to get close to the government's facilities at all. Even though the agreement was made long ago, it was something that all the parties still honored and followed.     

If they truly took her inside, there was no way he could approach her. Even before he could get close to the building, the government's men would stop him at all costs. His identity as part of Ryukalin Clan restricted him from moving freely in the areas that belonged to the government.     

"Where's the car headed to?"     

"Wait, it's not stopping yet," Neo typed on the laptop as he tracked that car. After a painful wait under Kevin's deathly glare, the car finally stopped. "It arrived at the hospital."     

"We're going there."     

"Yes, Boss."     

The car sped up once again as Mike drove towards their destination. Since they took Kanae to the hospital, it must be because her wounds were quite severe. He wondered how the little girl could bear with them all.     

At the same time, Neo's mind was churned out as he worked hard to monitor the men's movement. His heart was thinking about the expression he saw on Kevin's face just now. It was pure worry and care. As he had stayed by Kevin's side for long, he knew how rare those emotions were. At this time, he worried that Kevin wouldn't be able to let Kanae go.     

"We've arrived."     

Mike quickly walked to the counter. "Excuse me, is there a new patient by the name of Kanae Nali?"     

"And you're?"     

"We're her friends that her sister asked to check on her condition because she's still busy," Neo quickly made up a story.     

The receptionist was quite skeptical, but she proceeded to check. The glare that Kevin directed to her made her extremely terrified. What did she do wrong to have him glare at her like she was his archenemy?     

"Yes, she checked in a few minutes ago. She's in the third-floor room number 304."     

"Thank you," Mike said as he quickly ran to the stairs. Kevin already went over the moment he heard the room number. It was clear that his boss was quite impatient.     

The three of them arrived on the third floor. They looked around when Kevin's body suddenly emitted a cold aura. The temperature in his surroundings dropped several degrees and at the same time, Mike and Neo turned wary.     

Kevin was staring at the man in front of him. The man was walking leisurely, yet it was clear that he was not in a good mood. Upon seeing Kevin, the man also stopped and emitted cold aura.     

The two of them were locked in a staring contest.     

"It has been a long time, Ryukalin Clan Head Kevin Kalin," Ferdinand broke the silence with a greeting.     

"Indeed it has, Minister Ferdinand," Kevin answered back evenly.     

The two of them didn't say anything else as they held their positions. They were trying to guess each other's intention from the slightest body movement. However, that proved to be difficult.     

Ferdinand was trained to always stay cold while Kevin was trained to keep a poker face. The two of them were locked in a stalemate.     

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