Mark of the destiny



"What just happened? Did Gu Yuan really accuse Unicharm for the death of all those women? Wait! Let me go through the clip again."     

"But wasn't she there to prove Zhao Suyin wrong? Why would she say something like that?"     

It shocked the people watching live streaming. Confused. They looked forward to more information.     

However, just then Xu Tong approached Gu Yuan. Showing stern eyes. "Mrs. Gu, watch your words. Slandering is a crime."     

She let out a gentle laugh as if heard a joke. People don't even stutter while lying! "Slandering? Are you sure about it?"     

A few men disguised as reporters formed a safety barrio around Gu Yuan.     

He whispered, "Gu Yuan, don't think your husband could save you. Do you think this will help you boost your political career? What evidence do you have? You better apologize right now and correct your statement, if you don't want to live a miserable life. Maybe I'll let you live."     

"Look, he's threatening me," Unlike him, she raised the tone to let everyone hear her. "This is just a trailer, Xu Tong. Your grandmother is already here to put you at your correct place. Prison." Her eyes looked at the entrance from where a row of vans, ambulances, media, and police vehicles entered.     

From an SUV disembarked a woman, stupefying him. Zhao Suyin!?     

Like a dangerous tornado embarked to destroy everything that comes on its way, Suyin covered the distance. Her red eyes, ablaze. As everyone's eyes moved from her suppressing aura, they realized there was another powerful figure right behind her.     

Dr. Wang Shi!     

Though he was standing behind with his hands tugged in the pocket, pretending to be part of the medical team, none can ignore his presence. Everyone understood this was something done by them together.      

But who would have thought he'd attach so much importance as to come here personally. It was shocking.     

"Where are the kids?" she asked.     

Xu Tong shoved a hand in his pocket, "I'm still single."     

"So there are no kids working here?"     

"I don't know what you are talking about."     

"You will regret this." Saying, she looked over her shoulder at the police, "Search."     

Xu Tong stood in their way, "On what basis? Do you have any evidence?"     

It confused the people watching online. Initially, they thought Suyin was there regarding the death of women, but here she was asking about kids. What kids?     

With a wave of her fingers, she ordered the cameraman showing live streaming to zoom at her. Her chin raised as she interacted with the people, "I know you have many questions. I will answer everything through the following video,"     

Having that said, Xiu Mei took over the control of the live streaming and played the video as recorded by Suyin. The video bared the reality of Unicharm….     

It shocked the people as Feng Media telecasted it on national television. Zhao Suyin was correct all this while, it was really the fault of the company that those women died. It was disgusting to see the poor people work in unhygienic conditions. What's worse, there were kids!?     

Unicharm was involved in child labor!     

But who recorded the video? How did Suyin get access to this evidence? Most importantly, why was Gu Yuan unfazed? Was she aware of it?     

Looks like Zhao Suyin was again in the limelight.     

Xu Tong watched the video on phone, it sent shivers run down his spine. The condition of his manufacturing unit before it was cleaned and the one where all the employees were cleaning before Gu Yuan's visit revealed everything.     

It even showed the incident where he had asked Maddie to clean his shoes and later kicked him.     

"WHERE ARE THE KIDS?" Suyin asked again, taking an aggressive step towards him.     

His gaze looked around as the police searched the premises. Standing facing her, he gritted in anger. "Suyin you dare play against me—"     

One second he was inches away from her and the next he was on the ground holding his cheek. The punch caught him off guard.     

Ignoring the shooting pain in her back, she positioned her knee above his chest, clawing her sharp nails at his throat. "KIDS?"     

This Zhao Suyin was different. The anger in her heart burst out as hot as any dragon has ever flamed. Wang Shi saw the pain in her eyes, it was that of a mother ready to kill for the sake of her baby. The way she sizzled, her eyes like an inferno, he would never forget it.     

Probably even he wouldn't be able to control her at this time….     

The live streaming continued, more viewers joined as the largest media group of the country, Feng Media officially broadcasted everything…. Unlike others, they came prepared with satellite vans.     

Getting no answer, she pressed her knee harder at Xu Tong's chest and dug her nails. Wang Shi noticed a crimson stain at her back, as blood oozed out from the bandage and took a step….     

"L-L-Loft…" Xu Tong answered.     


"A-A---A…. Cough…. O-Old w-warehouse…. Cough…."     

She bolted up, leaving him to be taken care of by the police, and ran before Wang Shi could stop her….     

Helpless and scared for her, he followed.     

Things got intense, and no one wanted to miss a single detail; and for the sake of the people watching online, reporters followed.     

It was the awful smell that her first as she pushed open the old rust door, hooked with its damaged hinges that creaked and screeched.     

"Suyin," she was stopped by Wang Shi who caught her elbow. "Let me do this. Your back—"     

Without looking, she yanked his hand and looked around. Frantic. "MADDIE…"     

Her orbs enlarged, compensating for the dim light and she begin to notice how tattered the condition was. Apart from dusty wooden frames and poles, rotten cotton was piled in the corner and on the floor. There were patches of stains and chemicals on the wall.     

Inside she saw the ladder but couldn't point out where exactly was the loft. To be precise, she couldn't understand where is the trapdoor was as everything looked neatly sealed on the ceiling.     

"MADDIE…. Where are you?"     

Only the sound of her frantic breathing was heard. No one answered her back.     

"Be safe," she mumbled.     

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