Mark of the destiny

This particular organ always fascinates her

This particular organ always fascinates her

Qi Enterprises was pulled into the ditch along with Xu Tong (Owner of Unicharm) for lending an enormous amount in the form of a loan from a subsidiary of Qi Enterprises.     

He was severely criticized by public and came under the eyes of authorities for the unknown source of money which was probably his black income. They even found evidence of tax invasion and involvement in illegal activities.     

Investors started pulling out their money, confirmed projects got canceled, and the value of his shares plunged sharply.     

Once more, it benefited her directly. Within a short time, she was becoming the public's favorite with not even a single negative news. Don't know why, but her popularity was growing at an abnormally faster rate. Is this only her work or someone else pulling the string as well?     

Is it you, Wang Shi?     

She was still reading an article when a call disturbed her.     

"DESPICABLE WOMAN, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Hui Chouming snarled the moment Suyin answered the phone. "Aren't you tired of your constant scheming? My husband tossed you into the trash bin years back and settled everything, yet you are clinging on to his leg and creating problems for us. Where are your morals?"     

"Morals? Speaking the one who doesn't even know the spelling of this word." She leaned back, leisurely enjoying the flavourful tea. Nice taste! "And what did you just say!? Ah, settled everything! How come snatching everything that was my father's, be called as 'settled'?" she let out a low chuckle.     

"Your father was an incapable man who had no talent to handle the business. Eventually, it was bound to be doomed. You should be thankful Wren turned it into a huge empire with his talent." Her mocking laughter echoed, "Hundred million you asked, right? Just check with your office, I've sent two checks, one mine and another on behalf of my father to pay your so-called compensation, with interest and a million extra. Treat it as a tip."     

Suyin's action of drinking stopped. Someone dared to step on her tail! "To trick me into marriage, and then forcefully grab the shares in my hand when his own business failed is really a work of 'CAPABLE' man. Congrats for getting a 'capable' husband."     

The savage Suyin was quick to dump the bucket of icy water over Hui Chouming.     

"Speaking of the father, at least my dad didn't send me to climb another man's bed to gain monetary benefits but chose bankruptcy instead. Unlike a certain someone. I hope your daughter doesn't receive the same fate. If any."     

Suyin's body relaxed a lot. "Oh! BTW, is your husband's 'tool' still working? How many balls did he lose? One or…. Oops! To lose a ball, he should have one. Anyway, since you give me a tip, let me help you with a 'tip' in return…. I know a talented doctor, who had been helping your husband grow balls for the last two years. Her name is Xu Bingbing. She had been consulting him in Hotel Fortune, Hotel Hyatt, Hotel Imperial, Hotel... argh, never mind. I'll send you the list later."     

It was getting interesting, but Suyin had to hang up as her gaze fell on Wang Shi, who was standing at the threshold of the door, looking at her with that killer smile of his.     

Dressed in the professional attire of a doctor, scrubs, yet when he enters this lounge, he quickly turns into a boyfriend and a father. This lounge was turned into a home now. He arched his brow at her, still smiling, and her heart turned over inside her chest.     

"Sweetheart, you woke up." He walked closer, pinched her cheek, and then strolled to the cupboard while taking off his scrub top.     

Jaw dropped.     

This was the first time she saw him shirtless and was dumbfounded seeing his exceptional physique. She greedily drank the fine wine named Wang Shi with her eyes, counting the number of biscuits sculpted on his abdomen. So this is how eight pack abs look like in reality!     

Ooooooo! His chest muscles were defined and firm, broad shoulders, and just when he turned.... his sexy back itched her fingers to feel it.     

Shameless her, she even forgot she's gawking him with open mouth. Just a little more, she might as well drool.     

Wang Shi changed into another scrub and turned to face her, deeply entertained by her tinted face. Despite he was now clothed, she was staring right where his abs were.     

"Should I take it off once more if you are not done yet?" He lifted the hem of his scrub a little, watching her shift her eyes to look into his. "This time you can even touch it."     


Her face turned beet red, and she looked everywhere but at him. "Don't be delusional. I was not looking at you but….. but your clothes. Nice collection."     

He came closer, and she took back her steps.     

"Nice collection of clothes or eight packs?"     


Her back touched the wall….     

F*CK! Trapped!     

She crossed her arms and looked into his eyes. "Eight what?"     

"This!" He grabbed her hands and brought it to feel his abdomen, electrocuting her body. "The rigid lines on the abdomen which you are staring at with open mouth."     


She wanted to withdraw her hand, but her mind, body, willpower, and soul decided to betray her. He bends to kiss, but decided against it and started teasing her by slowly closing the distance between them. He placed his hands at the sides of her head.     

His fragrance shifted her concentration from the abdomen to his muscular arms, traveling the way to his collar, ending at Adam's apple.     

This particular organ always fascinates her. In her first dissection in med school, she targeted this only!     

She gulped.     

"Sweetheart, you gulped." He placed a kiss at her cheekbone and nudged her there. "Still in denial?"     

"AHHHHHH! Ok fine! I was staring at you. So what? I can stare, touch, and do whatever I want. It's my birthright and no one can stop me from doing it." She shut her eyes and blurted out. Her red lips puckered outwards, waiting for his intoxicating kisses that turn her world upside-down.     

And she wants one right now!     


A minute passed….     

Two minutes passed….     

Three minutes passed….     

But the kiss???? NEVER CAME!     

Suyin peeked and was dumbfounded to see….     


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