Mark of the destiny

*Title is a spoiler*

*Title is a spoiler*

"Where? Is it far? Isn't Honey waiting for you at home?"     

"Nope. I've messaged him already, I'll be late." Wang Shi pulled over at the lakeside and get down from the car. Suyin followed.     

Looking him lean against the car, Suyin did the same as they both looked at the lake ahead. In the sultry night in mid-October, the surface of the lake was as smooth as black glass, untouched, clean, shining with only the reflection of the moon on the surface. Its water was entirely without motion, but the air was pungent with a fragrance of Jasmine.     

Though she couldn't see anything clearly, she was sure the place was beautiful. She instantly made a mental note to revisit this place in the daytime.     

"Wang Shi, this….."     

"Sometimes you need a quiet place to speak what's on your mind. That's why I've brought you here," he didn't let her complete the sentence. "Shall we sit near the lake or just like this?"     

With a complicated and curious eye, she studied his side profile, realizing he really wanted to talk about something important. Whatever it was, it made her uneasy for a reason, but she holds her calm and smiled. "Sitting is a better option, my heels are killing me,"     

After walking a few steps, he shrugged out of his suit and spread it on the floor. "Sit,"     

Suyin picked his suit, dusted it, and sat down on the floor instead, ignoring her gown. She patted the space beside her, "It's just a gown, I'll send it for dry-cleaning tomorrow."     

Wang Shi chuckled, taking the place beside her, "Why am I not surprised?"     

Suyin gulped, her mind torn with the thoughts of how accurately he understands her. "Tell me,"     

He let out a heavy breath…..     

"Two days back I was talking to my brother about a problem I'm facing. There I realized my symptoms, and what's causing the probl--"     

"Symptoms? Problems?" she jumped on her knees and cupped his face, "Are you ill? What disease? Is it serious? Why didn't you tell me before? Is this all my value in your eyes?"     

Wang Shi "…"     

"Suyin, Suyin….. that's what I want to talk." He tried to make her sit, but she was jumpy, "Before it gets late, or I lost my golden chance, I want to tell what's on my mind. Calm down, please,"     

"Shhh!!" She slammed his lips with her soft hands, on the verge of crying. "Don't say bad Wang Shi. Nothing bad will happen. Just tell me what your disease is. AND YOU ARE STUPID, how can you expect me to calm down in this situation? Nothing bad will happen, I will fight with you."     

He caught her hand and didn't let it go. Though she misunderstood him, he liked her concern and he could tell it was genuine. "It's about an amazing woman I've started liking. But the problem is---"     

As the words left his mouth, Suyin withdrew herself completely and sat down, looking at the other side. Something shattered within her. Something she was not prepared for….     

It hurts….     

Though she knew Wang Shi was not hers, he would never be, but the thought of seeing him with some other woman gnawed at her heart.     

Dammit, he took root in her in a way she had never let another soul do. Even if she had to spend her life just like this, with him and Honey beside her, she would have been more than happy but now..  she has to detach herself!!!     

It was a mistake to go near him. Why didn't she control herself? What was she expecting? Did she forget they don't have a future together? They are miles apart….     

"Suyin, are you listening?" his words caught her attention, and she nodded.     


"So there is this amazing woman, but the problem is….. hey, can you please look at me? It's difficult to talk when you are looking at the other side," with Wang Shi's words she forced herself to turn her face but kept her eyes down. "…. the problem is I'm not sure how she feels about me. Since I don't know how to talk in a roundabout way, I thought of asking her directly. At least, it's better than having sleepless nights,"     

Unaware of her thoughts, Wang Shi looked at her face, but the darkness and her keeping her face down prohibited him from doing so.     

"Just ask and get the answer," she suggested. 'And I wish she rejects you! Honey rejects her! Your entire family rejects her! Can't you stay single forever? What's the need of getting a woman? F*ck you Wang Shi. Go to hell!!'     

Once more she heard him take a deep breath, "Right, so I'll take my chance"     

"Hm, take a chance."     

"I'll ask,"     


"Since you also thing this way, don't be shocked," he turned to her completely and held her icy hand, frowning they were warm earlier. A deep breath in...     

 "I LIKE YOU,"     

Suyin "?????????????"     

Her head snapped at him like a robot, in a slow-motion, "Wha---"     

"ILIKEYOU," he blurted out, "The amazing woman I mentioned is you. I don't know how and when this happened, but I like you. And want to give us a chance,"     

Suyin "?????????"     

Suyin's mind was numb. She could not believe it in her ears that the woman Wang Shi mentioned was none other than her. She could not bring herself to say anything…. Was she happy? Don't know! Was she sad? Don't know! Was she confused? Hell yes!     

Nevertheless, she was still lost when another unexpected thing happened with her.     

She felt Wang Shi raising her chin, his breath lingered at her lips and the next second his soft lips captured hers, electrocuting her brain.     

He kissed!     

They kissed!!     

She inhaled sharply and tasted the wine he drank before. She was against his warm chest, chiselled to perfection as their breaths mingled. She splayed her hand at his chest to push him, but it stayed there.     

His thumb caressed her cheeks, coaxing her. He was slow, soft, comforting in ways she had never felt before. Calling it her first affectionate kiss won't be wrong. She was never kissed like this in her lifetime. Unknowingly tears rolled down her cheeks...     

He pulled off instantly feeling the wetness and looked shocked, "Suyin???"     

Title of the chapter- I LIKE YOU     

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