Mark of the destiny

Take care of Honey.

Take care of Honey.

"Wow! I will beat you." Suyin brought her fists up. She was stunned silly by Wang Shi's sudden confession. Shocking really! Her mind reeled two minutes back, comprehending if she really heard it? A few minutes before she was talking about the break-up, but the weird man confessed her instead!      

Subconsciously, her defensive stance kicked in, taking his words to be a joke. If he really was playing with her, she would eat roasted Wang Shi for lunch.      

"ZHAO SUYIN.... Out of all the words I expected to hear from you, you said this!? Like seriously!?" he seethed.      

She opened her mouth to say something, but he pinched her lips. "No more nonsense. You are spoiling the mood. Let me finish this."     

He pushed wet strands of hair sticking to her neck, "I have never seen a woman before who could put every other woman to shame. For this confidence in your soul, sarcasm on your tongue, warmth in heart, and love in eyes, it is my heart I lose to you."     

Suyin's heart raced as he continued.     

"With just a few days with you, I imagined our family of three. It's beautiful! But lately, that imagination turned into a family of four. I don't mind if you want more, but keeping your health in mind I would suggest just one cute little addition." Her lips pursed into a thin line, and he stroked her red cheeks with a thumb. "I know you won't be the stepmother to Honey but her real mother. I can bet my life over it. You will be my sole wife, my family's happiness, and the mother of my kids with whom I'll travel the world. My Suyin!"     

"Every night I will kiss my kids before saying goodnight. But to you....." a mischievous smile made her blush. Thankfully, he didn't finish the sentence.     

He pulled her closer and nudged their nose, "Now tell me when I've already planned to spend the remaining sixty-three years of my life with you, how can I let you break up? With whom I will grow old? And you too silly! You won't find someone like me. I'm the best! Hundred times better than your Hottie bum! If not, you can bring him to compete with me."     

She blinked. Wanted to say something, but WHAT????     

Making her sit on the bed, he pushed to his feet and returned with a file in hand. Suyin opened the file, was shocked to see Zhao Feiyan, Gilbert, Xeumo, Qi Wren, and Huo Chouming's details of the time when her baby died. It was detailed! Like, really! He had even planned this!?     

"Wang Shi, this...."     

"We are solving this together because if I let you go, I wouldn't be at peace. What if you change your mind and go with your Hottie bum!? And I've no idea how Honey would react not seeing you around. He's your responsibility, you better take care of it." he would help her with everything she wants, but won't let her leave his side. There's still a sliver of hope that he would be able to talk to her when the truth comes out, but the same would be impossible if she's not by her side.      

Her silence was expected, but it hurts him. It was wishful for him to hear those three magical words from her. Cheesy! Yet he wanted to hear that.      


If not sooner than maybe later.     

He'd wait for it.     

Slowly he moved closer to pick her up. "Ah, you--"     

"It's okay. There's no hurry to give me a reply. I will wait. But don't bring the topic of break up again. Otherwise..... otherwise, I will spank you." he said in such seriousness as if he'd really do it. He would. Definitely.     

"As if you'll be spared."     

"Yup. Don't spare me. My 'hot' bum is all yours to spank." he leaned closer, giving her the illusion he's about to kiss for which she puckered her lips out but whispered, "But, do it in private. Okay? Btw, were you expecting a kiss? Here it is...."     

Before she could dodge, he stole a kiss receiving a slap on the arm.     

"Annoying. Stubborn. Cheesy. And... and and...."     

"Hot. Handsome. Romantic?"     

"My ass!" she looked as he placed her on the sink top and went to fill the bathtub. Her eyes followed his actions. "Wang Shi, you really want to solve everything together." skeptical she was.     

"Do you want it in writing? With a stamp and signed by the president of the country?"     

"No. But--"     

Their conversation was cut short by a phone call.     

Wang Shi, "Jianyu, it better be important..... WHAT? But everything was fine! How did.... I'm coming."     

Suyin heard the panic in his voice. "What happened?"     

He reached to caress her under her cheek, "I have got an emergency patient to see. Take a bath. Everything you need is in the closet."      

"H-Honey.... it's honey.... my baby." as he turned to leave he heard her mumble, and tug his sleeves. "It's my fairy!" her other hand went to console her heart as if they had this connection and she could feel it. Don't know how, it's strange to her, but she could always feel a connection with Honey.      

Wang Shi rubbed her shoulder. "It's nothing but a fever. Don't worry, within a day he would be back to bickering with you."     

"NO!" She shook her head, feeling remorseful. "It's because of me. I should have paid attention when he followed me in the rain. Already he's underweight and weak. Stupid, idiot, selfish am I...."     

Wang Shi caught her when she tried to sprint outside. "Let go. I have to see him. My fairy needs me."      

Ignoring her clawing at his arms, he stabilized her by holding her tight and scolded. "Look at yourself. You are drenched. How will you take care of him if you cannot take care of yourself?"     

She stood still and pushed him on the chest. "Take care of Honey. GO! I'm coming in five minutes." having said, she started to unbutton her hospital shirt, ignoring the fact he was standing in the bathroom.      

Wang Shi turned immediately and only saw her tossing the clothes on the floor and turned on the cold shower instead of the hot water bath he had prepared. He was not shocked by her reaction but was surprised how easily she caught his lie. Don't know how will she react upon seeing Honey.      

But there's another problem waiting for him downstairs.     

His parents!     

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