Under the Veil of Night

Thank You

Thank You


"What kind of man raises his hand towards a girl?"     

The student was stunned to find his fist caught by another student so easily. He might not be a renowned fighter, but he was quite good compared to others in his class. Although his standard was still lacking before those few geniuses, he had confidence in his martial arts. Who was this boy?     

Tommy was pissed off right now. If he was slower just by one second, Misae would be hit. Considering the power that he felt from the punch, he knew that Misae might be hospitalized if she got hit. That woman was simply too weak to suffer any kind of wound.     

"Using martial arts against a powerless woman, you have truly opened my eyes to how people in this society handle things nowadays," Tommy said coldly. He pushed the student away with the hand that was still wrapped around the other's fist.     

The student stumbled back and nearly fell if not for his friends' support. His eyes looked towards Tommy warily.     

"Who are you?"     

"Tommy from the Student Council," Tommy answered calmly. "Now return to your class or I'll petition to have you all repeat a grade. At that time, I'll surely welcome you all in my classroom."     

Tommy raised his hands and cracked his knuckles. His gesture was clear. He would not let them disobey him. Although he was only the guard, he had the power to file a petition as part of the Student Council.     

"I will force that teacher to give us better scores! Our graduation depends on this!" the second student yelled angrily.     

"Pathetic," Tommy sneered.     

"What did you say?"     

"I said you're all pathetic. Do you have so little confidence in yourselves to the point that you have to resort to violence? Even though I have low scores myself, I would never resort to this," Tommy said icily.     

His scores were surely far lower than most of the students in this school. As someone who was admitted with a sports scholarship, he had lower standards to fulfill. Even though he still had to work hard to maintain that minimum criteria, he would just grit his teeth to do it and not resort to this.     

If he wanted to use force, no teacher would be able to defeat him. However, what would he get from that? It would be very unsatisfying. Besides, he wouldn't be able to show his face to Kanae anymore.     

"You! Get him guys!" the first student yelled angrily. No one could throw him insults!     

Teacher Charlie was stunned. "Don't fight here!"     

"Get him!"     


"Listen to me!" as Teacher Charlie tried to speak, the fight began. Tommy easily avoided their attacks as he kicked the students in their stomachs. He could not use weapons here, fighting barehanded was the only option.     

"Sir, it's no use," Misae already moved near Teacher Charlie to avoid the range of attacks. She was terrified previously, but Tommy's appearance caused her to wake up from her trance. She managed to move her feet away from the scene to make sure that she didn't give him any more trouble.     

"It's a normal thing to fight here. There's no way to separate them before one side gives up."     

Given the number of people involved in the fight, this was a normal occurrence. Misae already knew that, so she didn't bother trying to find a teacher to break up the fight anymore. Besides, even Teacher Charlie couldn't do anything.     

Teacher Charlie frowned. He knew that fighting was normal, but he couldn't bring himself to accept this scene at all. He became a teacher because he wanted to make this city a better place. Yet, the students now seemed to be worse than back when he was still a high school student.     

"Finally finished," Tommy kicked the last student to the floor as he looked towards the other standing students. They were not challenging to deal with at all, so he was bored. "Anyone else wants to give it a go too?"     

The students immediately shook their head. What a joke, even those good fighters were defeated cleanly. What could be different if they stepped up? It would only be more sweating for Tommy but a trip to the hospital for them.     

Recalling the exams next week, no one wanted to give it a try. If they failed their exams, it would be the end for them.     

"Now, scram to your classes!"     

With that, the students scampered away like they were chased by demons. Even those wounded seniors were helped by the others to return. If their chance to take the exams were revoked on top of getting beaten up, even their parents wouldn't be able to save them.     

Tommy snorted when he saw them returning back. He turned his head to Teacher Charlie. "Do you need to go to the infirmary? You scraped your arms."     

Teacher Charlie was startled. He looked towards his arms before noticing that they were bleeding. It was probably from when he got pushed by the students and bumped into the wall. He felt a bit of pain but didn't pay much attention.     

"I'll tell the class to self-study for a while."     

"Let me do that. Misae, help Teacher Charlie to the infirmary. I'll head there after this."     

"Okay, please follow me, Teacher Charlie."     

As they walked, Teacher Charlie looked towards Misae quizzically. He knew of the Student Council as he clashed with them in the past, but he didn't remember anything about them having this kind of power.     

"Miss, is the Student Council really that influential?"     

Misae looked towards Teacher Charlie in bewilderment. "Haven't you been here for quite some time, Teacher Charlie? The Student Council is given the freedom to determine the students' fate. With good reason, of course. We're tasked to host activities for them and at the same time also ensure their safety."     

"What kind of freedom?"     

"Well, we can host activities on on our own and just have to submit a report. Aside from that, we can also ask the student to assemble if there's something important, but this rarely happens. There are still many other powers we hold, Teacher Charlie. I'll need the handbook if I have to mention all of them," Misae smiled wryly.     

Teacher Charlie nodded in understanding. He never paid much attention to the Student Council before because he didn't like them. They acted as they wanted. However, seeing their work today caused him to change his opinion about them slightly.     

"Don't you need a teacher to supervise you?"     

"Not really, the students believe in submitting to strength rather than following the teachers' instructions. Because it is required that teachers not come from the underworld, many of them are not good at fighting. This caused the principal to allow us to have relatively complete freedom," Misae explained.     

"I see. This system is rather similar to that of the university, isn't it?"     

"Really?" Misae was astonished. "I didn't know that."     

Teacher Charlie smiled warmly. Of course, she wouldn't know. She hasn't graduated yet, so she wouldn't know about the students at the university.     

As they talked, they finally reached the infirmary. Upon opening the door, they saw Mike and Neo standing there. Mike's face changed immediately when he saw Misae.     

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