Mark of the destiny

Kill us all

Kill us all

"Who are you, people? Why have you brought me here? Someone answer me....."      




It's been a few hours, but the clangor of heavy metal chains had been non-stop. The man bound to them struggled, pulled the chains, and hit them on the floor with his all might to break free himself. All he heard in response was this sound, helplessly coaxing his heart by it.      

Last night a mysterious man stopped his car near him and asked for an address. He was barely assisting him with the direction with a good intention when something sharp pierced his neck and he lost his consciousness.     

Upon regaining his consciousness, he found himself at this place that had an awful stench of disinfectants. A few hours ago a scary man with fuzzy hair came and asked him weird questions about murdering a child five years back.     


He had never killed a rat, how can he murder a child!?     

He cried, "You got the wrong person. I'm just a poor man living his life on a daily wage. You won't get anything from me.... please let me go.... I have got a family of eight to feed. My wife is pregnant. Please, I beg you."     

Tired, he fell on the floor and curled himself.     

He should have listened to the elders and not left the village in search of work. For better-earning opportunities. Wish he had stayed and helped his father on the farmlands.      

Will he ever able to see his family? His unborn child? His wife?      

The glass wall facing him was the two-sided mirror. The more the man saw his helpless state, the more he was giving up. That's the scariest thing- seeing yourself in a mirror while someone tortures you.      

On the other side, a woman's hawk-like gaze was locked on him steadily. Time just passed by but she couldn't bring herself to press any button of the control panel ahead of her. Each button depicting the start of a new type of torture. Many times she brought her trembling hand over the red buttons only to bring it back.     

She was literally holding the life of the man in her hands. The decision was hers.     

She could either satisfy her soul by torturing the man responsible for taking her baby at the doors of death. Or just let him go on humanitarian grounds, considering he was hypnotised when he did all that.     

Yes, he was none other than the same man who turned off the oxygen.      

Everything started because of him.     

But was he really responsible?     

How could he be?      

Last night she had already forgiven her brother because he did everything unknowingly. Then why can't she forgive him? Weren't they both the same?     

"I know whoever you are, you are listening to me." she heard him say, "In my pocket you will find a picture of my wife and two little boys. Her delivery is due next month, we are praying for a daughter this time. If you kill me, debtors will eat my family alive. They will sell my wife and kids. I have a request..... please kill us all. Please..."     


Dr. Colton and Lu Xion rushed to the control room when Suyin wobbled on her foot and fell unconscious on the floor.     


"Drink this,"     

"I'm fine,"     

"DRINK THIS,"     

Suyin pursed her lips, accepting the glass of sugar and saltwater. She raised her eyes only to lower it down when it met with Dr. Colton's stern gaze while he checked her blood pressure. Sitting on the luxurious couch, Xion unfolded his legs and stood up. "If you can't do it, I can ask my men. They'd--"     

"No need. Let him go," She wants her revenge, but she's not blind to not differentiate between right or wrong. He's just an illegal migrant, working as a construction worker to earn his living. Though he did everything, the hand that made him do the task was of someone else's.      

"You skipped breakfast?" Colton interrupted, itching to hit her. Nothing new, he had done it before while teaching her. But he loves the pride of his student, and won't do it in front of others. He looked over his shoulder and commanded a man, "Get a glass of juice and something fibrous to eat. Can't believe Wang Shi let you come here empty stomach. Doesn't he know you have a low blood pressure problem, and can't skip a meal? I'll--"     

"He gave me the lunch box before coming here. It's in the car." Suyin said, and Colton immediately sent someone to fetch the lunch box. She could tell his expression didn't change a bit even after knowing about it.     

She swiftly returned to the topic, "Um... that man was saying something about debts. Can you please help me pay it and see if he could get a better job?"      

She reached for her handbag to get a checkbook, but Xion stopped him. "You are brother Shishi's would be wife--"     

(James brought home a puppy to fill his lonely life when Suyin moved out from his house. Though he regretted it later, any idea what breed it was?)     

"She's just his girlfriend. Don't make her his wife. Life is unpredictable." Colton snapped. Xion's eyes flickered, realizing Colton was particularly hostile towards him since morning. Though he's always hot-headed and speaks his mind without worrying about the consequences like others, he was exceptionally rude today.     

Xion let go of Colton's words, bringing back his attention to Suyin, "You are not only letting him go but helping him? Knowingly, unknowingly, he's the murderer."     

"I don't want to talk about it. Just let him go."     

"Sir," A man came into the room holding a white paper with something drawn over it and gave it to Dr. Colton. Last night Colton hypnotized the man again and took him to the exact time when everything happened. The trick was to find the information about the person who hypnotized him and get a picture.     

For which a sketch artist was made to sit overnight, and draw the sketch while the other man describes it in his hypnotized state.     

It was just a throw in the dark, as hypnotism can be done by many methods, for say, a phone call. But guess what.... they hit the bullseye. Maybe the hypnotist was overconfident that nobody can find him.     

"Oh, so this is...."     

"What is this?"     

Suyin craned her neck, but Colton hides the sketch. The lunch box was finally here. "Eat this first," she started swallowing it without a second thought, "Easy. The sketch is not running away. I'll tell you everything." She finished the meal in record time, and without a delay snatched the paper from Colton's hand.      

Her grey orbs squinted, locking the person drawn on the paper. One look and she had already announced the verdict inside her heart. 'DEATH'     

Burning with rage, slowly her fingers curled around the paper as if it could strangle the woman drawn over it. Naah! It won't be a simple death. Colton noticed her expression and came to stand beside her, "You know her." this was not the question but a statement. Since the sketch completed just now, he didn't get the opportunity to search for the woman drawn on it.     

"Tang Sui, my ex's current mother-in-law." she hissed under her breath. "Soon to be, late mother-in-law." Suyin doesn't even have to guess the motive. It was all done to eliminate the child that could have had become a potential threat to Hui Chouming's future. Also, just like her grandparents, Tang Sui had always blamed Suyin's parents to be responsible for killing the love of her life.     

She picked her purse and turned away, "Thanks, Shifu. Got a work to do." she strode out as fast as possible.     

"Suyin don't do anything on impulse--"      

before he could say another word, she was gone already.     

Suyin's mood was dark. As she settled herself in the car, she took several deep breaths to calm herself down first. Emptying all the contents of her purse, she looked for a sugar candy to gnash it under the teeth before she ends up breaking a tooth or two. Thankfully, she found some. It was needed to distract herself. A trick she learned during therapy.     

She picked her phone from the scattered things, "Daiyu, find me Tang Sui's location. NOW. I'm holding," Daiyu was instructed to follow all her orders. It took him less than two minutes, "An hour before she checked into Madam Robin's salon. She has booked a hair spa session there."     



With a loud bang, the door was pushed roughly and Colton walked into Xion's room without even knocking.      

He looked at Xion's secretary Wu Zixin and yelled, "OUT," earning a raised brow in response.     

"And who do you think you are?" Wu Zixin snapped, "Jus--" he swallowed the remaining words when Xion flicked his finger. He picked the files and left the room respectfully. While leaving his gaze glaring daggers at the old man dared to be disrespectful for the boss.     

"You are angry since morning," Xion said.     

"How can I not when the king of the underworld is using all his powers to help his friend hide his dirty underwear?"      


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