Under the Veil of Night



Laura's Apartment     

"Sis, don't tell me that you're still sleeping?" Laura complained when she came home. The lights were off, so the first thought she had was that her sister was still sleeping in her room.     

Kanae's head appeared from the door of her bedroom. "I'm awake, Laura. I didn't turn on the light outside since I'm too lazy to leave the bedroom."     

Laura rolled her eyes. "You made me think that you're still sleeping, Sis."     

"I didn't sleep for that long."     

"I can see that," Laura put her bag on the chair as she turned the lamp on. "I talked to Mrs. Clara. There's no problem with the purchase agreement, we can proceed with the task."     

Kanae nodded her head. "I'm not really good with business matters. Do you think you can do it by yourself?"     

"Of course, I'm an expert in these matters."     


"Hey, I'm just telling the truth."     

Kanae smiled. "Yeah, yeah, I believe you, Laura. Now, do you mind cooking food for me? I'm already hungry."     

"Are you treating me as your chef?"     

"Well, I can just order takeout, but I'm sure that you want to cook again today."     

"Fine, just wait a while. Let me remind you, Sis, you're not allowed to enter the kitchen."     

"Don't worry. I won't even get close."     

"That's good."     

Kanae sighed to herself. Why did everyone treat her as the kitchen destroyer? It was not her fault that her cooking skills were still bad. She just didn't have enough practice.     

If Laura knew what her sister thought, she wouldn't hesitate to throw a bucket of water in her face to wake her sister up. If it were only a matter of practice, she might be able to accept it. Unfortunately, she already lived with her sister for years. She knew better than anyone how poorly Kanae fared in the kitchen. The lame excuse of not enough practice wouldn't work on her.     

After bustling in the kitchen for a bit, Laura brought out a plate of finely cooked fried chicken. She prepared the tableware and rice before she served herself the food.     

"I made more in case you're hungrier than usual, Sis."     

"I'm very hungry," Kanae smirked. She scooped a lot of rice for herself as she started eating. Across from her, Laura rolled her eyes in displeasure. Considering Kanae's small stature, she wondered where that nutrition went to. It didn't seem that Kanae ever got fat.     

Laura finished her food slower than Kanae. "Did you even chew properly? Your eating speed has increased so much lately."     

"I'm just hungry."     

Laura stared at Kanae suspiciously while the latter simply smiled innocently. In the end, she didn't pursue the matter anymore and put the plates on the side as she took out several documents.     

"Sis, you're the one who has to sign them. They'll be out of the Nali Family's hands once you get out from the family in a few more months."     

"Let me grab a pen first," Kanae answered and signed the documents. "Since the outer part of the mansion has been reduced to rubble, we will need to repair it before we move in."     

"I already contacted the private contractors who used to work for our father. They'll start the reconstruction tomorrow since it already belongs to us. In addition, I already asked for construction equipment from Kale Company and building materials from several other reputable companies."     

Kanae was rather stunned when she heard that Laura already contacted Kale Company. She was about to recommend them to this girl because she had seen how good their products were.     

Laura smirked. "I already checked, Sis. They're indeed the best."     

"Good work, Laura."     

"Of course, I'm the best!"     

"Shameless little girl."     

Laura stuck out her tongue. "Until the reconstruction is completed, I'll need to make more money from the stock market. Aside from that, I doubt the Nali Family will make any move against us any time soon. They have just been hit massively by the news about the letter from the government."     

"I heard the news as well," Kanae nodded her head.     

At this point, Laura paused for a moment. She looked towards her sister hesitantly. "Sis, do you know about the letter from the government?"     

"I only know that it's a special letter that Sakura received because they value her ability. As for the rest, I'm not sure myself."     

"That's too bad. I'm curious."     

"Curb your curiosity. Let's go to sleep."     


As Laura cleaned up the table voluntary, Kanae leaned back on the chair. She already checked the room and found three listening devices. There was no camera, but these three listening devices already made her heart cold.     

Of course, she already made preparations to deal with them. One of them was placed in her own bedroom, which she covered with her clothes. That way, the sounds they could hear would be limited. Another one was placed in the living room underneath the lamp shade of the table lamp. For that one, she planned on having her sister ask for a new one from the manager soon with the complaint that it was not working well enough.     

She wouldn't make her move that soon, though. She didn't want to make them suspicious.     

The last listening device was in the bathroom. Honestly, she almost thought of them as perverts when she saw that device under the soap dish. For that place, she wouldn't hesitate to pour water as much as possible when she took a bath. With it basically flooded with water, she doubted they could hear anything from there.     

Her conversation with Laura just now should be heard by the government. However, she was not worried about them knowing that she wanted to take back the mansion from the Nali Family. The hidden disputes of the branch families and the main family was not a secret to them. Even if they knew a bit of the branch families' plans, they wouldn't do anything.     

There was simply no need for them to involve themselves in the complicated internal matters of the families. They were not that idle to spare their energy for this kind of dispute.     

In addition, if the government wanted, she would just show them an interesting conversation. Her lips curled up deviously as she thought about something. This would be her present to them tomorrow.     

"Sis, don't you need to sleep too?"     

"I'm coming."     

Her hand put a recorder near the lamp and set up a special function on it. This way, once they got home, the recorder would play out the conversations that they had in the past.     

As for the content? It was merely gossip between girls. Hopefully, the government would be happy to hear about the things that girls usually talked about.     

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