Mark of the destiny

I believe in two eyes, four limbs and thousand chopped pieces

I believe in two eyes, four limbs and thousand chopped pieces

Suyin sat down on the cold bench arranged at the end of the corridor, leaning back with closed eyes. 'Magazine! Boy! Ph….! What could be the third word? What do the first two words hint at?'     

"What do you want?" she asked with closed eyes.     

Gilbert stood behind her, not at all surprised she was aware of him following her. "What did you do just now?"     

She slit open her one eye but closed it again. The lenses were hurting, she needs a new pair and had to consult a doctor ASAP. "Elaborate,"     

Gilbert scoffed, "As if you don't know what am referring to?"     

"Nope. I don't," she reached to rub the side of her temples in a circular motion. "Either come to the point or care to walk away."     

Her casualness irked him. Wish it was not Wang Shi's hospital, he would have had ordered his men to do everything worse and crush her arrogance under his foot. "We can end this on a peaceful note if you tell me what were you doing by Gong Li's side and what he talked to you?"     

Suyin let out a soft chuckle and went quiet, leaving him to battle with anger.     

"Behave and answer me, you filthy woman. Otherwise—" with his arms tucked behind, he walked around the bench to face her. "—there is a world outside this hospital as well? Many unexpected things can happen like accident, murder, rape…."     

Suyin opened her eyes, releasing a smile, mocking him, "I thought my laughter was enough for an answer because telling you to go fuck yourself is considered blatant. But few people don't understand a civilised language. Too bad!"     

To whom was he trying to scare?     


"Are you sure I didn't record any of this?"     

He stiffened and took a step back.     

Suyin took off the button camera tucked in her collar and rolled it between her slender fingers. Her eyes giving a glare that froze Gilbert. "I prepared this to record my interaction with Gong Li, but…. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't waste my money by buying it."     

A threatening expression appeared at his face, he tried to lurch at the button, but she dodged it, "It's just a camera, recording live in my laptop. Don't worry, I'll send you a copy later. Mind it, if anything happens to me 'outside this hospital'.... You know the consequences."     

A grimace distorted his mouth, but he couldn't say a word, least he gives her another evidence.     

She turned to leave but spun so quickly that her hand hit into the corner of the bench and hit cracked the glass, "I know Gong Li's death is not an accident but a murder and the wires are connected to the past. TO MY BABY'S DEATH! Be prepared Gilbert, Zhao Suyin is coming. I don't believe in an eye for an eye, I believe in two eyes, four limbs and thousand chopped pieces for an eye."     


Wang Shi sighed to himself, seeing Suyin lying on the bed on her stomach, in her VIP room. She had access to his lounge, where her darling Little Fairy had been sleeping, yet she came here.     

He walked up to her and rubbed her back, "Hey,"     

"He's dead." It was a statement rather than a question from her.     

"Yes." He confirmed and rubbed her back. "You okay?"     

She didn't turn and made a sound. "Uh huh,"     

"Look at me,"     

"I said I'm fine."     

"Then look into my eyes,"     

"Can't. I'm dead tired. Let me take a nap and collect myself first— AHH!"     

Suddenly he flipped her over and climbed on the bed, hovering over her. Trapped between his strong arms, she gulped when he lifted her chin to make her look into his eyes. "Sharing is caring, sweetheart. Earlier you were alone, but today you have me."     

Suyin smiled, "I'm really fine! Gong Li's death is saddening, and I'm sorry for his father. But that's all I feel for him!"     

His brows creased, and Suyin ran a finger over them. "I'm not a Saint, Wang Shi. What he did with me years back is enough a reason to end my concern for him. He was a stranger to me. We don't mourn for a stranger but only feel sorry. The same goes for my brother, our relationship is just on the surface and I won't allow him to enter in my life again. Hurt me once, and that's the end for me. Call me cold-blooded."     

His arms around her tensed, jaw clenched. Her words scare the life out of him, giving him another reason to keep things from her until he finds something about her baby. Suyin lifted to kiss him. "What's with this reaction? Have you done something too?"     

He changed the topic with a smile, "I have Honey to soothe your anger if I ever do something."     

"Don't you dare take advantage of my Little Fairy to coax me, I'll steal him from you forever and run away."     

His hand brushed off the strands of her silky hair, and he kissed her forehead, "He's yours, I'm yours, and you both are mine."     

"That's true, you both are mine now." She pushed him and wriggled around to sit straight and turned serious, ���I want to tell you something,"     

He wiped the corner of her eyes, "But first take off your contacts, freshen up, eat something, and then we'll talk. Do you need help in the bathroom?"     

She hit his shoulder, "Not so early."     

"This means later I can," He teased to lighten her mood, and she turned red. One last time he squeezed her cheeks and kissed her soundingly. "I'm waiting for you in the lounge. Come soon."     

He flumped back on the bed after she left. She was calm because she doesn't have the slightest clue of what conspiracy was done against her and her baby. Gong Li's death would pave way for her to look for information, and she won't stop until she knows everything.     

The storm was just shut behind the glass wall, waiting for her to unveil the truth before it wreaks havoc.     


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