Mark of the destiny

Do I need to justify my actions?

Do I need to justify my actions?

"Ah, Wang Shi, I can't stay here any longer." Ignoring the shooting pain in her back, Suyin kicked the blanket off, but he held her knees tight, pinning her to the bed.     


"I saw kids at the factory. Their condition was awful, heart-wrenching. Apart from fighting from hunger and staph infection, there was a kid among them who was badly beaten and was high on fever. Though I brewed a traditional medicine for him, it's not enough. He needs antibiotics, nutritious food, care, and lots of rest."     

Suyin struggled to leave the bed as she reasoned with Wang Shi. She had been so distracted by Honey and him that Maddie and her promise slipped her mind. "I lost all the pieces of evidence, otherwise I would have shown you their condition. In fact, I think they are the source of the staph bacteria which eventually carried into tampons as they helped in the production. I have promised to help them, let me go."     

"Shh…. I know everything. In fact, I have seen it."     

She stopped struggling, "Seen?"     

"I'm letting you go. Dare not move! First, let me give you a painkiller and tie the belt around your waist. Then I'll take you somewhere." He tested the water by loosening his firm grip, satisfied she understood his words, and laid still.     

Because of the impact of the crash, her spinal was hurt. If she remained careless and didn't take proper care, it may lead to long-term consequences.     

"Look away,"     

She glanced at the injection in his hand and brought forward her own hand, pushing the sleeves back, "I'm not scared of it. You can do it."     

"Really? Mei is hell scared of needles. Every time Jianyu had to coax her with kisses and whisper sweet nothings."     

Suyin "…"     

'Sh*t! Stupid me. Can I change my statement? Can I wail like a child?'     

Holding her hand in his, he helped her towards the conference room, receiving glares from the doctors and nurses as they passed by. They will definitely gossip about them later. "I think you should let me walk by myself. Or how about getting me a wheelchair?"     

"When I'm here, why do you need a wheelchair? Don't you trust me?" Wang Shi was as indifferent as ever and didn't seem to pay attention to the glances as he helped her in an elevator. It was crowded. It worried him. "Everyone out. Take the second elevator or wait."     

Suyin "…"     

He interlinked his fingers with hers and gets into it. A simple, intimate gesture means the world to her and at that moment, she tightened her grip too.     

"They will gossip about you."     

"They won't. It's my place, I'm the boss. Do I need to justify my actions? What more, the fact is you are my woman and my patient too."     

It touched her; her heart fluttered when a kiss landed at the crown of her head. The way he was holding her hand without a care in the world, stroked something in her heart. His firm grip on her hands was worth millions of unspoken words between them.     

Her other hand went to rub her chest…. Something happened in her heart!     

If they continued their relationship for a lifetime, there wouldn't come a time when he would let her past come in their way and would be the life partner every woman wished for.     


Will it come true?     

Will they go that far and become life partners?     

The ding of the elevator jolted her out from her thoughts.     

From the distance, she saw her interns coming in and out of the conference room. "What are they doing here?"     


He opened the door, shocking her as they had turned the conference room into an IT room with computers all over. Even Xiu Mei was working on a laptop, coordinating things with interns. On a giant screen, she saw a video playing. "Wasn't it destroyed?"     

"No. They only managed to destroy one, whereas we had hide the other two in our clothes." Long Ju answered. They had three hard-disks, as recorded by each of them. To be on the safe side, the two decided to leave a hard-disk in the bag while hid the other two in their clothes. Just in case, if things take a different turn, they could save some evidence. Camera and other stuff were of no use, so they let it be.     

As far as samples were concerned, swapping them was easy. Al, they did was put dirt in different zip-lock bags.     

Suyin scanned the two from top to bottom, relieved they were fine. "Thank God you are fine."     

"Y-yes, we are."     


They replied. However, there was something more. Fear. Fear from the man standing next to her as both Ang Lee and Long Ju gulped and didn't dare to look at her for more than a few seconds.     

Wang Shi shrugged at her curious eyes. Not telling her that the two boys had seen him kissing and hugging her unconscious self as he brought her in the chopper. Just a warning gaze and a few words were enough to zip their mouths. Now the two wouldn't dare to tell anyone.     

"Suyin," Xiu Mei called from her workstation and showed her laptop. "Just see, everything is according to your plan. We are all set."     

Daiyu, "I'm ready too."     

"Senior cousin," Feng Junjie came and stood at the threshold of the door. He looked haggard and pale and had swollen eyes. "Feng media is all set to broadcast the clips. I'm with Hong, won't be able to join you."     

Though Suyin had lots of questions, Junjie's condition can't be ignored. "CEO Feng, are you okay? Is everything fine with Fei Hong?"     

"Yeah." He faked a smile, "All the best, Sister Suyin."     

And he just left, leaving the confused Suyin who alternated her gaze between Wang Shi and Xiu Mei, but none answered.     

"I'll tell you once we are over with this." Wang Shi said.     

"Okay," She nodded. "Daiyu knows everything about my plan, he'll manage things along with Xiu Mei. But I've to go back to Xu Tong's factory. Can you prepare a medical team for me?"     

"I'll come with you." She opened her mouth to protest, but he pressed at her back, hinting her. "This is the first project after our collaboration, my presence would be impactful. Moreover, I'm a doctor, those kids need me."...… and I can't let you be alone in this condition." The last part of the sentence was only for her to listen, which fluttered her heart.     

When would he stop throwing these arrows at her?     

At least be considerate of others.     

Nobody understood when Wang Shi leaned closer to her, but Xiu Mei, Daiyu, Long Ju, and Ang Lee smiled seeing Suyin's priceless expression.     


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