Mark of the destiny



Once again Suyin was left dazed, speechless, lost, as Wang Shi kissed her tenderly. His lips were soft, laced with the flavor of her favorite drink. Coffee! He exerted the right pressure, arousing the feeling to clutch his hair and kiss him back.     

She just loved the way he kissed her. Skilled. Passionate. Gentle. Like he was drinking the taste of her and still living thirsty.     

His kiss sealed her in the moment of time. She only woke up when the handbag in her lap dropped on the floor, making a sound and she turned her face to check.     

He groaned and pulled back to see the beet-red face of Suyin. "This is how Honey looks when he kisses you. Are you Honey, Honey?"     

"Wang Shi!!!!" pushing him, she averted her gaze, envisioning how red she must be for him to compare her with Honey. "W-What are you doing here?"     

He leaned to grab the bento box from the backseat. "I don't like the idea of eating a burger."     

Suyin's opened the box full of delicious dishes and shot him a look that made him rose his brows. "Liar. Though this bento box is one of the reasons, you are here because my presence in the Ace Hospital bothered you. Isn't it?"     

He could have sent someone to give her the bento box, but he not only came there personally but went inside to check on her. A risky move for a president's son! He must have misunderstood her exhausted voice over the phone to something else.     

God, must he be so good!?!?     

Wang Shi touched her head, "You okay?"     

"I am." She looked down at the bento box, "stop caring this much. I'm not used to."     

"Then get used to. I will do it so you don't find anyone better than me. It's a trick that always works."     

The importance he attached to their uncertain relationship shocked her. She was yet to give him a reply, but he had been making efforts already.     

"Where did you learn it from?"     

He saw her looking at the bento box but not touching a thing and picked the chopsticks, bringing a piece of glazed tofu near her lips. "From Jianyu. With this trick, he has kept Xiu Mei wrapped around his finger."     

Suyin accepted the tofu, her tongue darted out to wipe the sauce on her lips. The casualness with which he was answering amused her. A smooth talker and a straightforward person! She could already picture herself getting attracted to him more and more.     

"Do you intend to keep me the same way?"     

"Yes. Since I've decided already, I'll give my hundred percent. No matter what the situation demands, I'm here."     

Her hand went to grab his wrist, stopping him from feeding her anymore. She looked into his eyes in all seriousness, telling him what she was about to say next he might not like it.     

"I-I've given birth to Qi Wren's child after my divorce. My baby died because of medical issues when he was barely three months. Are you still willing to go ahead?"     

Her grey orbs bind him, not letting him conceal anything. However, not even a single frown line come on his face, his eyes were as warm as ever. She cocked her head, trying to read him, understand him.     

Wang Shi put the chopsticks down, "What can I do to make you believe?"     

Something moved through her at the firmness of his tone, her throat felt heavy. Her chest expanded on a deep breath, yet she felt suffocated…..     

"Y-Your words."     

He caressed her cheeks, understanding her mental state…..     

"Yes. I'm willing to go ahead and make it possible. Don't forget, I have a son too, we are equal on this ship. You don't have to feel inferior, Suyin." He leaned closer, whispering near her lips, "….. and here I seal it with a kiss. Cross my heart and hope to die, if I ever betray you."     

She let out an emotional chuckle, and for the first time, her hands went in his hair, sinking into the silky black mane. He let out a grunt when she pulled him, deepening the kiss, making him feel the racing beat of her heart against his chest. A sob escaped through her.     

"Wang Shi," she pulled back, wiping his wet lips with her hands, "You better not regret because I'm going to give my two hundred percent and make it possible."     

"Good. I want the same," he covered her lips with his hand when she tried to speak, "So…. We are official, right? It's a 'yes' and you won't back off tomorrow?"     

Suyin "….."     

"Ah!" She bit his fingers with her sharp teeth, making him yelp and yank his hand away. "SUYIN,"     

"What stupid question was that? What was I doing all this while?" she grabbed his hand and blew cold air.     

"Just making sure it was not my ears buzzing, but you actually said yes." He smiled, placing his hands at the steering wheel. "People's Hospital?"     

"People's hospital it is. I've to solve this mystery."     

"Say that again!"     


"WE HAVE to solve this mystery."     

"Good girl. Always remember that."     

Satisfied. Happy. Suyin concentrated on the beautiful bento prepared by Wang Shi. This was just a first step; they have a long way to go….     

But her decision to be with him was solidified, if he's willing to fight for them, she will fight along. This is a second chance they were given, if it's not now it will be never.     

While eating she looked at the car's roof and offered the piece of meat held between the chopsticks to a certain someone. 'Alright, alright…. You really did a splendid job. I should not have scolded you on that day. But please…. give me a warning next time. I almost survived a heart attack. Now accept this piece of meat and stop sulking.'     

God "…."     

'No thanks, I'm vegetarian. But if you are really sorry, I can accept the piece of tiramisu.'     

Suyin grabbed the piece of tiramisu, snorted in the air dismissively, and gobbled it in one bite. "Dream on!"     

Wang Shi looked at her, "What?"     

Suyin bit her tongue, "What?"     

"You said something."     

"Hehehe… it's yummy."     

"Okay. Enjoy."     


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