Under the Veil of Night

She Changed

She Changed

After Kevin left, Kanae stayed in the room and enjoyed the food that the hospital prepared for her. While most patients were complaining about its taste, she didn't mind in the slightest. Compared to the times in the past when she couldn't eat at all because she didn't have any money, this was far better.     

Her eyes drifted to the nearby camera. Truthfully, she hated the fact that they were monitoring her right now. However, she barely paid any attention anymore.     

'I won't let them see anything.'     

It was tiring, but she kept up her act. She turned her body around as she lay on the bed sideways. At the very least, if she slept, they wouldn't be able to see anything.     

Early in the morning, she checked out by herself. It wasn't that difficult as the nurse helped her file the paperwork.     

"Your wound is not completely healed yet, little girl. Are you sure you want to get discharged?"     


"Alright, I'll take care of it. However, since you already paid for two days in advance, are you sure you want to leave now?"     

Kanae silently cursed in her mind. Although she would be more than happy to eat the free food, she couldn't bear the fact that her actions were always monitored. This was especially since she didn't want the government to know about her hidden side.     

"I'm sure."     

The nurse was troubled, but she went to handle the matter. As for Kanae, she just silently stood near the counter as she waited for them to process the administrative work. It would take some time, but she was not in a hurry. She still had until 2 PM when it would be time for her sister to go home.     

Suddenly, she heard a ruckus not far from where she was waiting.     

"Sakura, tell me if you're hurt anywhere."     

Kanae turned her head and saw her uncle and Sakura standing not far away. Sakura's face was rather pale and Frank's was not any better. If one didn't know, they would think that these two have just survived a massive disaster considering how they looked like.     

Sakura lifted her head slightly. "I'm fine, Father. You're the one who got hurt."     

Frank showed a pained expression as he patted his daughter's head. She was not hurt physically, but it seemed as if her mentality changed overnight. What was in this girl's thoughts? He wished he could read her mind to see as he wanted to know very badly.     

Sakura's eyes were lifeless as she urged her father to get treated. When Frank disappeared around the corner, her gaze turned icy cold. The previously lifeless eyes were now replaced by a cold and deathly glare.     

'I won't let them get away with it.'     

She had enough. The feeling of despair due to her uselessness made her extremely vexed. Thankfully, the government found the person who leaked out the secret and cleaned up the Nali residence thoroughly. However, this didn't erase the hatred that already took root deep inside her heart.     

She hated the government for their deeds. Their arrogance and invincible power made her feel like she was nothing more than an ant in their eyes. She hated her father. He was so useless for being unable to contend against the government and allowing them to treat him like dirt. Moreover, she hated herself. She hated how useless and how naïve she was. Never once did she realize that she was nothing without her father.     

Now that they have woken her up, she would surely give them a good present as thanks in the future. They wouldn't be able to look at her disdainfully. She would take charge of both the Nali and the Aida Families. No one would be able to stop her.     

Determination was burning in her eyes as she made a vow to herself. Never again would she let them treat her like she was merely a disposable pawn. She would show them how powerful she could be.     

'She changed a lot.'     

Kanae watched her cousin calmly. The hatred and the determination to be stronger were apparent in that usually annoying cousin of hers. They were something she knew very well because she had seen them in the past when she looked at the mirror.     

The feeling of powerlessness would drive people into one of two directions. One was complete despair where they resigned themselves to their fate and lived in fear for their entire lives. The other was a burning determination to be stronger and to reach heights that they never imagined before.     

'Even a cornered rat is still a rat with claws. The government should be careful of the enemies they make.'     

It was not apparent yet, but she knew that the number of people dissatisfied with the government continued to increase. The previously ignored government has been making too many big movements lately. This would make those who knew the hidden side of the government wary and covertly grow stronger with their own means.     

Kanae looked towards her cousin again.     

Previously, Sakura always tried to used Frank's name to make herself look better. She would rely on her father and the power he held over their family. When things took a turn for the worse, she ran away and didn't have the courage to face their problems upfront.     

Now, things have changed. She would no longer run away. Now, she was prepared to face them personally no matter what the cost. Towards this new Sakura, Kanae held more respect, albeit only a little bit.     

After all, she still couldn't forget how badly Sakura treated her in the past for countless years. Even if Sakura changed, Kanae would never try to get close with her cousin. Those painful years wouldn't just disappear even after Sakura changed.     

Scars couldn't disappear overnight.     

"Miss, this is the letter from the doctor approving your discharge."     

The voice of the nurse caused Kanae to wake up from her trance. She smiled at the nurse. "Thank you."     

"These are some painkillers. You can take it after eating."     

"Thank you."     

After listening to a series of instructions, Kanae bid her farewell. As she walked to the lift, she saw that her cousin was still standing in the same place.     

'Good luck Sakura in whatever you want to do. However, you should pray that you won't involve me.'     

If Sakura tried to use her again, Kanae wouldn't hesitate to retaliate against this little lady. She already showed mercy in the past because she saw Sakura only as a pampered and idiotic lady. It was overkill for her to deal with Sakura personally. She didn't want to bully a person not worth her while like that.     

However, now that Sakura seemed to have matured, she wouldn't show any mercy.     

Should they clash, Sakura wouldn't get the same treatment as in the past. This was Kanae's way of showing respect to her opponent. She would fight them with all she had. Showing mercy would just mean that she didn't care about that person and merely treated him or her as someone unworthy.     

With that in thought, Kanae got into the lift. She wanted to go home and take a bath before resting again. She wanted to laze around on this rare occasion.     

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