Mark of the destiny

Hundred kisses

Hundred kisses

When they arrived at the restaurant, Wang Shi held Honey in his arms, hiding his face in his shoulders to avoid getting clicked by any wandering reporter. Honey knows the drill and didn't object.     

Understanding Wang Shi's background, she didn't find it wrong. Honey was just a child to get exposed to this media circus. And knowing the identity of his mother was kept under wraps from the public, it becomes necessary to keep him away from them.     

To a normal bystander, they looked like a perfect family of three. Especially she and Honey due to color-coordinated clothes.     

Suyin was unfazed by the grandeur of the place. In the last few years, due to her job she had dinned at some of the luxurious restaurants.     

The manager of the restaurant greeted Wang Shi and then escorted them to the dining hall on the top floor. A slight shock passed through his eyes seeing Suyin, which he hid instantly.     

Though the restaurant follows the policy of not recognizing their guests, the man standing before him was the elder brother of Feng Junjie, the owner of the restaurant.     

Least he was aware that the owner was following closely….     

"The matter has escalated to this extent yet senior cousin is keeping it under wraps. Did he forget about his brothers? Brothers always come first." From the glass wall, Feng Junjie peeked into the dining area and saw the three of them sitting near the window. "I better take a picture."     

"Yes do it and then share it with me. I can't believe Dr. Wang is dating Zhao Suyin."     

"Yeah… Zhao Suyin…. Not only her name sounds dangerous, in fact she is."     

"Don't call her dangerous. She's really cool. I admire her already."     

"Why do my brothers.... Hai????" Feng Junjie's head snapped to left upon realizing he had been talking to someone all this while. "Ahh! Hong, what are you doing here?"     

"Exactly what you are doing." Fei Hong snatched the mobile phone and pulled him back. "You followed Dr. Wang and I followed Suyin.."     


"Because she didn't answer my calls. I've to remind her of the interview. But here… Can't believe I bumped into this mega news. So this was the reason you asked me to raise the topic of Suyin on my radio show"     

"Yeah… I have a doubt she's after my brother. Earlier I was excited when I saw her in his house, but she…. She is….Oww…" he jumped holding his feet. "Why did you do that?"     

"Because you deserve it. Don't forget your brother has a child too." She scowled after hitting him with her spiky shoes. "I know you are judging her because of her divorce, ex-husband, and everything that's not up to your standards. Rich by money poor by heart! Hmpf!"     

"Hey….It's not that I despise her, but-" he struggled with the correct word to make it sound civilized but can't come up with. "What if….. history repeats itself?"     

"What are you two doing here?" a cold voice sounded.     

Feng Junjie, "None of your business,"     

Fei Hong, "Hey… Dr. Wang is no more there. Let him come back."     

"He's back already,"     

Fei Hong "…"     

Feng Junjie "…."     

Slowly they turned to the direction of the voice and stood rooted. Scared.     

"Dr. Wang, I-I was just passing by and saw you and Suyin here. I have a very urgent message for her, please pass it." In a jiff, she took out a paper and scribbled something.     

Afraid of the turn of events, she sprinted off, leaving the phone and paper for Wang Shi.     

Feng Junjie hurled few curses at her sprinting figure.     

With a deep frown, Wang Shi checked the pictures clicked by Junjie's phone. "You are here?"     

"I-I… I went to look for you and Honey to check why you're not coming to big brother's house today but saw you exiting the City Spire and followed you." He cowered when Wang Shi placed his hand at his shoulder. "…. No no… not followed… but wanted to talk to you. I have got bad stomach pain."     

"I call it constipation," Wang Shi put the phone back into Junjie's pocket after deleting all the pics and pressed on his shoulder. "Where should I 'treat' you?"     

Feng Junjie pleaded with his eyes, "Oww…..Brother, I'm the owner of the place, please beat…. I mean treat me at home…"     

"Hm… Go home and keep your mouth sealed. Otherwise….."     

"No no…. going going…. Bye…."     


Meanwhile, at the table Suyin and Honey were done ordering, and were now enjoying the drinks. Well… only Suyin was drinking while Honey was stirring it non-stop, lost in his fairyland.     

Suyin, "Your dad's not here. Speak your mind."     

"Do not reject my dad?" he blurted out as if the words were sitting at the tip of his tongue, ready to jump out at the opportunity.     

"Cough…. cough…. cough…." Honey instantly crossed over and patted her, bringing the glass of her drink near her lips. A minute later she calmed and looked up. "What do you mean?" her voice still trembled.     


"I'm talking about the project dad proposed to work with you." His little hand still patted her back and eyes confused by her exaggerated reaction. "You avoided him because I asked you to do so. Right? Now that the problem between us is solved can you do the GPR project with him? I'm sure it will benefit you as well."     

Suyi, "You mean CSR."     

"Yes, that too."     

She gave him a wicked smile, "So that's why you apologized!!!! Ahhh… I see….."     

"Apology is an apology. The intention behind it doesn't matter." He settled back, finally taking a sip of his pineapple drink. His beautiful eyes had a cunning spark. "Now you have no reason to reject my dad's proposal. If you did, you're petty to brood over the words of six-year-old."     

"Hey…. You cannot be a man and six years old both. Choose one."     

"Six-year-old man it is," He countered, taking the bite of the candid pineapple. If only he knew how adorable he looked doing that.     

Suyin snatched the half-eaten candid slice and raised it in the air, "What will I get in return? In the end, the choice is still mine."     

"I knew it! You'll definitely demand something. Fine! You can keep this pineapple slice. I give it to you."     

Suyin "…"     

"Excuse me!? You keep it," She shoved the pineapple slice in Honey's mouth. "I'm interested in something else," her gaze showed a lecherous gaze as she caught her lower lips between her teeth shocking the poor child who cowered in the corner.     

"Your intentions are not looking good,"     

"Of course they are not…" She scooped into Honey's side, squeezing him, shocking him further. "Give me a hundred kisses. One kiss a day."     

Honey "…"     

"Whose? Mine or dad's?"     

Suyin "..."     

"Can I ask for both?"     

Honey "....."     

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